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0: Rent and ride Company

Business Model
Name of founder(s):
Matt Justine S. Manaig
Brent Crisostomo
Eiron Masangkay

Company name:
CARPOOL 2.0: Rent and ride Company
What pain points are you addressing? Provide a detailed description of the problem and how it’s affecting people’s lives.
Why do you care about this problem? (and why should anyone care)
Why is this an important problem? - Try to quantify the size of the problem (cost for people, hours of wasted time, how
frequent?). Explain why it’s urgent to solve this now.
It is not uncommon to have transportation difficulties. It is possible that students may be unable to attend remote

or rural schools due to transportation problems. Some suggest online classes have eased transportation problems for some

students, but not for everyone. (Atwood 2022). According to Galang 2016. The plot of accidents that occurred in Cabuyao,

Laguna, it can be concluded that the national highways in Barangay Banlic, Barangay Banay-Banay, and Barangay Pulo

and Barangay Sala have been found to cause more accidents than the rest of the city's barangays. One can only assume

that the traffic is only one of the causes why accidents happens and traffic happens due to accidents.

As reported by Milano 2018, there is heavy traffic on the Pulo-Diezmo road every day, whereas the most intense

traffic occurs between 6:00 am and 8:00 am and 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm. The problems between accidents and the traffics

must urgently be resolved as it affects both health and academics and other more.
Buyer Persona
A buyer persona is a profile that represents your ideal customer. Describe your buyer persona using information about: Persona name: It's important to give your persona a name to bring
them to life and humanize your marketing efforts, Job title, Essential information about their company (size, sector, etc.), Details about their job role, Demographics: Age, Gender, Salary
or combined household income, Location: (are they from an urban, suburban or rural region), Level of education, Family size, Goals and challenges (Main goal, Secondary goal), How
you help your persona reach these goals, Primary challenge, Secondary challenge, How you can assist in resolving these problems, Values and fears, Main personal values, Common
objections during sales process.

Buyer Persona: Ruby, A Student Commuter enthusiast
Name: Ruby Althea Samantha G. Del Rosario ● Managing tight budget
Age: 21 ● Finding reliable transportation routes
Location: Cabuyao, Laguna, Calabarzon, Philippines
Background: Information:

● Ruby is a third year college student who are majoring Civil Engineering ● Online Platforms
from MMCL. ● Word from others

● She lives off-campus with her family at alabang, manila and commutes daily
to attend classes.
"Share the ride, share the knowledge. Carpooling 2.0: The smart way to learn, save, and have fun
● Ruby prefers transportation who provides comfortable, safe and secure all at the same time"
Marketing Strategy:
Social Media Campaigns: Specifically through facebook posts.

● Control your own arrival and departure time at the college university.
Cost-effectiveness: Compare costs with other transportation options and emphasize the savings.
● Connect and bond with other carpooling students.
● Save time and money on transportation. Building community: Promote social interaction between students during the ride.

Convenience: Provide convenient booking options, flexible schedules, and reliable drivers.
Market Size
For whom are you creating value? List your target customers (paying) and users (non-paying)
Describe the size of your market (TAM - SAM - SOM) in terms of # of potential customers and $ Revenue potential

TAM: According to Philippine News Agency there are over 2.1 million learners in
senior high school. According to CHED, there are approximately 1,596,345 college
students in the Philippines.

SAM: There are over 4,220 students in MMCL not including their geographic and
Assess potential for Tam/Sam/Som
demographic profile. (according to CHED).
- Potential number of customers/users
- Revenue potential
SOM: 4,220 students are the total students enrolled in MMCL according to CHED.
multiplying it by 10-25% will get 422 - 1,055 percentage of students. Using Slovin's
formula, we can safely acquire 205 for 5% in 422 population percentages and 167 for
X users
6%. Next, 1,055 population percentages would be 290 for 5% and 219 for 6% required X USD X users
maximum sample size. The SOM of the business will use the 167 of 6% confidence X USD X users
level as the maximum respondent for the market surveying and 100 will be the X USD
minimum. The approximate value market for shuttle services 85₱ - 70₱ per student
head (According to MMCL). 4,220 * 85 = 295,400₱ - 358,700₱ for the semi-private
transportation. And for public transportation the minimum fare is ₱13 and an additional
₱2.25 for every succeeding kilometer. 4,220*13₱ = 54,860₱ for their first ride and
additional of 2.25 for every succeeding kilometer. (Lao 2022)


How are you solving the problem? Describe your product/service. List the most awesome feature(s) of your product/service
that everyone will rave about. Visualize the way the product works, use a video explainer video or wireframes of your
app/software tool. Try to SHOW not just TELL.
How do customers hear about your products? How do you distribute your products? How do you make it “sticky” and get
people to keep coming back (stay top of mind)

Business channel:

A facebook post will be used to advertise the products to the customers and retailers could advertise the
product to nearby students. The distribution channel for this business will be indirect. Based on the level 1
concept, the retailer will offer to its customers the product that came from the producer as a profitable
product. It would be the retailer's responsibility to interact with customers and sales must be maintained by
the retailer.

Customers will be able to enjoy the product with limited events and promotions offered by the company.
Upon completion of a 7 day period of using the business carpool, customers will be given a voucher that
can alleviate the additional fee for one day or give them a discount in the ride.
Revenue model
Who is paying? How much are they paying? What are they paying for? (sale of goods, usage fees, subscription fees,
licensing fees, advertisement, sponsorships, donations) How much profit do you make per transaction? Be specific and
write down numbers (your best guess) Show a chart with your revenue projections for the next 3 years.
See these articles to learn about revenue models you can use:

Student fees: (Daily)

1. Income per students (Assuming student travels 25km)
₱50+₱13.50(25 km) = ₱387.5

2. If student didn’t return the car in time:

₱387.5 + ₱300 = ₱637.5

3. Retailer income per day: ₱700.00

4. Every 10 cars (10 students)

₱387.5 *10 = ₱3875


₱3875* 24 = ₱93,000 (per 10 students monthly)

For the next 3 years:

(₱93,000*12)(3)= ₱3,348,000
(Assuming 10 students uses car everyday in every month and every year)

Fees are expected to change if the gas prices, car maintenance

prices, labour prices changes. Price changes may only occur once
every month.
List your fixed costs (machinery, rent, web hosting, salaries) and variable costs (marketing, production, distribution, sales
commissions). How much money do you need to develop your MVP? Can you calculate your break-even point?

Dynamic - As the value of gasoline, maintenance of a car changes daily the cost of the business prices will
not be fixed and will be changed once every month.

Dynamic cost:

1. Car - ₱609,000 * 10 = ₱6,090,000 (Price of 10 wigo cars)

1.1. Car Maintenance - ₱10,000 (Price of car maintenance per month)
1.2. Car gasoline - (changes overtime)

2. Employee (Retailer)
₱700 * 24 = ₱16,800 per month

3. Renting space - ₱3,000 (Per month)

Unique value proposition
Why are people buying from you? Write a clear, concise, compelling message stating why you are different and worth
paying attention to.

Our business offers;

○ Customers' choice are one of the company’s top priority; Customers can choose their departure time. Carpool drivers must be fully

registered to allow the rent in the car.

○ Only registered drivers are the conductors of car pools. Within the company’s registration for carpool drivers; applicants must know

the basic do’s and dont’s whilst driving the car given by the company; the safety of customers are the company’s top priority.

○ Offers Ride now pay later and accepts online or face to face transaction. For the time convenience of customers they can either book a

ride through chat or just talk to the personnel waiting within the rental cars.

○ Easy access for students from MAPUA MALAYAN COLLEGES LAGUNA to travel where shuttles and other public transportation do not

offer for just one ride. It offers multiple choice of drop off points.

○ Car pooling are available from Monday - Saturday 6:00 am to 9:00 pm.
Unfair advantage
Why are you the best team to solve this problem? How is your solution better than existing alternatives?
How do you protect your business from competitors? (IP protection, key partnerships)

As a team, we are able to solve some problems such as safety, time consumption, multiple ways to
transact, and more. Our carpool service offers unique drop off points, whereas other modes do not.
Students are also eligible for cost reductions according to the amount of rides they wish to book. In the
case of group bookings, your cost will be deducted, for instance discounted, as opposed to traveling alone.

It might be necessary to use key partnerships with MAPUA MALAYAN COLLEGES LAGUNA service
shuttles in order to protect the business from other competitors. Shuttles offer a wide range of drop off
points, but there are still drop off points that aren't served by shuttle services. That's where the key
partnerships can come in, as carpools can cover students without shuttle service.
7. Impact
What social or environmental impact will your business have and who are the beneficiaries? (Why should we care about
you and support you)

Shared Cost: Carpooling has the primary, most direct, and instant benefit of splitting the overall cost. If more people are riding together, it can
occasionally even be less expensive than using public transportation. You incur the expense of gasoline, upkeep, and repairs on your own when you
drive alone to work. It can also help lessen traffic congestion. There are more spots on the road and less traffic bottlenecks when people ride together.

Reduces Pollution: Reduced pollution is another immediate benefit of carpooling. A healthier living environment results from fewer carbon footprints
and traffic caused by fewer automobiles on the road. Imagine the impact of sharing a journey! Carpooling can help reduce carbon footprints by half.

Build Connections: In recent years, networking has emerged as one of the buzziest and most often used terms, and its enormous influence is seen
everywhere. Building and establishing a network is one of the main advantages of carpooling. How frequently do we socialise informally with
coworkers from various departments or meet new people? Without requiring you to put in much energy to develop a network, carpooling provides that
chance in your daily life.

Improved Punctuality: Being more timely is one of the advantages of carpooling that is less well-known. When you drive yourself to work, you are
not motivated to stick to a schedule and instead become bored, sluggish, or simply dislike driving. When you know your coworker will arrive at a
predetermined time to pick you up or you have to pick them up. Sharing transportation therefore turns into a means of encouraging punctuality,
professionalism, and on-time arrival.
Risky Assumptions
List the riskiest assumptions in your business model (e.g. “is the problem we want to solve actually a problem for the user?”,
“Do we really know who the ideal target customer is”, “Do customers want our help?”, “will customers pay us for a

Our objective for MMCL students is to reduce their daily commute expenses to Mapua Malayan Colleges Laguna. Due to the
current economic conditions, the prices of goods and gasoline have increased, leading to a rise in transportation costs in our
country. Consequently, the daily income of individuals may prove insufficient. Here, our aim is to assist MMCL students in
reducing their expenses and saving time during their commute. Additionally, we aspire to make our business eco-friendly to
contribute to environmental conservation.

According to our survey, the majority of respondents expressed a preference for spacious and air-conditioned transportation.
Our business target is to provide affordable and comfortable rides, thereby minimizing expenses for our customers.
MVP Experiments
Describe the MVP experiments you conduct to test the riskiest hypothesis in your business model and what you learned
from the experiments. Read this article to learn more about MVP experiments:

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