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In order for education to be effective, there must be excellent teaching to support the
efforts made by the students. Free and mandatory education is essential and cannot be overly
stressed. This is to guarantee that everyone can participate in education for growth and
development of the nation. Essentially, this depends on the the standard of instruction that is

If educators aren't given the chance to enhance their methods in the classroom, the student's
academic performance could suffer as a result. Teachers with subject matter expertise not only motivate
students also it helps them accomplish; it also raises the standard of instruction. Proficiency is highly
crucial to any process of teaching or learning. This is true simply because an instructor
offers what he possesses. What you don't have, you don't give. The teacher has a crucial
to contribute to the development of a country.

The educator is the one who builds the foundations of student growth as a means of country

building. Contemporary society expects from instructors a high standard of instruction. Instructors must
have a vast amount of expertise and abilities. (Kishwar Naz,2016).

For emerging nations such as the Philippines, generating highly qualified and internationally. For
all educators, producing competitive graduates is a huge problem. The quality of training determines its
efficacy of educators. Some academics define teacher effectiveness as student achievement (Stronge,

Teachers have a large impact; it can be difficult to identify which results would best illustrate
their efficacy as well as how to gauge outcomes. Additionally, any possible efficacious measure is
influenced by a multitude of extrinsic factors outside the control of educators. All things considered, we
can concur that exceptional educators have a remarkable and long-lasting influence on students' lives.
According to (Marzano 2007), teaching is a complicated process that combines science and art.
Additionally (Cayirdag,2017) underlined that the foundation of the art of teaching is based on The
adaptability, originality, and gut instinct of educators at the instant. The capacity of educators to plan
and organize a meaningful learning environment is the science of education and to participate in
curriculum needs and design. Pedagogical expertise and subject-matter expertise form the foundation of
the method of teaching and learning. Deeper comprehension of is one factor in preparing pupils to be
lifelong learners. (Paniagua & Istance, 2018).

DepEd Order 8 (s. 2015), Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program, makes clear that classroom assessment is an integral part of curriculum

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