Simplified Stress Determination in Soil

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key Serva) Simplified stress determination in soils GI Butilen nr, xo, PR «by J. Brinch Monsen 1. Broblems, We consider 2 mass of soll subjected to gives vertl- cal and horizontal {Sads, inchiding the sellweight of the soil, We want to caleslate the vertical snd borizon- tat movement-of any given point of the soil surface, loads. requite that we know the siresesran-ime relationship for the diferent Jayers of sol. Thit is hardly the case at present, often be aegesed,@ tresatatnwlaliontip has been Seveloped inthe falowicg peger However, even whea this relationship i knows, its *Y atmmost impeisible — except perhaps by means of I~ volved computer programs ~ to determine the aotuat Stresses and strains In thé oi. A Simple elution sooly possible for lintar relationships (theory of elasticity), - snd the actual relationships fr soil are defintely noa- linear. "Therefore, we aust make @ compromise. We shal nine the gtteszes lathe soil on the bats of elssti ‘bss been done by Bovsslaesq (1885), Newmatle (1942) and others, But from these stresses we shall ealeplate tho steaias by means of the actual ares steaiactime celationships Jor the soils in question, ‘Tne justigeation of such a ptocedure is pardy, that rnumezovs measurements of actual stresses insole have shown reasonably good agreement with stcsses calcu lated by means of the theory of elastic. And partly, ‘that this proseduce hag ectually been used for sete: tert ealetlaions for many years with fate rosls, Gall speaking Finally, as at best only a rather rough age can be expected between calculated and actual. moves sents, refinements in the determigatlan of etesses ato really not ealled,for, On the contrary, there might be Me < sement, good reason fot effecting a simplification of the rather complicated Bosssiaesg formulas, at least for the stres- ses under a. rectangulor foundation, This is the main purpose of the present paper. ‘A tuuthee purpose ist remove a Wiserepancy ben jpieea Bourszetqs formulas and the io-called-eare of olution of this problem will Geidasige enrth pressure at rest, JE Bovssinesq's formaulas axe applied to the case of a very wide-foundation on rather: thin layer of soll — which, of course,.4s theore- tically unjustified, but often done anyway. for seasons ‘of simplicity ~ the horizontal tress js found to be equal to the yeitical stress (dou = der). Contraty to this, the theory of earth pressure at rest indicates smaller borizontal stesses, vic. im the ratio; Aas: Aa. Ky (ory ‘The simplest way to remove this discrepancy is to prescribe that, if stesses are calculated on the basis’ot Boussinesq's jormules — ot by sethods derived bere- from (e.g. Newmark’s influence charis)~ all harizontal stresses should be multiplied by _ ‘Without this modification the Bovssivecq stresses would lead to absurditles ia'xgtional gitdlement calcue fations. F, inst, the coll sledbents directly under = loaded foundation would contract horizontally, whereas ‘its a well-koowa fact that'they expand, site 2. Vogts Jormulas for rectaigular foundations, k— Frederik Vogt (1925) considered a flexible, rect. angular. surface foundation wlth side lengths B and 1. (E 2 B), The soil was assumed to form an elastic half-space, ‘characterized by ils-Young's molulus B and Poisson's ratio p. "The foundation (ce fig. 1) was Jonded by a ceatal vetlical force F, centcal horizontal forees Hy dad Hy, ea = 7 |__| Fig. 1: Forces on recrannitasfovséation, z * (paca to the sides B and L respectively, and mo- ments M, and M, (with axes parallel tthe sides Z and B respectively). Vogt assumed both the vertical and the horizontal forces to be distributed uniformly over the: foundation area. The moments were taken ‘up by normal stresies with a plane distribution, ‘By inlegralion of the equatlons given by Boussinesq for the vertical loads) and Ceeruti (or the horizontal Joads) Vogt could calculate the mean vertical getle~ ment Jy, the mean horizontal movements ny 884 mp ‘and the mean rotations ay and @, of the Mexible foun- atic. These quantities he then assumed to be good approaliations for the moverments of a rigld founda. tion, t09. ‘Vogt expressed his sesults In the following ap- proximate formulas, in which L is always the larger bide of the rectzngle. The centcal, verical force V gives the settlement: (ase ee \ eo EVE ® “he hos ER Tg ed TET hort maven { * eA ils 1 one Vir +e be ‘Vogt in 2 table. The empisieal expressions given above are developed by the present author. ‘The edge, towards which # points, will get 2 teile- ‘ment, and the opposite edge & rise, of the magnitudes The moments Mz ond Mz pive the following serlle- ments of the edges 2M On key oa ye SEE eH) ‘The moments will, forther, produce horfzontal mo vements, towards the edges which settle most, of the U— 2 +4) Me ee SG a en) rn ne Vogt's formuias.are seldom dirgetly eppliceble, be- cease in practice the soil is never homogeneous. 16, rever, the, mean sellement dy. has been caléulated . ‘The factors in_the_brackets_ace_getually-given-by————— 6 in séme otber Way, Vogts Formulas ialght be used for 4 ropgh calculation of the horizontal movements ‘and the rotations. For thls poxpase we shall fitet simplify Vogt’s for- rmulas by assuming jx = 0.5 (corresponding to an in~ compressible medium), vihichi will make the contribu tions (4) and (6) vanish. We find then’ the following ‘to botnen bron an vera oem ie aay % 5 7) Further, calling the eccentrtities of the actual vec~ tical load eg (in the direétion of the side B) and ex (in the dicection of the side Z), we get for thie vertical settlements of the 4 cornerst 7 fe sil. 3, Principal stresses under a reetangular foondalion. For the principal slresses'at the depth x pnder the middle of a square foundation Wwe shall ievestigate the followiog simple expressions: Tyo Tyan y O° Orme a Sal eey “The verte setlement i ound by iiegrtoa of the vertical strains: tym (te oD “he theory of elle gies thent We Mem) de wot alata lish By comparison with (2) for L = B we find n= 1 and mi = 3; giving for the square foundations : “ = 69) “y ae ap aagarenfe] iovewer| In otder to apo wilh the cage of auth pressure at rest for: = 0, Ge Tater equation must be hadged tot (10s) B= 108) [el acres For a rectangular foundation we assimc, in ana- ogy with ay: . Pe 2 UFETS a) ‘For oy We can still use (106): aly . oo proposed: as) Ue wil be seen that Lor oe = os (=) it yields the correct result (14). Ih the specal este of plane strain (Lm 5) it gives. % oy Gre as THe ‘which does not deviate very much ftom Bishop's fore avila: oy = (+0) Jeo" (06) ‘The formulas, (9a) and (13) were developed by EH. Lundgren (1958 and 1960), who also proposed a for- mula sinllar #9 (54), bit wit power 2 instead of 3, prime ke 4, Shenr stessés under a teclangular foundation, For the herizoptal sheer stresses atthe depth x under ‘he middle of x ectangular foundation we shell Iave- stigate the folowing expressions: 4 race al (rece ‘The theory of elasity ghves theo: ON aaa orm ne * be sing Kem fe rae * For ve the following appioximate formula may be" Bote tt sy too 1 at a a 3), GEnBFT oy Hele PD (pB—at) "ae Ja the listing ease of jx = O-we find by eoraparison with @) for L = B the values p = g = 2, In the other Limiting ease of jz 0.5 the best pair of whole values are found to be p = 4 and q = 2. This gives for q square foundation 7 Yo more than (3). For LIB == 3 jt gives the same ratio between my and, as (@), but both values ae 22 fy too high. The indicated values.of p and q are thus a Rte on the safe side For intermediate values of p we anight assume Po 2+ Ay, and os pis seldom known, the average value p = 3 roay be used, elviag: Xs WER ERE . (20a) He, . ny aFR (208) It should be remembered that x, and Hyaie paral: lel to she sides 2, whereas x, and Hf, ace parallel fo the sides L. 5, Conclusion, At any depth under the iddle of rectangular foundation the principal stresses can be found froin (13), (64) end (15), and the hoizontal shear stresses from @20). 1f the actual relations betwen these sessey end the strains at and y are kaowa, the vertical and horizontal movements of the loundalion can be found by mets a (11) and (8), ‘A rough chrck on the herizoatal movements can be obtained fom (7), “The rotations of the foundation are simplest deter- ized from (8), a kOys\i-zsze) .- 2 Te Mem bsingy ash rpesing aes Fae a K pi -ap} Af Maing = (sng ee pel Yo —— oe a SE » 2 sing, AO BT Z "fete ye Berane Kruulsen or a K eet fore er of erelen at. rye neck os Hort ooy ae meen Fontontal india [shy ae Or, prey = (trie ) ne | {jershtoser fontod ERP ite = Hy Ci-osst) = ; » eed VE a tee) ieee elie = 18qe7 2 MN, ) te G.0058 He, © (pet) eV 22. no rea VE (1+ He) >A. ~ 2) re = ue - Sa] te = - 1PS.te TY Qe 10058 oo Mis ‘Sym MOmy- a — mn iS 7 Fjeatustvheder ” ov PIR? [284-c5|" Atom, (Sane FO T° Tt Ver ‘pebegras } {jee konslartor sande I et ence aid xchovigen bal CETt qs =3 + vobhel —— Rotation, 5 Tse Ronstarsterns, bskrnras pa baiggrevoned felgencn Poromatic! j ; nose yaks ae Hiiketyistos icant ke Fos arf = BE nos Dror af dawnt, o~ Be Tage af anda GL Bre a Kongo eee yp Ke 50a gery C yer kod aan) how bestumrnes Sem’ s bo Op eVE Siv basen af fjvexn ¢ lodet eos Destmmus Som: & wayge ma VE e~k bel Clnaya) = Soot (14G.8n)C1- 20.83) 2 Sa74%e ) ~ —f — o 2B PNY 2. Bm YE 2 LIBS Ym Ct-o. be) & DIS

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