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Heavenly Father, we gather today to open our hearts and

minds to Your word. As we delve into the passage from John
3:14-21, guide us with Your Holy Spirit. Open our ears to
hear the truth, and soften our hearts to receive Your message
of love and salvation. May the words spoken here today ignite
a spark of faith within us, and may we leave this place
renewed in our understanding of Your immense love for the
world. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
The title of the sermon is The Light of the World: John
3:14-21. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, today, we turn to a
passage in John's Gospel that speaks of love, salvation, and
the very essence of faith. John 3:14-21 illuminates the path
to eternal life, reminding us of God's immense love for
Jesus refers to the story of Moses lifting up a bronze serpent
in the wilderness to save the Israelites from deadly snakebites
(Numbers 21:4-9). Just as those who looked upon the
serpent were saved, so too must the "Son of Man be lifted
up," referring to Jesus' own sacrifice on the cross.
Jesus seems to be dispensing an “anti-venom,” the cure for
the bite of a snake or serpent. Jesus’ sacrificial grace
relieves our hearts from sin by means of his healing
power. Halleluyah

1. God's Unconditional Love (John 3:16):

Today’s Gospel lesson includes the verse that many of us
memorized as children and young people, John 3:16, perhaps

the most quoted verse in the Bible, it expresses the depth of

God's love for us.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and
only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish
but have eternal life."
God's love is not limited by our flaws or mistakes; it is a
selfless and sacrificial love that extends to all of humanity.
Jesus’ sacrifice is not for punishment, but for salvation. God's
love is boundless, unconditional. He offers eternal life, not as
a reward for our good deeds, but through faith in his Son
Jesus Christ.
“God loves us. And this is how he loves us: He gave his Son
to die, so that if we would believe, our sins would be forgiven,
and we would have eternal life.” Let us learn to love God
and our neighbours as much as we love ourselves.

2. The Purpose of Christ's Coming (John 3:17):

Jesus did not come into the world to condemn it but to
save it. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus offers us
forgiveness, redemption, and a restored relationship with
John makes it clear that God desires a world saved, not
condemned (v. 17). The choice is before us: to believe and
be saved, or to reject God's gift and face condemnation. This
verse does not preach fear, but rather emphasizes the
importance of accepting the light of Christ.
Why are we all perishing if we don't trust in Christ?

The simplest way to answer this is to quote the apostle Paul

in Romans 3:23, "All have sinned and fall short of the
glory of God." And Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is
death," that is, perishing. We have all sinned. And sin
deserves perishing. By believing in Jesus' sacrifice on the
cross and accepting his forgiveness, we believe we are
reconciled with God and receive eternal life.
John Newton, who was born in 1725, became a sea captain
and slave trader and generally perverse rebel against God,
was brought to faith in Christ through a series of fearful
dangers that shocked him into spiritual seriousness, and
made him take heaven and hell seriously. He almost
Newton came to see these experiences as God's way of
getting his attention and teaching him to fear so that he would
look for relief in the only place it can be found: Christ.
So he finally wrote the great hymn: The Amazing Grace.
T'was grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my
fears relieved, How precious did that grace appear, The
hour I first believed.
It is helpful to warn people about what is at stake in life. Let us
pray that our experience may be the same as John Newton's.
There is no reason to delay.

3. The Response of Faith (John 3:18):

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever
does not believe stands condemned already because

they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only
Son. (verse 18)
The passage emphasizes the importance of belief in Jesus for
salvation. Those who believe in Him are not condemned,
while those who reject Him remain in a state of spiritual
separation from God. They will perish and die in their sins.
Please take note, believing is an ongoing condition of the
heart and mind, not a one-time act.
The tense of the verbs all through John's gospel makes this
plain. " . . . that whoever believes on him might not perish."
The present tense of the word “believes” in Greek is an
ongoing, continuous action, the continuousness of
believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that
believing [present tense: ongoing believing] you may have life
in His name.
Believing is a vital link with the rescuing love of God when
that believing is the ongoing condition of the heart. It is very
dangerous and unwise to orient on a past decision when
pondering if you are a Christian. The issue is: Are you
believing in Jesus Christ the Son of God? Is this the
ongoing condition of your heart?

4. The Choice of Light and Darkness (John 3:19-21):

The world is divided between those who embrace the light of
Christ and those who prefer the darkness of sin.
John uses the metaphor of light and darkness throughout the
passage. Verse 19 states, "This is the judgment: Light
has come into the world, but people loved darkness

instead of light because their deeds were evil." Those

who choose darkness cling to their wrongdoings, fearing the
light that will expose them. But for those who "live by the
truth," who embrace God's message, the light brings no
shame, only the chance to walk in righteousness (v. 21).
Brothers and Sisters, we are all presented with this choice.
Do we turn from the light, or do we embrace it? Jesus is
the light of the world (John 8:12). By accepting him, we
accept God's love and the promise of eternal life. Let us
share this light with others, through our words and actions, so
that all may turn from darkness and find salvation in Christ.
There is but one way that will lead us into the presence of
God, that is Christ. “I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.” “So let
us walk” in that way. (Jn. 14:6) Be very sure, be 100% sure,
that we have believed in Jesus.
Let me give an illustration: Lessening Load
A man, carrying a bag of potatoes on his back, was asked by
a skeptic: “How do you know you are saved?”
The man took a few steps and then dropped the bag. Then he
“How do I know I have dropped the bag? I have not looked
“No,” replied the man. “You can tell by the lessening of the
“Yes,” went on the man, “that is how I know I am saved. I
have lost the guilty feeling of sin and sorrow and have
found peace and satisfaction in my Lord and Saviour.”

We are saved because we know God loves us, saves us, and
He gives us faith in Jesus Christ that leads us to eternal life.
The bible says, The one who endures to the end will be
saved. Let us believe and endure to the end. Let us go forth
and convey this message of love and hope.
In conclusion, the message of John 3:14-21 resonates with
the timeless truth of God's unwavering love and the salvation
offered through faith in Jesus Christ. As we reflect on these
verses, let us strive to live in the light of His love, sharing the
good news of salvation with others and allowing our lives to
be a testament to the transformative power of God's grace.
May we embrace the cross, lifting our eyes to the Savior
who brings healing, redemption, and eternal life. Amen.
Only trust Him now; He will save you now. Jesus' sacrifice on
the cross cleanses humanity's sins and offers eternal life with
God. Salvation is available in this life, not just after death.
Let us pray: Gracious God, we thank You for the gift of Your
Word and the message of hope it brings. We are filled with
gratitude for Your boundless love, expressed through the
sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
May the message of John 3:14-21 continue to resonate within
us. Grant us the courage to believe, the strength to walk in
Your light, and the wisdom to share Your love with the world.
Empower us to be faithful disciples, spreading the good
news and reflecting Your grace in all that we do. In Jesus'
holy name, Amen.

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