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a. What is Political Science?

Is the science that studies the politics theory and practice the systems and
behaviors of politics on society as the name says.

b. What are the subjects?

Political Theory, History of Politics, Comparative Politics, Political Philosophy,
International Relations, Public Policy and others.

c. What is the method of study?

its empirical

d. Most important characters that studied political science.

-Baron Montesquieu
-Karl Marx
-Vladimir Lenin

e. Work places.
education, politics itself, media, policy, nonprofit work and business

f. What is economics?
The economics, is the science that studies the production, distribution and
consume, its laws and its economic models and systems that are carried out by
the diverse human economic activities

g. What are the subjects?

The main subjects are
Labor Economics.
Financial Economics.
International Economics and Development Economics.
Health Economics.
Public and Institutional Economics.

What is the method of study?

deductive and inductive method

h. Most important characters that studied economy.

-Adam Smith
-Alfred Marshall
-Millicent Fawcett
-Jhon Maynard Keynes
-Milton Friedman
-W. Arthur Lewis
-Warren Buffett
-Elinor Ostrom
-Dambisa Moyo
-Esther Duflo

i. Work places.
-Research Institutes / Graduate teaching centers
-Banks / Finance Sectors
-Private companies
-Think tanks / Pressure groups
-Environmental sector
-Internet / Communications

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