2nd Quarterly Assessment English 1

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I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. These are the words that have the same ending sound.

A. Consonant B. Synonym C. Blends D. Rhyming Words

2. What rhymes with ?

A. B. C. D.

3. What word rhymes with SING?

A. sand B. ring C. bear D. shell

4. What word does NOT rhyme with "sad"?

A. day B. bad C. lad D. plaid

5. Which two words are rhyming words?

A. Can and Cat B. Quack and Quick C. Fit and Hit D. Pig and Pen

6. These pronouns were used to point objects, persons, places or animals that can be near or far away
from the speaker.

A. Personal Pronoun B. Interrogative Pronoun

C. Possessive Pronoun D. Demonstrative Pronoun

7. What pronoun do you use if we talk about something you are holding or that is near you?

A. That is B. This is C. Those are D. These are

7. A. Those are B. That is C. These are D. That is

8. A. This is B. That is C. Those are B. These are

9. A. This is B. That is C. These are C. Those are

10. A. That is B. Those are C. This is D. These are

II. Write the correct blend for each picture.

16. ____ _____oon

11. ____ _____ ar

17. ____ _____ap

12. ____ _____an

18. ____ _____ant

13. ____ _____ower

19. ____ _____um

14. ____ _____ape

20. ____ _____ee

15. ____ _____nail

III. Write C if the speaker is the CHARACTER and write N if the speaker is the NARRATOR.

21. The speaker is the one who tells the story only from what they see.

22. If the speaker used he, she, they, them.

23. Kate finished her homework. She was so happy. Her mom gave her a snack after. She can now play.

24. To stay healthy, I brush my teeth three times a day after meal. I take a bath every day and wash my
hands to keep them clean, especially before eating.

25. Ken and Kim are twins. They look alike. They both love playing tennis and watching Disney movies.

IV. Check the picture of the character talking in each story.

26. I sleep almost all day long. I don’t know

how to talk yet, so when I need something, I

30. I have an owner who takes good care of me.

My owner takes me on walks, and she gives me
27. I spend most of my time swimming. I like good food to eat. I have my own special house
to swim with my friends, and I talk to them in my owner’s backyard.
using squeaks and squawks. Sometimes I jump
out of the water. It is fun.

28. I am building a nest for my babies to live

in. Soon, they will arrive inside eggs. I collect
tiny sticks, grass, and soft things to make the
nest comfortable. My nest is in a tree, so I must
fly to get there.

29. I spend a lot of time standing in a field. At

night, I go into a barn. I use long, low sounds to
communicate. Humans can collect milk from
me that is good for them to drink.

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