2005 SPE 93558 Zougari Et Al

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SPE 93558

Live Oils Novel Organic Solid Deposition and Control Device: Wax Deposition
M. Zougari* and A. Hammami, Schlumberger, and G. Broze and N. Fuex, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

solids. Depending on the design and operation of the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 14th SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and production system, some or all of the solid phase boundaries
Conference held in Bahrain International Exhibition Centre, Bahrain, 12–15 March 2005.
may be crossed as the fluid moves from the reservoir through
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
the flow line to arrival conditions at the host facility.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Precipitation and, more importantly, deposition of these solids
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at can have detrimental effects on the profitability of production
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
systems, especially in offshore operations. It is imperative that
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is the potential for and severity of organic solids deposition
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous problems be assessed early in the design process. If deposition
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
is likely, provisions for control and remediation must be
incorporated into both the system design and operating
strategy at an early stage. The risk and cost of these measures
Abstract can influence the decision to proceed with the development of
a prospect. Therefore, this decision must be based on sound
A novel laboratory-scale flow assurance tool termed laboratory data obtained from representative samples.
“Organic Solids Deposition and Control (OSDC)” device has
been developed to assess the potential and severity of organic Recognizing the limitations of existing deposition
solids deposition problems from hydrocarbon fluids at realistic techniques2-17, we undertook the design and development of a
production and/or transportation conditions. Based on novel lab-scale apparatus capable of mimicking the deposition
optimized Taylor-Couette flow in concentric cylinder process of wax and/or asphaltene from live reservoir fluids
geometry, the OSDC mimics production conditions of under realistic production and transportation conditions. While
temperature, pressure, composition, turbulence, shear, surface developing a fundamental understanding of the deposition
type and roughness. These key parameters can be accurately process was deemed important, major emphasis was placed
and independently controlled, allowing the deposition tests to upon designing and testing of an experimental set-up that
be conducted over a wide range of conditions. Uniquely, this could meet the following key design criteria:
new device can simulate production system thermal-hydraulic 1. Requires only small sample quantities of expensive
conditions and produce fully developed turbulent flow for the bottom hole fluids.
live fluids and stock tank oils investigated. Heat transfer and 2. Accurate temperature control: to ensure testing under
fluid dynamics in the device were characterized through well-defined thermal conditions.
careful and detailed experimentation. Deposition tests 3. High-pressure adaptability: to allow testing of fluids
performed on small volumes of live waxy crude oils resulted at reservoir conditions (up to 105 MPa).
in the generation of reproducible wax deposits under 4. Wide temperature range (-4ºC to 150ºC): to allow
consistent test conditions. The wax deposition rates were simulation of seabed to reservoir temperatures.
comparable to those from pilot-scale flow loops that utilized 5. Controlled shear at the wall: to enables scalability of
larger volume of fluid. deposition results.
6. Well-defined hydrodynamics: to allow testing under
Introduction flow conditions ranging from laminar to fully
turbulent regimes.
Organic solids (waxes, asphaltenes, hydrates and/or 7. Accuracy/precision of detection technique: to ensure
diamondoids) are encountered in all facets of petroleum generation of reproducible and reliable data.
production and transportation. Figure 1 shows a phase 8. Ability and flexibility to test surface types and
diagram for typical Gulf of Mexico deepwater black oils1. roughness: to allow testing of actual pipeline
Phase boundaries for wax, asphaltene and hydrates are shown materials as well as assessment of new surface
along with the liquid-vapor phase envelope of the oil. materials and coatings.
Changes in pressure, temperature and/or composition 9. Ability to test sour fluids: to allow testing of wide
often induce precipitation and potentially deposition of these variety of reservoir fluids
2 SPE 93558

Design of Organic Solids Deposition and Control the rinsed deposit (post-rinse stage) were then taken to
System illustrate the distinctiveness of each stage.
One of the remarkable features that can be observed
from these photographs is the uniformity of the deposit
The OSDC was designed and developed to study the thickness. This indicates the uniformity of hydrodynamics
fundamentals of physical and chemical processes governing within the cell, which implies that deposition at any location
wax and asphaltene deposition from petroleum fluids. One of on the inner surface of the outer cylinder occurs under very
the main objectives in designing the OSDC cell was to similar conditions. That is, there is negligible variation in
generate experimental measurements of key parameters of deposit characteristics over the entire deposition surface. This
engineering significance. These include deposit quantification, allows the averaging of the relevant analyses of the total
deposit composition, and deposition kinetics as a function of deposit, such as composition, without introducing any
temperature, pressure, shear, surface roughness and surface significant error.
The OSDC device is based on flow between rotating The results of the analyses of the deposits are
concentric cylinders, also known as the Taylor-Couette presented in Tables 4 and 5. It can be seen from Table 4 that
system. A schematic diagram of the OSDC cell is shown in the deposits from Gulf of Mexico stock tank oil (STO) as well
Figure 2. As can be seen from the figure, the OSDC cell as corresponding live oil have very high wax content. Such
comprises a central rotating cylinder and an outer stationary high wax contents (or low oil content) are usually referred to
cylinder with the process fluid occupying the annular space. as hard deposits. For the Thai oil, opposite trend was observed
This cell design implies that a maximum fluid velocity exists and the reason for this disparity was not clear at this time but
adjacent to the inner cylinder and zero velocity adjacent to the is under investigation. Regardless, all four deposits are low in
stationary outer cylinder. The velocity profile thus obtained is oil contents unlike deposits obtained from cold finger type
similar to that obtained in a pipe flow. The inner surface of bench-scale systems.18
the outer cylinder serves as the deposition surface. For wax
deposition experiments, discussed in this paper the outer One of the parameters that is important for
cylinder surface is maintained at temperatures lower than the engineering purposes is the rate of deposition. Such rates
bulk fluid and the wax appearance temperatures. Table 1 allow prediction of how much deposit would form over a
summarizes the performance conditions of the OSDC. given period of time. This information is then utilized to plan
the pigging frequency to avoid impairment or blockage of the
Case Studies flow-line. Table 5 provides the specific deposition rates
expressed in the units of mass of wax in the deposit per unit
Wax Deposition Tests area per unit time per temperature differential. The
Here, we present selected sets of experimental data temperature differential here is the difference in deposition
for wax deposition from both stock-tank and live-oil samples surface temperature and the wax appearance temperature of
of two petroleum fluids of significantly different origins. the test oil. This temperature differential is the actual driving
Relevant properties of the two oils are provided in Table 2. force for the precipitation of wax. The specific deposition
Four sets of experimental data will be discussed. A summary rates for STO and live Thai oils are similar but those for the
of test conditions is provided in Table 3. Gulf of Mexico oil sample differ by over 20 percent. More
Results and Discussion. As summarized in Table 3, extensive analyses of these experimental data are underway.
two sets of experimental data – one corresponding to stock-
tank oil (atmospheric pressure) and other to live oil (13.8 Conclusions
MPa) – for each of the two oils were collected. Figure 3
presents the photographs showing the deposit formed on the A novel device called the Organic Solid Deposition and
inside surface of the outer cylinder from the Gulf of Mexico Control (OSDC) cell has been designed, developed and
oil sample. The difference between the pre-rinse and post- successfully tested for the study of organic solids deposition
rinse deposit characteristics can be observed clearly from the from petroleum fluids. The cell is based on the Couette-Taylor
stark variation in the color of the deposits. The post-rinse or concentric cylinder geometry. A detailed characterization of
deposit is white (like candle wax) with a tint of yellow the OSDC cell was completed and flow visualization
indicative of slight oil entrapment in the n-paraffin rich experiments showed that fully turbulent flow regime could be
material. We classify this material as the true deposit. The pre- obtained. The detailed characterization of OSDC behavior
rinse deposit has a darker color due to a layer of oil adhering reinforced that the data generated from the OSDC cell could
the actual deposit surface. Similar photographs showing the be readily scaled to pipeline conditions with respect to
pre-rinse and post-rinse deposits obtained from Thai oil relevant parameters such as wall shear stress and heat transfer
sample are shown in Figure 4. rate by conducting experiments under representative operating
At the end of each test, the fluids were displaced conditions of high pressure and turbulent flow. The desired
from the OSDC, and opened to reveal the deposit. functionality of the OSDC cell was successfully demonstrated
Photographs of the deposit were taken as (pre-rinse stage). by conducting wax deposition tests on stock tank oil as well as
The deposit was then washed with proper solvent to remove live oil samples. The key features of the wax deposit obtained
the excess oil coating the whole deposit. New photographs of include uniform profiles and low oil content of the deposit.
SPE 93558 3

Acknowledgments 13. Mehrotra, A.K., "Comments on: Wax Deposition of

Bombay-High Crude under Flowing Conditions", Fuel,
The authors wish to thank Shell International E&P, 69, 1575-1576 (December 1990).
ChevronTexaco, DBR Group of Companies (now Oilphase- 14. Majeed, A., Bringedal, B., and Overa S., "Model
DBR, a division of Schlumberger Canada) for funding this Calculates Wax Deposition for N. Sea Oils", Oil & Gas
project and for their permission to publish the results. The Journal, 63-69 (Jun18, 1990).
authors would also like to acknowledge the contributions of 15. Hamouda, A.A., and Viken, B.K., "Wax Deposition
Nick Fuex, Peter Cornelisse, Vladimir Liakhovitch, and Alan Mechanism Under High-Pressure and in Presence of
Leitko of Shell Global Solutions, Jeff Creek, Nancy Burke & Light Hydrocarbons", SPE Paper 25189 (1993)
Mietek Boduszynski of ChevronTexaco, Abdel Kharrat and 16. Hsu, J.J.C. and Santamaria, M.M. "Wax Deposition of
Larry Holloway of Alberta Research Council, and Terry Waxy Live Crudes Under Turbulent Flow Conditions",
Sopkow; Ryan Jacobsen, Rob Lundstrom, Kent Knight, Rob SPE Paper 28480 (1994).
Fisher, Craig Borman, and Moin Muhammad of Oilphase – 17. Brown, T.S., Niesen, V.G. and Erickson, D.D.
DBR, Schlumberger. "Measurement and Prediction of the Kinetics of Paraffin
Deposition", SPE Paper 26548 (1994).
18. Zougari, M.; Jacobs, S.; Ratulowski, J.; Hammami, A.;
Broze, G.; Flannery, M.; Stankiewicz, A. and Karan. K.
1. Ratulowski, J.; Amin, A.; Hammami, A.; Muhammad, M. “Organic Solids Deposition from Lve Oils: A Novel
and Riding, M. "Flow Assurance and Sub-sea Measurement Technique”. ASTAPHYS-MEX-2003,
Productivity: Closing the Loop with Connectivity and Petroleomics Symposium, Peurto Vallarta, August 25-29,
Measurements". SPE 90244. Presented at the 2004 SPE 2003.
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in Houston,
Texas, 26-29 September (2004).
2. Jessen, P.W. and Howell, J.N. "Effect of Flow Rate on
Paraffin Accumulation in Plastic, Steel and Coated Pipe",
Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Vol. 213, pages (1958).
3. Cole, R.J. and Jessen, P.W. "Paraffin Deposition", The
Oil and Gas Journal, Vol. 58, No. 38, 87-91 (1960).
4. Hunt Jr., E. B., "Laboratory Study of Paraffin
Deposition", Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1259-
1269, (November 1962).
5. Jorda, "Paraffin Deposition and Prevention in Oil Wells",
Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1605-1612, (December
6. Patton, C.C. and Casad, B. M. "Paraffin Deposition from
Refined Wax-Solvent Systems", Society of Petroleum
Engineers Journal, 17-24 (March 1970).
7. Bott, T.R. and Gudmundsson, J.S. "Deposition of
Paraffin Wax from Kerosene in Cooled Heat Exchanger
Tubes", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,
55, 381-385 (1977).
8. Burger, E.D., Perkins, T.K., and Striegler, J.H. "Studies of
Wax Deposition in the Trans Alaska Pipeline", Journal of
Petroleum Technology, 1075-1086, (June 1981).
9. Newberry, M.E. "Chemical Effects on Crude Oil Pipeline
Pressure Problems", Journal of Petroleum Technology,
779-786, (May 1984).
10. Weingarten, J.S. and Euchner, J.A. "Methods for
Predicting Wax Precipitation and Deposition", SPE
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11. Hartley, R. and bin Jadid, M. "Use of Laboratory and
Field Testing to Identify Potential Production Problems in
the Troll Field", SPE Production Engineering, 34-40
(February 1989).
12. Agrawal, K.M., Khan, H.U., Surianarayanan, M. and
Joshi, G.C. "Wax Deposition of Bombay-High Crude
under Flowing Conditions", Fuel, 69, 794-796 (June
4 SPE 93558

Table 1. OSDC System Parameters and Characteristics

Table 5. Analyses of Wax Deposition Rate

Parameter Value
Oil Sample T Deposition Deposit Wax Specific
Sample Volume ~130cc
Time Area Deposit Deposition
Heat transfer and Deposition 125cm2 ( C) (hr) (cm2) (mg) Rate
Area o
Secondary Flow Rate Up to 50 l/min Gulf of STO 2.6 3.0 128.4 137.8 0.138
Mexico Live 3.3 3.0 128.4 221.1 0.174
Secondary Valves Rating 1000,000 step
Temperature Rating -20°C to 200°C STO 4.8 3.0 128.4 571.8 0.309
Thailand Live 5.0 3.0 128.4 608.1 0.316
Pressure Rating Up to 15,000psi
Rotational Speed Up to 7,200 rpm
Surface Roughness Any
Surface Type Any
Controlled shear Yes
Flow Regime Laminar to Turbulent
Sour Fluid Yes

Table 2. Relevant Properties of Two Crude Oil Samples Used in Wax

Deposition Tests
Oil Density Wax Pour Normal
Sample (API Appearance Point Paraffin
Gravity) Temperature (n-C20+)
(oC) (oC) (wt%)
Gulf of 36 34-35 -35 1.3
Thailand 35 56-57 29-38 20.0

Table 3. Summary of Wax Deposition Test Conditions

No of Oil Samples Two oils at two conditions (STO and Live
Pressure Atmospheric and 13.8 MPa

Temperature WAT – 2 or 3 oC
Spindle Rotation Speed 100 Hz

Reynolds Number GoM: 2.5 × 104 and 1.3 × 105

(Turbulent Regime) Thai: 2.0 × 104 and 7 × 104

Table 4. Quantification of Wax Deposit

Oil Sample Whole Wax Wax Content
Deposit (mg) (wt%)
Gulf of Mexico STO 183.4 137.8 75.2
Live Oil 261.1 221.1 84.7

Thailand STO 815.1 571.8 70.2

Live Oil 1355.5 608.1 44.9

SPE 93558 5

Pre-Rinse Post-Rinse


12000 Wax
Pressure (psia)





Bubble Point
Flow line
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 3. Photographs showing wax deposits formed on the
inner surface of stationary cylinder from Gulf of Mexico
Temperature (oF) STO and corresponding live oil.

Figure 1. Gulf of Mexico Black Oil Phase Diagram

Pre-Rinse Post-Rinse




Figure 4. Photographs showing wax deposits formed on the

inner surface of stationary cylinder from Thai STO and
corresponding live oil.
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the OSDC Cell flow

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