Gold Exp C1 U8 Lang Test A

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UNIT 8: Language Test A

Grammar 8 The amount of food that people are eating is

increasing and this is affecting their health in a way
Task 1 which is harmful.
Complete the sentences with the correct passive
form of the verbs in brackets.
9 Maybe it’s time to consult a nutritionist who is
experienced in order to get a diet which is specially
1 The diet of adults in 187 countries is
(assess) by experts.

2 The research findings on weight control 10 The child who was three years old was eating food
(publish) in the next issue of British Medical Journal. with such a fuss that I was getting annoyed.
3 Unfortunately the health information which
(follow) by many was not accurate.
4I (just, advise) by my doctor to cut
down my sugar intake.

5 Knowledge and skills of professional cooks are going

to (enhance) in order to improve food
and nutrition in healthcare.


Task 2

Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Include the

agent only where necessary.

6 I am fascinated by how smell can affect people's


7 A nutritionist from an American college is supporting

us. He is going to lead the research project.


Task 3

Rewrite the sentences and modify the nouns.

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Vocabulary 20 She has been walking around with a
face since she found out she hadn’t lost any weight.
Task 1
21 She said that the incident had her up,
Complete the sentences with these words. You
but she was going to be fine.
may need to change the form of the words. There
is one extra word which you do not need to use. 22 When someone’s made you feel angry, sometimes
it’s better to write it all down rather than let
blub chuckle empathise giggle groan in person.
moan rant sympathise wail
23 I can see that something's upsetting you, so why
don't you it off your chest and tell me
11 When she saw the boss trying to stuff that massive what it is.
sandwich into his mouth, Jane started
24 Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to
have a good and get it all out.
12 How bad is your indigestion? I can
25 I completely broke down and my
with you, although I don’t completely understand
how you feel. heart out yesterday evening.

13 We all like a good now and again, but ___/7

too much complaining isn’t very good for a person.

14 Jane still every single time she

recounts that experience as if she’s telling the joke
of the century.

15 I would not able to be a psychologist if I were not

able to with my patients.

16 It doesn’t matter how much the bill is, he

every time he has to pay.

17 I have been invited to a party but I don’t want to go

because the host can’t stop about the
government and healthcare.

18 I can admit to like a baby afterwards.

The ending of the film was heartbreaking.


Task 2

Read the sentences and complete the gaps with

one word only.

19 I was in when I was shown a picture

of him with that ridiculous hat.

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Use of English
Task 1

Read the text and complete the gaps with one word only.

Little picky eaters

Picky eating is partly genetic. Parents, whose children like something one day but dislike it the next day, might be
surprised to find out that their child may have (26) born to be fussier than others. Studies have shown
that (27) sensitive we are to flavours (28) inherited. While parents can relate to the daily
challenge of finding foods that children (29) eat, they shouldn’t simply give in to certain food the child
wants or (30) food at all. Encouraging a variety of healthy food and getting the children exposed (31)
foods can help to counter this tendency. Research has shown that (32) babies are given a wide range of
healthy foods from six months (33) , they are likely to develop healthy eating habits. Elena, a twenty-
two-year-old from London who is an emotional eater believes that her childhood habits (34) resulted in
her having an awfully sweet tooth. Although it is crucial for children to have a balanced diet, they shouldn’t (35)
pushed too hard to try different things as this can have an adverse effect.


Task 2

Read the article and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Blood Type Diet

The Blood Type Diet which has many advocates is based on the notion that a person’s blood type determines which
foods are best for one’s health. However, there is no solid (36) to back this up. It’s claimed that each blood type
represents genetic (37) of our ancestors, including which diet they evolved to thrive on. There are four groups;
Type A, B, AB and O. There is a (38) reliance on plants in Type A with no red meat, while in Type B people
should avoid wheat, corn, and a few other foods. Type O has a close (39) to the Palo diet; a high-protein diet
based (40) on meat, but limited in grains, legumes and dairy. Individuals with AB blood type are believed to
benefit from a mix of Type A and B diets. There’s no clinical evidence that any of these diets would (41) the
trick, however, (42) adherence to any of them can be effective for (43) one’s health. Any benefits are
most (44) due to nutrient intakes and (45) processed food from the diet.

36 A fact B figure C evidence D defence

37 A habits B traits C characters D aspects

38 A heavy B large C solid D powerful

39 A comparison B association C making D resemblance

40 A hugely B definitely C largely D highly

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41 A make B do C have D show

42 A firm B hard C severe D strict

43 A enhancing B improving C strengthening D increasing

44 A likely B highly C fairly D rightly

45 A eradicating B undermining C exploiting D eliminating


Total: ___/50

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