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Heavenly Abba Father, as we gather in your presence today,

let us be transformed by the radiant glory of Christ's
revelation. May our lives shine forth as reflections of your
love and compassion, spreading hope and joy to all corners of
the earth. In Jesus' name, we pray.

The title of my message is “The Worthy One: Unveiling

the Lamb of God”
In the season of Epiphany, as we celebrate the revelation of
Jesus Christ to the world, we turn to the book of Revelation, a
book filled with symbolism and mystery.
While Revelation 5:1-10 is not traditionally a passage
associated with the season of Epiphany, it can still provide
rich material for reflection and application. The passage
describes a scene in heaven where a scroll sealed with
seven seals is presented, and only the Lamb of God, Jesus
Christ, is found worthy to open it.
Revelation 5:1-10 highlights the unwavering hope that
Christians find in Jesus Christ. Despite the challenges and
uncertainties of life, the Lamb's victory over death ensures
that God's plan for restoration will ultimately prevail. This
passage serves as a reminder that even in the face of
seemingly insurmountable obstacles, God's love and power
are always at work, guiding humanity towards a glorious
Right at this moment, we who read and study the Book
of Revelation are at the theological center of the book. This
little Lamb has the scroll! Not the devil, not the emperor, not

Mohammad, not Buddha, not Confucius, not even a scheme of

history—none of these make sense of the scroll of Creation. It
is Jesus Christ who holds history in His hand and,
therefore, whatever fears John or his readers have in their
hearts about life or death must be radically refocused. The one
to fear is the Lamb, as John the Baptist had rightly announced.
Paul’s song in Romans 8 has made the same discovery, “Who
is to judge (that is, who has the right to say the last word)?
Is it Jesus Christ?” Paul answers this question, “Yes, it is
Christ who says the last word, and it is this Jesus Christ who
has died for us and now lives to be our advocate” (Rom. 8:31–

In the light of this vision of Revelation Chapter 5, history is

not giving the worrying impression that something bad is
going to happen and frightful as it seemed before.
Whatever may come, we have met the One who gives it
meaning and hope. And we must not forget the Lamb has won
in the battle against death. We grow old but “God is younger
than we are.”
Let us ask ourselves one question. “What is the meaning of
my life, my name, my past, my present, my future?” and
“Why do I want to live? Where am I going?”

As we continue the season of Epiphany, let us reflect on the

revelation of the Lamb of God. May His sacrifice inspire us to
love, His victory empower us to serve, and His glory fill us
with awe and praise. In the Lamb, we find the fulfillment of

God's plan, the hope of eternal life, and the source of our
redemption and salvation.

1. The Lamb Reveals God's Love: The Lamb, the symbol of

Christ's sacrificial love, unveils the depth of God's affection
for humanity. His willingness to suffer and die for our
salvation is the ultimate expression of God's love.
2. The Lamb Unlocks Our Destiny: The Lamb's triumph
over death and sin opens the way for us to share in God's
eternal plan. His sacrifice makes us worthy to participate in
the unfolding of His divine purposes.
3. The Lamb Inspires Worship: The Lamb's glory and
worthiness inspire us to worship God with humility and
adoration. He is the true King, the one who deserves our
deepest reverence and praise.

For our reflection this morning.

the church faces is the temptation to emphasize the
individual experience over worship of God. It is easy to put
so much emphasis on the setting or the technology that we
forget the reason we have gathered. Music, technology, and
even the building are merely tools to aid us in worship; we
need to be sure the methods do not distract from worship.
Worshiping the One to whom all glory, honor, and praise is
due must always be our purpose. However from our
perspective, worship is deeply experiential and subjective, so

we have different tastes and preferences as we worship. What

sights, sounds, and smells help you focus on God?

By way of applications:
1. The Sovereignty of Christ: Only Jesus is found worthy to
open the scroll highlights His unique position as the ruler of
all creation. This can Encourage us to surrender to His
lordship and trust in His ultimate authority over every
aspect of our lives.
2. Redemptive Work of Christ: Through His sacrifice,
believers find forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life.
Encourage us to reflect on the profound impact of Christ's
sacrifice in our daily lives.
3. Hope in Times of Uncertainty: In a world filled with
uncertainty, we can find hope and reassurance in the
knowledge that God is in control of the future. Encourage
everyone of us to trust in God's providence even when
faced with challenges and uncertainties.
4. Worship and Adoration: The scene in Revelation 5 filled
with worship and adoration for the Lamb. Emphasizing the
importance of heartfelt worship in the life of a believer.
Encourage all of us to approach worship not as a mere
ritual but as a genuine expression of love, reverence, and
awe for the Lord.
5. Missional Living: The passage mentions that the Lamb
has made people from every tribe and nation a kingdom and
priests. God call us to live missionally, sharing the Gospel
with people from all walks of life. Challenge us to actively

engage in spreading the message of salvation to the ends of

the earth.
6. Unity in Diversity: Highlight the diversity mentioned in
the passage—people from every tribe and nation. Encourage
a spirit of unity among believers, transcending cultural,
racial, and social differences. In Christ, we are one body,
and unity should be a hallmark of the Christian community.

As conclusion:
Today, we learn that the mighty Lion who is the little
Lamb; that Lamb, despised and rejected, broken at Mt.
Calvary, now alive and rightly honored. God is so sure of
Himself that He came in humility; He came alongside our
lives to find us. “Proud man would have died had not a
lowly God found him,” as St. Augustine put it. How right
and good it is that we now praise this Lamb. May Jesus Christ
be praised and worshipped every moment in our lives.
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, we stand in awe before your
magnificent throne, where the Lamb of God stands as the
rightful victor. We praise your holiness and majesty, for you
are the source of all life, the giver of all grace, and the ruler of
all creation.
Thank you for revealing the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, as the
one who conquered sin and death and opened the way to
eternal life. We rejoice in his sacrifice, which redeemed us
from our brokenness and restored our relationship with you.
We are humbled to be counted among the redeemed, the ones
who have been called to be kings and priests of your kingdom.

Empower us to live as your faithful servants, bringing your

light and love to a world in need.
We pray for your continued guidance and protection. May
your spirit dwell within us, leading us to act with compassion,
justice, and wisdom.
We await the day when we will join the heavenly choir in
singing a new song of praise, honoring the Lamb of God and
celebrating his eternal reign. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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