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Fast fashion is a global phenomenon characterized by quickly produced, inexpensive clothing that

mimics current trends. The fast fashion industry's emphasis on speed and low-cost production often
sacrifices quality and durability.
The industry's "take, make, dispose" model perpetuates a culture of overconsumption.
Rapidly changing trends prompt consumers to constantly update their wardrobes, leading to a
massive amount of discarded clothing. The majority of these garments end up in landfills, adding to
the global waste crisis. This not only compromises the quality of the garments but also increases the
environmental footprint.
This throwaway mentality contrasts sharply with the principles of sustainability and responsible
consumption. As awareness of these issues grows, there's a growing movement towards sustainable
Due to fast fashion, the quality and sustainability of the products are low. In my opinion educating
consumers about the consequences of their choices and promoting sustainable alternatives is needed.
A collective effort from consumers and businesses is crucial to foster a fashion industry that values
both people and the planet.

Öykü Koçak

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