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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Transfer Function of a System

 Electrical System

 Mechanical System

Chapter 3
Electrical Network Transfer Function
- 3 Passive Linear Elements
 Resistor

 Capacitor

 Inductor

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

System Modeling and Transfer Function

 Electrical Network Transfer Function

Example 7

1. Find the transfer function relating the capacitor

voltage, Vc(s), to the input voltage, V(s).


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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Example 7-1
1. Find the transfer function:
= ( )/

Electrical Network Transfer Function

1. Differential Input
2. High Input Impedance
3. Low Output Impedance
4. High Constant Gain Amplification

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Electrical Network Transfer Function

( ) ( )
( ) ( )

( ) ( )
( ) ( )

Example 8
( )
Find the transfer function, , for the circuit given:
( )

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Example 9
( )
Find the transfer function, , for the circuit given:
( )

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Transfer Function of a System

 Electrical System

 Mechanical System

Chapter 4

Mechanical System Transfer Function


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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Mechanical System Transfer Function

 Components

SPRING = ( )


MASS ( )

Mechanical System Transfer Function

Mechanical systems and electrical networks are analogous to
each other. Mechanical systems have three passive, linear components
like electrical networks. Two of them are the spring and the mass, this
two are called energy-storage elements and analogous to inductor and
capacitor; one of them is the viscous damper, it dissipates energy and
analogous to electrical resistance.

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Example 10A
( )
Find the transfer function, , for the system given:
( )

Analyzing Mechanical Network using

Electrical Circuit Analogy






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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Many mechanical systems are similar to multiple-loop

and multiple-node electrical networks, where more than
one simultaneous differential equation is required to
describe the system. In mechanical systems, the number of
equations of motion required is equal to the number of
linearly independent motions. Linear independence implies
that a point of motion in a system can still move if all other
points of motion are held still. Another name for the
number of linearly independent motions is the number of
degrees of freedom.

Example 10B
Transfer Function-Two Degrees of Freedom
( )
Find the transfer function, , for the system given:
( )

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

After electrical and translational mechanical systems, we

now move on to consider rotational mechanical systems.
Rotational mechanical systems are handled the same way as
translational mechanical systems, except that torque replaces
force and angular displacement replaces translational
displacement. The mechanical components for rotational systems
are the same as those for translational systems, except that the
components undergo rotation instead of translation.

Rotational Mechanical Network

Torque-angular Torque-angular Impedance
velocity displacement = ( )/ ( )

= ( )

= = Js

= = ( )

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Rotational Mechanical Network

The concept of degrees of freedom carries over to rotational

systems, except that we test a point of motion by rotating it while
holding still all other points of motion. The number of points of motion
that can be rotated while all others are held still equals the number of
equations of motion required to describe the system.

Example 11
( )
In Rotational Mechanical network system, solve for =
( )

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Example 12
( )
Find the transfer function, G(s) = , for the rotational
( )
mechanical system.

Transfer Function for System with Gears

- Gears provide mechanical advantage for rotational

- For many applications, gears exhibit backlash,

which occurs because of the loose fit between two
meshed gears.

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Transfer Function for System with Gears

Ѳ1 = Ѳ2 Ѳ1 = Ѳ2 Ѳ1 = Ѳ2

Mechanical impedances driven by gears.

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Transfer Function for System with Gears

Rotational mechanical impedances can be reflected
through gear trains by multiplying the mechanical
impedance by the ratio.

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Example 13
( )
Find the transfer function, G(s) =
( )

Example 14
( )
Find the transfer function, G(s) =
( )

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Gear Train
- used to eliminate gears with large radii.

( )
Find the transfer function, G(s) =
( )

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

- Electromechanical systems are the hybrids of
electrical and mechanical variables.
- A motor is an electromechanical components that
yields a displacement output for a voltage input, that’s a
mechanical output generated by an electrical input.

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

In a control systems, the d.c. motors are used in two
different control modes: armature-control mode with
fixed field current, and field-control mode with fixed
armature current.

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

- Armature-control mode with fixed field current
- DC Motor Schematic and Block Diagram

Ea(s) θa(s)

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

Ra – resistance of armature (Ω)
La – inductance of armature winding (H)
ia – armature current (A)
if – field current (A)
ea – applied armature voltage (V)
eb – back emf (volts)
TM – torque developed by motor (Nm)
θ – angular displacement of motor-shaft (rad)
J – equivalent moment of inertia of motor and load referred to motor shaft (kg-m2)
fo – equivalent viscous friction coefficient of motor and load referred to motor shaft ( /

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

 Relationship between armature current and voltage
+ + = ( )

 Torque Developed
= ( )

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

Typical Equivalent Loading on a motor

- Jm is the equivalent inertia at the armature and includes both

the armature inertia and, as we will see later, the load inertia
reflected to the armature.
- Dm is the equivalent viscous damping at the armature.

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

 Finding in terms of
=( + )

 Transfer function of the armature controlled motor.

+ ( + )

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

 Solving Tm

= +

 Electrical constants of the motor’s transfer function can now be

found using this Eqs.

= =

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Electromechanical System Transfer Function

- Armature-control mode with fixed field current
- DC Motor Schematic and Block Diagram

Ea(s) θa(s)

Example 15
Find the transfer function, ( ) = ( )/ ( ) for the motor
and load shown in Figure. The torque-speed curve is given by
=− + when the input voltage is 100 volts.

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

Thermal System

The basic requirements for the representation of thermal

systems by linear models is that the temperature of the medium be
uniform which is generally not the case. Thus for precise analysis a
distributed parameters model must be used.

Chapter 5
S-Plane, Poles, and Zeros
- The output response of a system is the sum of two responses:
the forced response and the natural response
- The transfer function provides a basis for determining
important system response characteristics without solving the
complete differential equation. As defined, the transfer function
is a rational function in the complex variable = +

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Control System Analysis 3/12/2024

S-Plane, Poles, and Zeros

The use of poles and zeros and their relationship to the time
response of a system is such a technique. Learning this relationship
gives us qualitative “handle” on problems.

The forced response is also called the steady- state
response or particular solution. The natural response is also
called the homogeneous solution

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