Term Paper Financial Crisis 2008

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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to complex and controversial topics

such as the 2008 financial crisis. This event, which shook the global economy and had far-reaching
effects, is a popular topic for academic research and analysis. However, delving into the details and
complexities of this crisis can be overwhelming and challenging for students.

The 2008 financial crisis, also known as the Global Financial Crisis, was a severe economic downturn
that began in the United States and quickly spread to other countries. It was caused by a
combination of factors, including the housing market crash, risky lending practices, and the failure of
large financial institutions. The aftermath of this crisis resulted in job losses, foreclosures, and a
significant decline in the stock market, affecting millions of people worldwide.

With such a complex and multi-faceted event, writing a thesis on the 2008 financial crisis requires
extensive research, critical thinking, and analytical skills. Students must sift through a vast amount of
information, data, and theories to develop a well-supported and original argument. They must also
navigate through different perspectives and interpretations of the crisis to present a comprehensive
and unbiased analysis.

Moreover, the 2008 financial crisis continues to be a topic of debate and discussion among
economists, policymakers, and experts. This means that students must stay updated with current
developments and incorporate them into their thesis to provide a relevant and up-to-date analysis.

Given the difficulty and complexity of writing a thesis on the 2008 financial crisis, it is
understandable that many students struggle with this task. However, there is a solution – seeking
help from a professional writing service like ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔.

⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ offers a team of experienced and knowledgeable writers who specialize in

various fields, including economics and finance. They have a deep understanding of the 2008
financial crisis and can provide well-researched and high-quality thesis papers on this topic. They
also have access to reputable and reliable sources, which ensures the accuracy and credibility of the
information presented in the thesis.

Furthermore, using ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ allows students to save time and reduce the stress of
writing a thesis. With the help of professional writers, students can focus on other aspects of their
academic and personal lives while still submitting a well-written and well-researched thesis on the
2008 financial crisis.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on the 2008 financial crisis is a challenging task that requires extensive
research, critical thinking, and analytical skills. It is a complex and ongoing event that continues to
be a topic of debate and discussion. Therefore, seeking help from a professional writing service like
⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ can make the process easier and ensure a high-quality and well-supported
thesis paper.

Don't struggle with writing a thesis on the 2008 financial crisis – order from ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔
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More valuable houses imply more money available to consumers as they can obtain larger loans from
banks. Risky homeowners and the housing boom from the late 1990’s till the mid 2000’s drove the
US economy’s growth through additional jobs in construction, remodeling, and real estate services (
Reavis 3). The third sudden stop arrived in mid-2008, when foreign investment in US government-
issued mortgage-backed securities (also known as “agency bonds”) swung violently into reverse.
Could the knowledge ported by this crisis have had helped us avoiding the current crisis? Not. The
intent of the accounting standard was not to facilitate investor deception, but Lehman Brothers
apparently exploited the loophole in that way. If you are interested in digging deeper, I highly
encourage you to do more research on your own. By 1985, many of these institutions were all but
bankrupt. Now 57, he pursued training in industrial maintenance, a highly skilled specialty that
involves repairing, maintaining and modifying elaborate factory machinery. The “Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer protection Act” sought to prevent possible of outbreak of such
financial crisis in the future. However, unlike in the 1930’s, the current crisis has spread worldwide.
To counteract that pressure, they bought dollars in what Setser calls “unprecedented quantities,” in
the form of the only security big and liquid enough to absorb that demand: US Treasuries. Investors
panic, yanking their money out of the country en masse. Previously mentioned causes of the crisis
will be discussed in more detail. During the late 1990s, stock markets became beguiled by the rise of
internet companies such. In addition to this, it would also prove essential as out of the model’s role,
evaluation metrics would be established21. The subprime mortgage stretched to government
sponsored institutions such as Fannie Mae demanding bailout from the federal government as
portrayed in the “Margin Call.” By September 2008, housing prices in the US decreased by over
19%. Not only was it the largest bankruptcy case in United States history, but it also came after
repeated assurances from the company’s chief executives that finances were healthy, Liquidity How
easily an asset can be sold without losing significant value. But after she earned her certificate, she
was passed over for jobs time and again. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. The
leverage rules for investment banks were loosened by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in
2004 (Reavis 10). Additionally, the US tax overhaul passed in December incentivizes businesses to
repatriate money from abroad. This settlement ended a three-year fight with a group of five
plaintiffs, including the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio and the Teacher Retirement
System of Texas. They didn't even finish the class because the coal mines swept them up so fast.”
How could she not suspect age and sex bias. I believe solutions are in the hands of the government
and the market. In October 2008, questions emerged regarding the issue of bank solvency, downturn
in availability of credit to citizens and the destroyed investors confidence which had a negative
influence on the world stock markets especially in the US and Europe where securities experienced
massive losses in 2008. The concomitant impact of the financial crisis was the demise of businesses
in key industry sectors. As mentioned previously, strong economic growth in countries like China
significantly increased capital flows to the US. What happened at MF Global and what were its
ethical failures. An increase in Liabilities These are economic obligations of an entity. Washington
DC: The World Bank. 2001. Xu, Ratha. Migration and Remittances Fact Book.
William Treurniet produced some long-term graphical. I think we can easily define this crisis by using
Alan. The movie “Too Big to Fail” clearly shows the real events that took place in that the US banks
and other financial institutions counted losses as high as third of the total financial or bank capital.
Consequently, if any financial crisis happens, there would be no adverse effect on an organization
which has adopted ISO 31000.18 Another role that would make ISO 31000 effective in ensuring a
resilient global economy is that it has the capabilities of aligning whatever levels of corporate
governance frameworks. The collapse of the hedge fund Long-Term Capital Market occurred during
the final stage of. Commercial lenders such as Citigroup could from then on underwrite and trade
instruments such as mortgage-backed securities. Then more problems appeared, first with some banks
and than, after “the Lehman brothers-. It has made the technology industry nearly an oligopoly.
Madoff Investment Securities, LLC, he conducted business honestly. Faith in our institutions had
already begun to wane before 2008, but the economic anger engendered by the crisis sharpened this
trend. Even now, many of those changes are clear to Redfin only because at different times we’ve
been their eyewitness, their beneficiary, their target, or their propagator. Effects of economic
recession or Financial Crisis are usually witnessed in employment, industrial production and in real
estate income (Magdoff and Bellamy 41). Another good example of a structural factor is -as
everyone knows- the supply problems in. Hedge funds are open to a limited number of investors and
usually require a high initial investment. Moreover, activities by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac set the
standards. The government held that it could not fine financial institutions because the financial
sector was too delicate. In the case of LTCM, its investors, creditors, and counterparties did not
provide an effective. One study concluded that real estate investors with good credit scores had
more of an impact on the crash because they were willing to give up their investment properties
when the market started to crash. If hit with a financial crisis, it would not be adversely affected and
it would continue with its operations as anticipated.20 Further, ISO 31000 would play a major role as
it would result in creation of a uniform risk criterion within the global economy. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. Surjit, Bhalla. “Inflation Control Chokes Growth.” Business
Standard 23, no 5 (2008): 23-58. During these meetings, a new quota formula was established.10 As
such, it was the formula that would determine the economic size of any particular country as well as
openness. This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the marketing environments
existing in Albania with a view to evaluate and analyze the marketing feasibility in that country.
Financial companies innovated but were not aware of the potential risks these instruments brought
along. During crises, we frequently forget Popper’s quote: “optimism is a. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. But after she earned her certificate, she was passed over for jobs time
and again. So the measures that have already partially been executed by some governments and
central. In addition to this, these organizations had risk management systems entailing technical
excellence. The next day, the government bailed out insurance giant AIG, which in the run-up to the
collapse had issued staggering amounts of credit-default swaps (CDSs), a form of insurance on
Also remember that during the period without anything out of the ordinary. Irrespective of this, they
still succumbed to the effect of the Global Financial Crisis. In February of 2012, unemployment rate
stood at 8.3 percent (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Also, no institution was allowed to act as a bank
and an insurer (Reavis 7). Solutions have produced positive outcomes, but more work is needed.
Thus, the world depended on US consumer demand, and therefore the economic crisis that started in
the US rapidly spread globally. Unfortunately, these methods did not succeed in rescuing the
economy as LIBOR lending rates increased to 3.4% while companies such as Dow Jones reacted by
plummeting 13% in the entire moth. The two movies shows real events that happened and these
events triggered financial crisis thus affecting lives of many people. In late 2007 and early 2008, it
weakened quite a lot. It is because of lack of ethical guidance that led to the financial crisis in 2008.
Moreover, activities by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac set the standards. The “Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer protection Act” sought to prevent possible of outbreak of such financial crisis
in the future. Moreover, the effects on developing countries may not be limited to a drop in
investment and. To fund home purchases and consumption, US households needed to borrow. What
Caused the Economic Crisis of 2008? - Moolanomy. Further, it made shareholders of banks and
other financial bodies do not get their payment until all the claims, and funds are settled. He says
justice consists in treating equals equally and unequals unequally but in proportion to their relevant
differences. While these companies currently own a fraction of the total number of single-family
rental units in America, they have eyes on expansion by buying homes or even entire neighborhoods
from home builders. So, in many countries, key players within economies such as stock markets as
well as large financial institutions did succumb to the effects of global financial crisis. But in at least
one respect—for reasons that have baffled analysts—the US got off relatively easy. The IMF expects
that developing countries’ collective GDP growth will decline to less than 5. In addition to this,
these organizations had risk management systems entailing technical excellence. Equally, a lower
dollar would make imports costlier for the United States. When the curve inverts, meaning long-term
yields fall below short-term yields, it has historically indicated that a recession is coming. We will not
be able to solve all the problems by using. Moreover, winners were not hierarchical firms, where top
managers passed on commands and others followed without any feedback to the manager (Jorion
15). She enjoyed “every single minute” of her five years there, she notes. Note that South Africa
produces 69% of platinum, 30% of palladium. Frustrated, she fell back on skills she had used in
previous jobs and took a position as a home health aide. In many situations, the ethical abuses can be
attributed to the poor or lack of training of low-level employees who were directed and assured that
they were working in a correct manner.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
At the same time, banks aren’t issuing MBSs at anywhere close to the same volume as they did prior
to the crisis, because investor demand for private-label MBSs has dried up. Then, they use the
proceeds from the sale to originate another mortgage. You may download and utilize the charts in
your own work, and in some cases, you may explore the underlying data. With many states’ labor
departments overwhelmed by COVID-19 and with the huge numbers of people who are
unemployed, numerous agencies haven't been able to reach out to the jobless in the same concerted
way Indiana did with the Whirlpool workers. But some in the housing industry believe lending
standards have swung from one extreme (lending to anyone and everyone) to the other (lending only
on the terms of the qualified mortgage), needlessly keeping some qualified buyers out of the market.
Moreover, a decrease in US demand decreased exports for many countries exporting to the US, such
as China, Taiwan and South Korea (Romer 3). Several respondents rate loose monetary policy as the
most important cause (5), while many others attribute it no importance whatsoever (0). The following
figure, suggested by William's analysis. Are you aware of the linguistic prediction technique. After
having given this overview on the most important crises in the past, we remind some. Providers pay
a royalty fee to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. They usually take a variety of forms
since the borrowers could be a range of parties including the sovereign governments. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This decrease in the housing
prices implied that many borrowers had negative equity in their respective homes; therefore, their
houses were valueless as compared to their mortgages. This underpinning is what can be referred to
as operational risks, and this is where the interconnectivity is underlain.4 These three types of risks
can therefore be said to have caused the extinction of the aforementioned organizations that were
major players within the economy. Madoff sold to his clients the idea of combining blue chip
securities with Derivatives A security whose price is derived from an underlying financial asset.
When Bernard Madoff started his investment company, Bernard L. The next day, the government
bailed out insurance giant AIG, which in the run-up to the collapse had issued staggering amounts of
credit-default swaps (CDSs), a form of insurance on MBSs. Freddie Mac chief executive Richard
Syron and Fannie. Whether or not one likes the financial regulations of Dodd-Frank, there is no
doubt that a major attempt has been made to address the perceived hole in the pre-existing
regulation. Of the top results I obtained was an article from The Financial Law Review, the author
clearly espouses all the issues around the global Financial Crisis and highlights the role of investment
banks in creating the mess (Avgouleas, 456). Another factor leading to the outbreak of the financial
crisis is deregulation of the financial sector and the markets. 2008, when a number of large financial
institutions based in the US collapsed. Reduced interests rate may be inconsequential response to
recession if the consumers and businesses do not take advantage of the reduced interest rates and
increased money supply. We can conclude that the combination of negligence, lack of transparency
and wrong. Justice, in other words, is giving each person her due. However, by filling the hole in
liquidity created by foreign banks cutting their short-term credit to the US, these moves did stave off
the financial catastrophe that the second sudden stop otherwise would have created. The result was
the worst crisis since the Great Depression. It\'s a nice paper if you\'re interested in the crisis. The
other type is characterized by states located on “the downside of housing bubbles,” such as Arizona,
California, Florida, and Nevada (Swagel 13).

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