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• Please copy the following question and answers in your BIOLOGY note-book.

• Mind map to be drawn on the first blank page of the lesson. (given below)



Question and Answers:

Q1. Define:

a. Crop: When plants of the same kind are grown and cultivated at one place on large scale is
called a crop.
b. Agriculture: The branch of science which deals with the growth of plants for human use is
known as agriculture.

Q2. Distinguish between rabi and kharif crops. (soc level 1)

SNo. Rabi Crops Kharif Crops

1 The crops grown in the winter The crops grown in the rainy season are
season are called rabi crops. called kharif crops.
2 Time period is from October to Time period is from June to September.
e.g. Wheat, gram, mustard Paddy, maize, cotton
Q3. What are agricultural practices? Make a web chart showing agricultural practices and

Ans: Cultivation of crops involves several activities undertaken by farmers over a period of time.
These activities are referred to as agricultural practices.

Q4. What is tilling? How is it advantageous for the growth of the plants? (MLP)

Ans. The process of loosening and turning of soil is called tilling or ploughing.


1. This allows roots to penetrate deep into the soil and breathe easily.
2. It helps in growth of microbes and earthworms.
3. It adds humus thus enrich the soil.

Q5.What is leveling? What are its advantages?

Ans. The ploughed field may have big soil pieces called crumbs which need to be broken into
smaller pieces using a plank. The process is called leveling.


1. Manures can be mixed properly with soil.

2. Seeds can be sown at the right depth.
3. It prevents water logging and soil erosion
Q6. What are the points to be kept in mind while sowing the seeds? (SOC)

Ans. Points to be kept in mind while sowing the seeds:

1. Selecting healthy seeds which are disease resistant and of good quality.
2. The depth at which seeds are sown should be maintained.
3. Seeds should be completely covered by the soil to prevent the damage by birds.
4. An appropriate distance should be maintained between seeds to avoid overcrowding of plants
which causes competition for sunlight, nutrients and water.

Q7. Explain the various methods of sowing seeds.

1) Traditional tools-

• Tool used traditionally for sowing seeds is shaped like a funnel.

• The seeds are filled into the funnel, passed down through two to three pipes having sharp
• These ends pierce into the soil and place the seeds there.

2) Modern Method (Seed Drill)

• Seed drill is used for sowing seeds with the help of tractors.

Advantages of seed drill-

• They sow the seeds uniformly at equal distance and depth

• They ensure that seeds get covered by soil after sowing
• It saves time and labour.

Q8) What is transplantation? What are its advantages?

Ans. Some seeds require conditions such as temperature, humidity, water, correct amount of
sunlight. Such seeds are grown in nurseries and later on the saplings are shifted to main field.
This is called transplantation. For example- tomato, chilli , rice etc.


• Plants will be able to survive in harsh weather conditions.

• Chances of survival of plants are more.

Q9. Explain four methods used to enrich the soil.

• Adding manures and fertilisers.

• Crop Rotation- Growing different crops alternately on the same piece of land. For example-
legumes are grown after a crop of wheat.
• Fallowing- Leaving the land uncultivated for some time.
• Green Manures- Adding green manures in the form of plants with soft stems.

Q10) Give reasons

a) Manuring is done before crop cultivation.

Manuring is done before crop cultivation as:
• Manure gets mixed properly with the soil.
• Soil gets nourished to support growth of seeds and plants.
b) Fertilisers are crop specific.

Fertilisers are crop specific as:

• They are chemical substances which are rich in specific nurtients like super
phosphate is rich in phosphorous.
• We add fertilisers into soil according to the crops to get better yield.

c)Excessive use of fertilisers is harmful.

• Excessive use of fertilisers is harmful as it changes the composition of soil and

makes it less fertile.
• It becomes a source of water pollution too.

d)Irrigation is essential while adding fertilisers.

Irrigation is essential while adding fertilisers because along with water, fertilisers
get absorbed by the roots of the plants easily.
e)Fertilisers are stored in air-tight containers
Fertilisers are stored in air-tight containers because they are chemical substances
which may be toxic and release fumes of gases.

Q11. What is irrigation? What are its advantages?

Ans. Supplying water to crops at regular intervals of time is called irrigation.


• For better absorption of nutrients into the soil.

• To reduce dependency on rain.
• To increase crop production

Q12) What are the two methods through which weeding is done?
a) Manual Weeding- The manual removal of weeds by uprooting or cutting them
close to the ground from time to time is called manual weeding. This is done
using seed drill/ khurpi.
b) Use of Weedicides- Weeds are controlled by using certain chemicals called
weedicides like 2-4D. These are sprayed in fields to kill weeds.

Q13. Define-

a) Pests-Pests are the small animals/insects that can cause damage to crops on a
large scale. They can be micro-organisms, insects or rodents.
b) Animal Husbandry-Animals reared at homes or in farms have to be provided
with proper food, shelter and care. When this is done on a large scale, this is
called animal husbandry.

Q14. Why are grains properly dried after harvesting?

• If the harvested grains are to be kept for a longer time, they should be safe from
moisture, insects, rats and micro-organisms.
• Harvested grains have moisture so they need to be dried to prevent spoiling.

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