Chapter 11 - Force and Pressure - MLP & HLP

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Class VIII, Force and Pressure

1. A push or pull on an object is called a force.

2. Motion imparted to objects is due to action of force.
3. At least two objects must interact for a force to come into play. An interaction of one object
with another object results in a force between two objects.
4. Forces applied on an object in same direction add up.
5. If two forces act on an object in opposite direction, the net force acting on it is the difference
between the two forces.
6. The strength of a force is usually expressed by its magnitude.
7. The direction in which force acts needs to be specified.
8. If the direction or magnitude of the applied force changes, its effect also changes.
9. A force can bring about a change in the state of motion of an object. A change in speed of an
object or its direction of motion, both are described as change in state of motion.
10. Force can change the shape of an object. eg. Dough rolled into a chapati.
11. A force can act on an object with or without being in contact with it.
12. Types of forces-
a. Contact force- If an object is in direct or indirect contact with the source of the force, the
force is known as contact force.
i. Muscular force- The force resulting due to action of muscles on an object is called
muscular force. eg.ball thrown by hands, handbag picked up using a handle,
elephant pulling a log of wood.
ii. Friction- is a force that comes into play whenever a body tries to move over the
surface of another. It always acts on all the moving objects and its direction is
opposite to the direction of motion. eg. Friction between the surface of the ball and
the ground that brings the moving ball to rest.
b. Non contact forces-The force exerted by one object on another without being in contact.
i. Magnetic force- It acts on a magnetic substance or another magnet, without
touching attraction and repulsion between magnets.
ii. Electrostatic force- The force exerted by a charged body on another charged or
uncharged If we stand near the screen of a working T.V with synthetic
clothes on you, the clothing will be heavily attracted by the television screen. This is
because a television screen while working is highly negatively charged and attracts
the neutral clothes.
iii. Gravitational force- The force with which the earth attracts other objects towards it
is known as gravitational force. It acts on all objects. Eg. Water in rivers flow
downwards, ball falls vertically downwards.
13. Pressure- The force acting on a unit area of a surface.
Pressure= Force / Area
Pressure increases when area of contact decreases and pressure decreases when area of
contact increases.
This explains-
 Shoulder bags are provided with broad straps.
 Tools meant for cutting and piercing always have sharp edges.
 Porters place a round piece of cloth on their heads.
 Pillars of the bridges and flyovers have broad base
 Tyres of truck and other heavy vehicles are broad.
14. Liquids and gases exert pressure on the walls of the container.
15. The pressure exerted by liquids and gases is equal on all sides at the same depth or at a given
16. The envelop of air around us is atmosphere. The atmospheric air extends upto many kilometers
above the surface of the earth. The pressure exerted by this air is known as atmospheric
17. Pressure inside our bodies is equal to the atmospheric pressure. People having high blood
pressure feel uncomfortable because of imbalance between the body fluid pressure and the
atmospheric pressure.
18. Examples of atmospheric pressure- rubber air suckers as hangers, use of a parachute while
falling down from an aircraft, weather prediction as a fall in atmospheric pressure indicates rain
or snow fall.

HLP Questions

Q1. What is the role of air pressure in the filling of a syringe with a liquid medicine, by a doctor?

Q2. Why do people with high blood pressure sweat a lot?

Q3. There is a famous saying n Hindi a sword cannot replace a needle .Give reason for the saying in the
light of physics.

Q4. Every square centimeter of our body experience atmospheric force equal to mass of 100kg that is
enough to grind us. Then why do people cannot crushed by atmospheric pressure?

Q5. A plastic comb when rubbed with hair can attract piece of paper. Name force and its nature?

Q6. Why it is not easy to walk wearing high heels shoe?

Q7. Give two uses of fluid pressure?

Q8. Give reason:

(a)A rolling ball stops after moving some distance.
(b) Every object left above the surface of the earth without a support, fall downwards.
(c) If gravitational force act between you and your friend. Then why should not you pull each other?
Q9. A sports car and a motorbike both have good acceleration. The car is mass 1200 kg and
provides a driving force of 7200 N. What is its acceleration?

Q 10 The bike is mass 300 kg and provides a driving force of 2700 N. What is its acceleration?

Q11 The pressure of a gas contained in a cylinder with a movable piston is 300 Pa. The area of the piston
is 0.5 m2. Calculate the force that is exerted on the piston.

Q12 Define thrust, upthrust and buoyant force.

Q13 Differentiate between (i) mass and weight (ii) Distance and Displacement.

Q14 Under what conditions the work is said to be done?

Q15 Calculate the net force in following conditions

5N 15N
15N 15N 5N
(i) (ii) (iii)

Answer key:

Ans 1: This generates the pressure to fill the liquid

Ans2: Difference of pressure in the blood vessels causes movement of liquid content
Ans 3. Less the area more the pressure applied, area of the tipoff the needle is very less and thus applies
more pressure
Ans 4 liquid content of the body is always in motion and therefore equal pressure applied.
Ans5 . Electrostatic force of attraction
Ans6 . pointed tip of the heel reduces the area of contact and therefore causes imbalance.
Ans 7 from d text book
Ans8. Opposing force reduces the speed of the ball
Gravitational force acts on all objects causes acceleration due to gravity.
Gravitational force is very less.
Ans 9/0 use the formula
Force = Mass * acceleration
Ans 11 pressure = force/Area.
Ans 12 class notes.
Ans 13 Mass is the actual space occupied by an object, weight = mass * gravity
Ans 14 work is said to be done when on applying force there is some change in the position of the
Ans 15 (i) 10 N (ii) 0 N (iii) 15 N

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