2ND Quarterlt Assessment Mapeh 1

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I. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. We use toothbrush and toothpaste to take care of our __________.

A. hair B. nose C. teeth D. ear

2. We use __________ and water to clean our body.

A. soap B. toothpaste C. Oil D. toothbrush

3. It causes us diseases that make us sick and weak.

A. vegetable B. hygiene C. exercise D. germs

4. How often do you need to take a bath?

A. Every week B. Every day C. When you only have class D. Every other day

5. How many times do you need to brush your teeth?

A. at least twice a day B. next day C. Every Sunday D. when you have toothache

6. What are you going to use to cut your fingernails and toenails?

A. soap B. cotton buds C. nail cutter D. alcohol

7. What are you going to wear when you have class in school?

A. dress B. sando C. shorts D. school uniform

8. What are you going to use if you have cough or you need to sneeze?

A. shirt B. handkerchief C. soap D. nail cutter

9. What is the proper way to maintain good posture when sitting or standing?

A. put your foot to the other chair B. hunch or slouch on your chair C. straight your back

10. What physical activity that can help your body healthy?

A. play under the rain B. skipping rope C. jump and play with mud

11. When you got lost, you can ask help to these people except____.

A. policeman B. adult with children in same age

C. thief or burglar D. Uniformed salesperson

12. They are the people who can touch us except_____.

A. stranger B. nurse C. family member D. friends

13. A good touch is done by______.

A. kick B. slap C. punch D. high five

14. What will you say if a stranger comes to you and ask for your address?

A. I will say it B. I will say no

15. What are you going to do if a stranger tries to hold or touch you?

A. slap him B. hug him C. run away D. stay still

16. What are you going to yell if a stranger holds you?

A. Help! B. Yehey!

17. Pat on the back means?

A. Good touch B. Bad touch

II. Draw if the sentence tells about keeping the body clean and healthy and draw if not.

________18. May covers her mouth when she coughs.

________19. Sam wears jacket during hot summer.

________20. Beret always spends time in front of the TV.

________21. Rosa stands straight during flag ceremony.

________22. Maria brushes her teeth after every meal.

III. Write T if the sentence is true about keeping a healthy environment and F if false.

________23. Molds grow when the walls and ceilings is damp.

________24. Dirty floors is an example of healthy environment.

________25. Things like toys should be kept on the floor after you play.

________26. Fresh air drives away bad odor and toxins

________27. Paint and insecticides are good to use by children like you.

IV. Write / if the following sentences is the effect of clean water on our body and write X if not.

________28. It repairs and controls body temperature.

________29. It flushes out toxins and waste in the form of urine.

________30. If we drink dirty water, you can get diarrhea.

________31. It helps us to digest food and take in nutrients.

________32. You got dehydrated if you don’t have enough water.

V. Circle the following pictures that show conservation of water.

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