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Week of: Oct 3, 2022 – Oct 7 ,2022

Unit of Study: The Five Senses

Question: How do we use our sense of sight?
Vocabulary: autumn, blind, Braille, dark, eyes, eyesight, fall, foliage, notice, observe, see, senses, view, vision,

Time/Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Circle Time Sight Walk: Take Use an internet I’m Thinking: Invite I’m Thinking: Invite Show children the
the class on a walk search to find children to play a children to play a list of reasons why
outside; draw recordings of sensory game with sensory game with they might come
children’s various sounds you. Tell them you you. Tell them you to school that they
attention to things (without images). will give directions will give directions generated on
they can see. Possible sounds for them to follow. for them to follow. Thursday . After
include different Suggest different reviewing this list,
Suggest different
PK.PDH.1. Uses blends of musical items for children ask, “What do we
items for children
senses to assist instruments or to find such as, need in order to
and guide learning. animal sounds, or “I’m thinking of to find such as, be able to do
other sounds something that is “I’m thinking of things and keep
commonly heard ______ (green, something that is each other safe?”
in the community. hard, smooth- ______ (green, Chart their ideas
Have children make suggestions hard, smooth- on a big piece of
practice based on current make suggestions paper, either in list
identifying the focus question).” based on current form or as a web.
sound. Or, “Look for focus question).” Afterwards, group
something that is Or, “Look for rules that are
PK.ELAL.2. ______ (green, something that is similar in
[PKRF.2.] hard, smooth) and ______ (green, preparation for
Demonstrates an ________ the next day (e.g.
hard, smooth) and
emerging (run/skip/hop) no hitting and no
understanding of there.” kicking, can be
spoken words, (run/skip/hop) grouped).
there.” PK.PDH.2.
syllables, and PK.PDH.2. Uses Uses sensory
sounds (phonemes sensory information to
information to plan and carry out
plan and carry out movement

Read Aloud Windows by Julia Touching by Helen Don’t Touch My Windows by Julia The day the
Denos: Walking his Frost: Explore the Hair! By Sharee Denos: Walking his Crayons Quit
dog at dusk sense of touch Miller: Even if it dog at dusk
looks so soft,
fluffy, and bouncy
that you really
want to touch it, it
is always
important to ask
permission before
someone’s hair

Center Time See Next Page ---- ----


Extra Handwashing
Zipping Handwashing
Zipping Handwashing -Techniques
Zipping Handwashing -Techniques
Zipping Handwashing -Techniques

Activities buttoning
zippers, buttoning
zippers, buttoning
zippers, buttoning
zippers, buttoning

buttons, buttons, buttons, buttons, buttons,

snapping snapping snapping snapping snapping
snaps snaps snaps snaps snaps

Differentiate Red: The children Red: The children Red: The children Red: The children Red: The children
d Learning will need teachers' will need teachers' will need teachers' will need teachers' will need teachers'
Activities: assistance to guide assistance to guide assistance to guide assistance to guide assistance to guide
and/or model how and/or model how and/or model how and/or model how and/or model how
to make Blueprints. to make blueprints. to make a to make a to make a
They will require They will require blueprints. They blueprints. They blueprints. They
assistance on assistance on will require will require will require
naming the naming the assistance on assistance on assistance on
different parts of different parts of naming the naming the naming the
ELL: their building or their building or different parts of different parts of different parts of
house. house. their building or their building or their building or
house. house. house.
The children
will use Yellow: The Yellow: The
children will need children will need
visual aides,
teachers' teachers' Yellow: The Yellow: The Yellow: The
visual cues assistance to assistance to children will need children will need children will need
and gestures help them identify help them identify teachers' teachers' teachers'
to help something about something about assistance to assistance to assistance to
understand their drawing their drawing help them identify help them identify help them identify
the unit and something about something about something about
communicat Green: The Green: The their drawing their drawing . their drawing
e with their children will be children will be
peers and able to able to Green: The Green: The Green: The
classmates. independently independently children will be children will be children will be
draw their blueprint draw their blueprint able to able to able to
and identify and identify independently independently independently
different parts of different parts of draw their blueprint draw their blueprint draw their blueprint
their drawing. their drawing. and identify and identify and identify
different parts of different parts of different parts of
their drawing. their drawing. their drawing.
Gross Motor The children will The children will The children will The children will The children will
play with balls, play with balls, play with balls, play with balls, play with balls,
chalk, hula chalk, hula chalk, hula chalk, hula chalk, hula
hoops, bubbles, hoops, bubbles, hoops, bubbles, hoops, bubbles, hoops, bubbles,
and play non and play non and play non and play non and play non
rigorous games, rigorous games, rigorous games, rigorous games, rigorous games,
red light green red light green red light green red light green red light green
light, simon says, light, simon says, light, simon says, light, simon says, light, simon says,
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Center Time See Next Page ---- ----


Afternoon The teacher and The teacher and The teacher and The teacher and The teacher and
Circle Time students will students will students will students will students will
discuss their day. discuss their day. discuss their day. discuss their day. discuss their day.
They will talk They will talk They will talk They will talk They will talk
about what they about what they about what they about what they about what they
did and enjoyed did and enjoyed did and enjoyed did and enjoyed did and enjoyed
most about the most about the most about the most about the most about the
school day. The school day. The school day. The school day. The school day. The
students will get students will get students will get students will get students will get
ready to go ready to go ready to go ready to go ready to go
home. home. home. home. home.

Week of: Oct 3,2022-Oct 9, 2022

Unit: Five Senses

Arts and Dramatic Play Househelps keeping Blocks

Crafts and
Dress Up: Add Students will clean up after themselves after
breakfast, lunch, snack, and center time.
Finger Paint: lengths of fabric in
They will push in their chairs at the table. This
Invite various textures Tree Blocks:
shows independence and how they take care
children to (silky, burlap, terry of other things. The students will wash their Add tree-
finger-paint cloth, etc.) large hand several times through the day singing shaped blocks
and talk enough for children the ABC song while they wash their hands. to the center
with them to use to create (if you have
about how dress up costumes. Tell me about how we should clean up our
them). Invite
Discuss with the toys after center time?
the paint children to
feels (e.g., children the way the explore how
fabrics feel as they Show me how you would clean up after
slippery, yourself after breakfast / lunch / snack / center these blocks
cold) as they select which pieces time? feel and look
paint. they would like to compared to
Consider use. PK.PDH.7a the other
adding blocks in the
spices to the PK.PDH.1. Uses construction
paints (be senses to assist and area. Also,
sure to be guide learning. consider
mindful of covering blocks
allergies) with green
and and/or brown
encourage paper to make
children to them look like
smell the tree parts (e.g.,
paints as branches,
they work. trunks, leaves).
PK.AL.3. [PKSL.6]
Approaches Expresses
tasks and thoughts,
problems feelings, and
with ideas (e.g.,
creativity, role-playing,
imagination music,
and/or drawing, art
willingness work, building,
to try new writing
Responds to
Visual Arts

Outdoor Library/ Math and Manipulative Music and

Play Writing Movemen
Texture Dominoes: Glue samples of various t
The children Book Hospital: textures (fabrics, wrapping paper, etc.) to
will play with small rectangular pieces of cardboard, one on
chalk, hula
Create a “book Instruments:
hoops, dance hospital” as a place each end, to create a set of texture Provide an
to music and for children to put dominoes. The game is played the same way assortment of
songs with books that are as traditional dominoes; however, children instruments
damaged. Be sure to match textures rather than number of dots. and invite
play Red
light, Green share with the group children to
Light, 123, how this works and PK.AL.1 Actively engages in play as a means of share their
Simon Says,
and other
why this is important exploration and learning thoughts on
non-rigorous to take good care of how they work,
activities. books. or offer a brief
PK.SOC.3. demonstration,
While outside Demonstrates an and then invite
the children
will use their understanding of children to
ears to listen roles, rights, and explore.
to the responsibilities
sounds they PK.ARTS.8.
Writing [MU:Cr1-3.PK]
hear in our
neighborhood Name Cards: Place
Creates Musi
. children’s name
cards from sign-in in
Describe the writing center.
what you On each card,
see outside.
include a picture of
the child and write
PK.PDH.4c the first letter of
every name in red.
Invite children to
explore the cards as
they use the writing

PK.ELAL.1. [PKRF.1.]
understanding of the
organization and
basic features of
Science Cooking and Table Toys Sand and
Nutrition Water
Table Puzzles Bristle
Magnifying The children will be Blocks Builders The table
Glasses: Add able to identify the will be filled
magnifying foods they eat. The Dinosaurs
children will use the
with sensory
glasses to Wild Animals
five senses to bottles. The
the science describe their food. children will
area; invite Patterning Beads
They will describe use their
children to the taste; sweet, Letters Beads
senses to
use their salty, sour and spicy.
The children will
explore the
sense of
learn how to clean up sensory
sight and
after themselves bottles.
investigate when they are What does
various finished eating. This your sensory
materials helps them to
bottle look
(e.g., found promote healthy
materials habits. like?
from What do you
Why should we clean think is
outside). up after ourselves? inside the
Why do we need to
PK.AL.4. wash our hands
Exhibits before and after bottle?
curiosity, eating? PK.SCI.1.
interest, and
willingness PK.PDH.1.b
to learn new
things and
have new

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