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It's the hottest place because it's on the equator and there are a lot of palm oil trees planted in
it, which adds more heat.
In the city of taluk kuantan, there is a tradition called pacu jalur that is held every year. pacu
jalur is a tradition of rowing a canoe consisting of 15 or more people.
There are many Riau specialties such as gulai patin, pineapple chips, sago noodles, tunjang
soup and many more.
Pekanbaru is the capital of Riau Province. And is the third largest city on the island of
Sumatra after Medan and Palembang. Pekanbaru is famous for its oil production. Both
petroleum and oil produced by palm oil.
And there are many famous tourist attractions in Pekanbaru such as Muara Takus Temple,
Siak River, Siak Palace, Kampar River, and many more if you are interested in visiting Riau,
I will accompany you around as long as the funds are sufficient. And Riau Province
Nicknamed Bumi Lancang Kuning.

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