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Jakarta, 29 Mei 2023

The Embassy of
Visa Section

The undersigned herewith (data yang membiayai)

Name :
Relation :
Passport No. :

Guarantee and stated that, (data yang di biayai )

Name :
Relation :
Passport No :

is true that she/he is my …, and she/he will be traveling to Europe for holiday with
me on Sept 30th – Oct 10th 2023 . (tanggal keberangkatan dan pulang)

All the expenses during her vacation will be borne by me. I fully guarantee that she
will not seek any employment or permanent stay in your country and will return to
as soon as our trip is over.
Please kindly grant his tourist visa.
Thank you for your kind assistance and cooperation.

Your Sincerely,

Nama yang membiayai

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