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Foundations of OKRs

CHECKLIST Transformational Services

OKRs: Overall Goals

OKRs clearly and unambiguously state what success looks like for this year/quarter.
OKRs are inspirational and challenging enough to really motivate you on what
matters most right now.

OKRs contribute to the top-level company OKRs, and are aligned with your
team and/or other cross-dependent OKRs.

OKRs should be bottom-up in nature for at least 50% of total OKRs created.

OBJECTIVES: What We Want to Achieve

Objectives capture the crucial theme(s) for the year/quarter

Objectives are worded as short, catchy and engaging headlines. (Avoid long
descriptive sentences.)

Objectives show radical focus with only 2-5 Objectives at the company level and
1-3 Objectives at the team/individual level. (If everything becomes a priority, then
nothing is really a priority.)

KEY RESULTS: How We Will Measure Success

Max of 5 KRs at the company/team level and 3 KRs at individual level per Objective.

KRs measure the desired outcomes with clear numerics, not as a list of activities.

KRs avoid unintended consequences from quantity metrics through balancing them
with counter-measures such as quality, user experience, work satisfaction, etc.

At least one KR per Objective is a stretch goal (only a 50-70% chance of success).

Sanity Check: If you achieve these KRs, will you have met the intentions of the
Objective? If not, refine them further.

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