Managers Objective Setting Guide 2024

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Managers Objective Setting Guide

Table of Content

 Overview of the Performance Appraisal System

- Why do we need a Performance Appraisal System?
- Objective setting methodology
 Objective Setting Process in MenaME
- How to set objectives in MenaME?
- Closing the Objective Setting Process (Post employee review of objectives)
Overview of the Performance
Appraisal System
Why do we need a Performance Appraisal System?

 To align individual performance with Departmental and Divisional goals

 To provide clarity of expectations for all employees
 To evaluate how well employees have performed their duty
 To provide adequate feedback to each person on his or her performance
 To serve as a basis for modifying or changing behavior toward more
effective working habitsMid-Year Performance
Review Appraisal
 To identify areas for improvement and determine training needs
Objective Setting Methodology

We set SMART Objectives

S Specific
M Measurable
A Achievable
R Relevant
T Time-bound
Objective Setting Methodology

We set SMART Objectives

S Specific  The objective should be clear and specific, it should

M Measurable describe the desired result in a way that is detailed,

focused, and well-defined.
A Achievable
 The objective should have a description of a precise
R Relevant behavior, achievement, or outcome which is or can be
T Time-bound related to a percentage, frequency, rate or number.
Objective Setting Methodology

We set SMART Objectives

S Specific  It's important to have measurable objectives, so that

M Measurable you can track your employee’s progress, keep them

motivated, know that they have achieved their
A Achievable
R Relevant  A measurable objective should address questions such
T Time-bound as: How much? How many? How will I know when it is
Objective Setting Methodology

We set SMART Objectives

S Specific  The objectives need to be realistic and attainable to be

M Measurable successful. In other words, it should stretch your

employees’ abilities but still remain possible. Consider
A Achievable
availability of resources to achieve the objective.
R Relevant  Setting objectives that are unachievable will lessen
T Time-bound motivation and lead to people applying little or no
energy or enthusiasm. Setting objectives too low a
level can be just disengaging.
Objective Setting Methodology

We set SMART Objectives

S Specific  Ensure that the set objective matters, and that it aligns

M Measurable with the employee’s responsibilities, and with other

relevant objectives and nature of work/duties.
A Achievable
 A relevant objective can answer "yes" to these
R Relevant questions: Does this seem worthwhile? Is this the right
T Time-bound time? Does this match our other efforts/needs? Is this
in line with our priorities? Is the employee the right
person to reach this goal?
Objective Setting Methodology

We set SMART Objectives

S Specific  Every objective needs a target date, so that employees

M Measurable have a deadline to focus on and something to work

towards. This helps to prevent everyday tasks from
A Achievable
taking priority over other set objectives.
R Relevant  Not setting a deadline reduces the motivation and the
T Time-bound urgency of those required to perform the tasks.
Objective Setting Methodology

Example of a not SMART Objective:

S Specific
 Increase Sales volume.
M Measurable (not measurable, not time-bound)
A Achievable
R Relevant Example of a SMART Objective:
T Time-bound
 Meet or exceed quarterly sales target
of BD[xx].
Objective Setting Process in
How to set objectives in MenaME?
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Step 1
- All Managers will receive an email notification to start the objective setting process. Once received,
login to your MenaME account and go to “Manager Self Services” as shown below.
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Step 2
- Click on the “Team Performance” icon to view all employees reporting to you.
- A red circle on “Creation” means objectives were not yet set. To do so, click on “Edit Plan” as shown below.
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Step 3
- Information shown in this page
will be pre-set in the System,
nothing to be entered here.
- Click on “Next” as shown.
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Step 4
- You will reach the page shown below. Click on “Define KPIs” to start the objective setting process.
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Step 5
- You will reach the main objective setting page. Click on “PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS 2024” and
then click on “Add KPI” four times to add a minimum of four objectives.

2. Click Here to Start adding KPI’s

1. Click Here
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Step 6:
- Enter the SMART objectives in the allocated area.
- Enter the Weight of each objective. Total Weight should equal to 100%.
- Copy the weight of each objective in the “Target” column.
- Do not select anything in “Measure” column.
- “Due date” column is predefined, you may change it if needed.
- Once all objectives are set, click on “Save Changes” and then click on “Define Competencies” to go to the next page.

1 2 3 5
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Editing and Deleting objectives
- You can click on the objective box to edit an already entered objective.
- To delete an objective click on the “X” button.
- Do not forget to “Save Changes” after editing or deleting your objectives.
- Once done with editing the objectives, click on “Define Competencies” to go to the next page.
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Step 7
- Do not enter anything in the Competencies page.
- Click on “View Summary” to proceed to the next page.
How to set objectives in MenaME?
Step 8
- The set objectives will be displayed in this page. Review the objectives to ensure they are correct.
- Click on “Send to Employee” to send the objectives to your employee for their review and feedback.
Objective Closing Process in
Closing the Objective Setting Process
(Post employee review of objectives)
Closing the Objective Setting Process (Post employee review of
Step 1
- Once the objectives are sent to your employee, the “Feedback” circle in the Team Performance page will turn red.
- Once employees provide their feedback on the set objectives, a notification email will be sent to the concerned
- The concerned Manager must login to MenaME and go to the main Team Performance page, then click on
“Feedback” as shown below to open the objectives page.
Closing the Objective Setting Process (Post employee review of
Step 2
- You may check the feedback received from your employee by clicking on the Comment box as shown below.
- Note that the set objectives can be further edited if needed, refer to the next slide for more details.
- Finally click on “Start Evaluation” to close the objective setting process.
Closing the Objective Setting Process (Post employee review of
Editing and Deleting objectives (Post employee review of objectives)
- Go to the main Team Performance page and click on “Edit Plan”. Continue to the KPIs Page (Steps are mentioned
in earlier slides).
- Click on “PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS 2024” to allow you to Add or Delete KPIs.
- Add KPIs by clicking on the “Add KPI” button. Delete a KPI by clicking on the “Delete” icon.
- Once done with editing the objectives, click on “Save Changes” and then “Define Competencies” to proceed to
the next pages (Steps are mentioned in earlier slides).
For any assistance, please contact the following:

In Bahrain
Hamad Al Khaja
Deputy Group Head of HR & Operations

Shaik Shavali
Business Systems Specialist

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