Pertemuan 4 Entity Relationship Diagram

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(BAG. 2)


Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9 Malang 65144

Student name : Hammam abdullah Saeed B.G

Nim : ( 2341720203)
N.a : 12
Class : TI_I1
» Topik Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

» Praktikum

Praktikum – Bagian 1: Membuat ERD Chen dengan bantuan CASE Tool TerraERD

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First creating a basic ERD by the application :

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» Tugas
Simpanlah lagi ERD yang Anda buat tadi dengan nama lain. Lalu modifikasi dan lengkapilah ERD
tersebut dengan semua elemen (Entities, Attributes, Relationships) yang terdapat dalam skenario Top-


1. Product

2. Component

3. Supplier


1. Product: Product ID (Primary Key), Product Name, Quantity Available

2. Component: Component ID (Primary Key), Component Name, Description

3. Supplier: Supplier ID (Primary Key), Supplier Name


1. A Product is made up of many Components (1:N relationship between Product and Component).

2. A Component can be supplied by one or more Suppliers (M:N relationship between Component
and Supplier).

3. A Supplier can exist without providing any Components (optional relationship).

4. A Component does not have to be associated with a Supplier (optional relationship).

5. A Component does not have to be related to a Product (optional relationship).

6. A Product cannot exist without Components (mandatory relationship).

The Erd:


Cari CASE tools yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat ERD versi Martin. Software apapun boleh
asalkan dengan syarat harus gratis (legal) atau open source. Mari kita hindari penggunaan perangkat
lunak ilegal.Dia: A free and open-source general-purpose diagramming software.

There is a lot of free amd opem sources to create martin version ERD such as :

1. Lucidchart: Offers a free version with limited functionality for creating diagrams online.

2. A free online diagram software for making flowcharts, process diagrams, ER diagrams..

3. StarUML: An open-source project to develop a fast, flexible, extensible, and featureful.

4. Argouml: An open-source UML modeling tool.

You can use any of these tools to create the ERD.

Gunakan tools yang telah Anda install tadi untuk membuat ERD versi Martin dari soal nomor 1.

For me I used uml diagrams because it provides the easiest way to connect line and choose the
shapes and also it looks much better than the normal diagrams.

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