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Evaluate the constructs of hypothesis testing and inferential analysis, and the two types of

errors that can be made when carrying out a test of significance (see Table 4.2 in Goodwin).
Assess an example of each type within the context of a research project involving a
counselling situation. As you appraise some of your peers’ posts, what are some of the
implications of treating human subjects and their psychological and emotional turmoil as
being subject to such analysis?

DQ 2.1 #1

Quantitative research: Numbers (math) = HYPOTHESIS TESTING

Qualitative research: counselling settings (individual interviews)

Researchers hope to discover relationships between psychological constructs and behaviour-

although one can never be sure about conclusions drawn from research, we can evaluate that
results came from more than just chance (Goodwin & Goodwin, 2017).

Null hypothesis (Ho): null=nothing / no relationship in the population and the sample's
relationship reflects sampling error (Goodwin & Goodwin, 2017).

Alternative hypothesis (H1): = there is a relationship in the population, and the relationship in the
sample reflects the relationship (Goodwin & Goodwin, 2017).

Here is my example,
Social media has an effect on children's' moods.
(Ho) = there is no relationship between social media and children's moods.
(H1) = There is a relationship between social media and children's moods.

What do you think the implications are of using children in this study?

Goodwin, K. A., & Goodwin, C. J. (2017). Research in psychology: Methods and designs (8th
ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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