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‫بعض القواعد الفقهية والقانونية وبعض الجمل كثيرة التكرار وترجمتها‬

Ignorance of the law is no excuse ‫الجهل باألحكام الشرعية ليس عذر‬
Exceptions may not be used by analogy, nor ‫االستثناء ال يقاس عليه وال يتوسع في تفسيره‬
may their interpretations be extended.
A mandatory provision (of law) shall take ‫ما ثبت بنص آمر يقدم على ما وجب بالشرط‬
precedence over a contractual stipulation.
That without which an obligation cannot be ‫ما ال يتم الواجب إال به فهو واجب‬
performed is itself an obligation.
A rule shall depend on its cause for its ‫الحكم يدور مع علته وجودا وعدم‬
existence, and shall cease to be if the cause
ceases to exist
Certainty shall not be removed by doubt ‫اليقيـن ال يـزول بالشـك‬
There is a presumption of continuance ‫األصل بقاء ما كان على ما كان‬
Acquaintance is the rule/ There is a ‫األصل براءة الذمة‬
presumption that an obligation has been
There is a presumption against the existence ‫األصـل في الصفات العـارضة العـدم‬
of supervening qualities (i.e. things shall be
presumed to be normal and usual unless the
contrary is proved).
A thing proved to have existed in the past ‫ما ثبت بزمان يحكم ببقائه ما لم يوجد دليل على‬
shall be deemed still to exist in the absence ‫خالفه‬
of evidence to the contrary.
There is a presumption that an event (known ‫األصـل إضافـة الحـادث الى أقرب أوقاته‬
to have occurred), has occurred in the
immediate past.
No analogies may be drawn from what is ‫ما ثبت على خالف القياس فغيره ال يقاس عليه‬
shown to be contrary to analogy (i.e. outside
the normal course of events)
No harm shall be done; nor harm done in ‫ال ضرر وال ضرار‬
return ‫الضرر يزال‬
Harm shall be made good. ‫الضرر ال يزال بمثله‬
Harm may not be made good by causing
similar harm (in return) .
Necessity excuses the doing of a prohibited ‫الضرورات تبيح املحظورات‬
The averting of evil is better than the doing ‫درء املفاسد أولى من جلب املنافع‬
of good
Compelling need shall not annul the rights of ‫االضطرار ال يبطل حق الغير‬
Custom, whether general or particular, is ‫العادة مح مة عامة كانت أو خاصة‬
Regard shall be had to custom if it is of long ‫وتعتبر العادة إذا اطردت أو غلبت‬
duration and continuing, or is prevalent
Actual facts may be established by reference
to custom. ‫وتترك الحقيقة بداللة العادة‬
Customary usage amounts to evidence (of ‫استعمال الناس حجة يجب العمل بها‬
rights and obligations) and shall be abided
What custom (or common knowledge) ‫املمتنع عادة كاملمتنع حقيقة‬
regards as impossible (absurd) shall be
treated as what is in fact impossible
Greater (evidential) weight shall be given to ‫العبرة للغالب الشائع ال للنادر‬
the prevailing and the commonplace than to
the rare (and exceptional)
That which is established by custom; is ‫املعروف عرف كاملشروط شرطا‬
equivalent to a stipulated condition.
An obligation under custom has the same ‫التعيين بالعرف كالتعيين بالنص‬
force as an expressly stipulated condition.
Where, prohibition conflicts with an ‫إذا تعارض املانع واملقتضي يقدم املانع‬
obligation, the prohibition shall take
That which is ancillary attaches (to the ‫التابع تابع وال يفرد بالحكم‬
principal subject matter) and need not be
separately specified
"If a matter ceases to exist, that which is ‫إذا سقط األصل سقط الفرع‬
incidental to it shall also cease to exist"
That which has lapsed (been waived), or ‫الساقط ال يعود كما أن املعدوم ال يعود‬
ceased to exist shall not arise again
A subordinate matter (right or obligation) ‫إذا بطل الشيء بطل ما في ضمنه‬
shall be annulled if the principal matter
(right or obligation) is annulled
If (and only if) the original thing is lost, an ‫إذا بطل األصل يصار الى البدل‬
obligation may be performed by use of a
A disposition affecting the public must, be ‫التصرف على الرعية منوط باملصلحة‬
valid, be in the public interest.
An answer refers back to the question. ‫السؤال معاد في الجواب‬
No regard shall be had to mere Possibilities. ‫ال عبرة للتوهم‬
No regard shall be had to an (act performed ‫ال عبرة بالظن البين خطؤه‬
in consequence of a) belief which is shown to
be wrong.
If a matter is established by (proper lawful ‫الثابت بالبرهان كالثابت بالعيان‬
means of ) proof, (the effect is tantamount
to the judge being) as an eye-witness.
A person shall be bound by his admissions. ‫املرء ملزم بإقراره‬
A subsidiary matter may be proved without ‫قد يثبت الفرع مع عدم ثبوت األصل‬
the principal matter being proved
A matter which is (merely) outwardly ‫الظاهر يصلح حجة للدفع ال لالستحقاق‬
apparent suffices as a defense (to maintain
the status quo) but not to establish a positive
claim of right.
(He who has) the advantage (of e.g. an ‫الغـرم بالغنم‬
arrangement must bear) the burden (e.g.; of
contributing his share)
No person may validly make a disposition ‫األمر بالتصرف في ملك الغير باطل‬
over the property of another.
He who prematurely obtains a thing shall be ‫من استعجل الشيء قبل أوانه عوقب بحرمانه‬
penalized by being deprived of it.
No person may resile from what he has ‫من سعى في نقض ما تم من جهته فسعيه مردود‬
(conclusively) performed. ‫عليه‬
The rules and principles of Islamic ‫يرجع في فهم النص وتفسيره وتأو يله الى قواعد‬
jurisprudence (Fiqh) shall be relied upon in .‫وأصول الفقه اإلسالمي‬
the understanding, construction and
interpretation of these provisions.
If the judge finds no provision in this Law, he ‫إذا لم يجد القاضي نصا في هذا القانون حكم‬
has to pass judgment according to the .‫بمقتضى الشريعة اإلسالمية‬
Isla;mic Shari'ah
If the judge does not find the solution there,
‫فإذا لم يجد حكم القاضي بمقتضى العرف على أال‬
then he must render judgment in accordance
with custom, but provided that the custom is ‫يكون متعارضا مع النظام العام أو اآلداب‬
not in conflict with public order or morals
The Application of Law with regard to Time ‫التطبيق الزمني للقانون‬
The Application of Law with regard to Place ‫التطبيق املكاني للقانون‬
Provisions in letter and in spirit-in both ‫النصوص في لفظها أو فحواها‬
letter and spirit
Persons of no capacity or of defective ‫فاقدو األهلية وناقصوها‬
It is proper that a private harm be borne to ‫ُيتحمل الضرر الخاص لدفع الضرر العام‬
avert a public harm.
It is proper that a greater harm be removed ‫والضرر األشد يزال بالضرر األخف‬
by (inflicting) a lesser harm.
Categories of evidence are as follows: : ‫أدلة اإلثبات هي‬
(a) writing; .‫ الكتابة‬-‫أ‬
(b) testimony; ‫ الشهادة‬-‫ب‬
(c) circumstantial evidence;
‫ القرائن‬-‫ج‬
(d) eye-witness and expert evidence;
(e) admissions; and .‫ املعاينة والخبرة‬-‫د‬
(f) evidence on oath. .‫ اإلقرار‬-‫ه‬
‫ اليمين‬-‫و‬
The burden lies on an obligee to prove his ‫على الدائن أن يثبت حقه وللمدين نفيه‬
right, and on an obligor to refute it
Any testimony by which. an advantage is ‫ترد كل شهادة تضمنت جر مغنم للشاهد أو دفع‬
gained by a detriment averted from the .‫مغرم عنه‬
witness shall be rejected.
(The burden of proof is upon him who .‫البينة على من ادعى واليمين على ما أنكر‬
asserts, and the oath (of denial) must by
taken by him who denies.

(Independent) evidence must be produced to .‫البينة إلثبات خالف الظاهر واليمين إلبقاء األصل‬
establish what is contrary to the apparent
facts, and the oath must be taken to show
that the facts presumed to exist are true.
A contract to do an unlawful thing is ‫ال يجوز التعاقد على معصية‬
A person who remains silent shall not be ‫ال ينسب الى ساكت قول ولكن السكوت في معرض‬
deemed to have made a statement, but .‫الحاجة بيان ويعتبر قبوال‬
silence in the face of a circumstance in
which a statement is called for shall be
regarded as an acceptance.
A contract may be made by a principal and it ‫يكون التعاقد باألصالة ويجوز أن يكون بطريق‬
may also be made by an agent unless the law .‫النيابة ما لم يقض القانون بغير ذلك‬
stipulates otherwise.
a minor of the age of discretion ‫الصبي املميز‬
Age of discretion ‫سن التمييز‬
The criterion in (the construction of) ‫العبرة في العقود للمقاصد واملعاني ال لأللفاظ‬
contracts is intentions and meanings and not .‫واملباني‬
words and forms
The primary rule is that words have their ‫واألصل في الكالم الحقيقة فال يجوز حمل اللفظ‬
true meaning _ and a word may not be .‫على املجاز إال إذا تعذر حمله على معناه الحقيقي‬
construed figuratively unless it is impossible
to give it its direct meaning.
There shall be no scope for implications in ‫ال عبرة بالداللة في مقابلة التصريح‬
the face of clear words.
Words should be given effect to rather-than ‫أعمال الكالم أولى من إهماله لكن إذا تعذر أعمال‬
ignored, but if it is impossible to give effect ‫الكالم يهمل‬
to words, they shall be ignored.
Reference to part of an indivisible shall ‫ذكر بعض ما ال يتجزأ كذكره كله‬
count as reference to the whole.
An unconditional provision shall be so ‫املطلق يجري على اطالقه إذا لم يقم دليل التقييد‬
construed unless there is evidence, whether .‫نصا أو دالله‬
textual or circumstantial, restricting it .
A description of that which is present is a .‫الوصف في الحاضر لغو وفي الغائب معتبر‬
superfluity, but a description of that which is
absent shall have effect.
Known custom as between merchants shall ‫املعروف بين التجار كاملشروط بينهم‬
have The effect of (express) conditions made
between them.
If the wording of a contract is clear, it may ‫إذا كانت عبارة العقد واضحة فال يجوز االنحراف‬
not be departed from by way of ‫عنها عن طريق تفسيرها للتعرف على إرادة‬
interpretation to ascertain the intention of .‫املتعاقدين‬
the parties.
(A disposition) dependent upon a Condition .‫املعلق بالشرط يثبت عند ثبوت الشرط‬
shall be affirmed upon its being established
that the Condition has materialized.
A Condition must be observed as far as is .‫يلزم مراعاة الشرط بقدر اإلمكان‬

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