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Products For Hazard ous Area Application > Basic principles of Intrinsic safety > Voltage limitation > Current limitation > Limitation of storable eneray Hazardeu Area Gaze - An atea in which an explosive stmosphore consis of mitare ‘of air and intammabie substances mte form o gs, vapor oF mist Zone 2 - Gases Not ity cece neil operation (ould any be pasent under dcrmalcanetins) bt toes cer wi prt fora bet pated on under 10 News / taro 0-016 the tina, ‘Ceposion afety complaint equipment, shou be used in this are. ‘il be present or expectec te present or lona prods of sme 10-|0OD hous | yeas. O10% ot rete, ‘Explosion safety equipment that hs @ haber satety level han Zone 2 equpment must bewsed, Zama = Gexen reser le the tine. As general ude ove 1980 howe / year o> 108% ofthe te is very rare that» ze O area wi be inthe open: Hazardous Area Dust ~ An area in ich an explosive atmosphere in the form ofa cows of combustible dust nal Not kay to ecurin nea pertion but it es cecur, wil Perit fora sro erat only Zone 21 Dans Tanaceyeenenatiogh Se Bs cnr xP erp Frater, sity ane copa wee ‘ers Ex IByeut a lect chcute ane floeqned to that Fo spark oF ere eee Zone 20 - Duets thermal eftect fs copabie o! Fc condo on perch erate, Sea tin sry et Se Se see pemeo eerie Sone

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