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Nilay Manohar Bhoir/01

print("Program for multiplication of e and f")

e=input("Enter e :")
f=input("Enter f :")
multiplication =int(e) *int(f)
print("The multiplication is :",multiplication)


Program for multiplication of e and f

Enter e :12
Enter f :23
The multiplication is : 276

print("Program for division of g and h")

g=input("Enter g :")
h=input("Enter h :")
division =int(g) /int(h)
print("The division is :",division)


Program for division of g and h

Enter g :52
Enter h :2
The division is : 26.0

print("Program for subtraction of c and d")

c=input("Enter c :")
d=input("Enter d :")
subtraction =int(c) -int(d)
print("The subtraction is :",subtraction)


Program for subtraction of c and d

Enter c :23
Enter d :32
The subtraction is : -9

print("Program for sum of a and b")

a=input("Enter a :")
b=input("Enter b :")
sum =int(a) +int(b)
print("The sum is :",sum)

Program for sum of a and b

Enter a :13
Enter b :13
The sum is : 26

print("This program is use for Modulus of A and B ")

A= input("Enter value A =")
B= input("Enter value B =")
C= int(A) % int(B)
print("The value of A % B =",C)


This program is use for Modulus of A and B

Enter value A =4
Enter value B =5
The value of A % B = 4

print("This program is use for Exponentiation of A and B ")
A= input("Enter value A =")
B= input("Enter value B =")
C= int(A) ** int(B)
print("The value of A ** B =",C)


This program is use for Exponentiation of A and B

Enter value A =15
Enter value B =22
The value of A ** B = 74818276426792144775390625

print("This program is use for Floor division of A and B ")

A= input("Enter value A =")
B= input("Enter value B =")
C= int(A) // int(B)
print("The value of A // B =",C)


This program is use for Floor division of A and B

Enter value A =25
Enter value B =5
The value of A // B = 5

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