Teaching Reform of College Basketball Multimedia V

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Journal of Sensors
Volume 2021, Article ID 5019690, 20 pages

Research Article
Teaching Reform of College Basketball Multimedia Video
Image from the Perspective of Basketball Culture

Bo Zheng1 and Guangcai Qu 2

Physical Education Research Department, Hunan University of Medicine, Huaihua, 418000 Hunan, China
Sports Science Division, Renji College of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, 325035 Zhejiang, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Guangcai Qu; 1220102007@wmu.edu.cn

Received 3 September 2021; Revised 14 October 2021; Accepted 15 November 2021; Published 31 December 2021

Academic Editor: Haibin Lv

Copyright © 2021 Bo Zheng and Guangcai Qu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Computer-aided instruction (CAI) is a teaching method that uses modern media to present teaching content, optimize classroom
teaching structure, and achieve teaching goals. Multimedia technology integrates graphics, text, and sound, with a large amount of
information, rich content, and a good way of human-computer interaction. This article aims to study the reform of basketball
teaching in colleges and universities from the perspective of basketball culture. This article mainly adopts the method of
questionnaire survey and uses techniques such as big data statistics to investigate and analyze the composition of basketball
teachers in colleges and universities in a certain province; Understand the situation; analyze and understand the impact of
basketball culture on the reform of college basketball teaching; analyze the effect of the composition of college basketball
teachers on college basketball teaching reform; and investigate the impact of the integration of basketball culture on students’
basketball interest. The results show that about 70% of students believe that basketball can enhance physical fitness and
recreation, while most teachers believe that basketball can enhance students ‘physical fitness, impart students’ skills, and
promote physical and mental health. The expectations for leisure, entertainment and heritage culture are less than 20%. From
the perspective of the age structure of teachers, the basketball team of colleges and universities shows younger characteristics
and teachers less than 40 years old account for more than 70% of the total. 81.0% of college basketball teachers are mainly
graduates, but the proportion of basketball teachers with a doctorate is significantly lower. Some colleges and universities do
not even have a doctorate. Most of them are graduates and undergraduates. Some colleges and universities still have college
students. Therefore, teachers often need to have a certain basic knowledge of basketball professional culture, and they should
make full use of basketball sports culture and combine them with each other to cultivate their own basketball interests and
promote the reform of basketball sports teaching methods in colleges and universities.

1. Introduction cultural education. It is a core sports event in the Olympic

Games and a physical skill confrontation comprehensive
The development of basketball sports has been for more sports centered on hands. With the continuous innovation
than 100 years. In these years, the new basketball sports cul- and development of Chinese basketball, the professional cul-
ture bred by basketball has been deeply rooted in people’s ture of basketball has gradually formed. Chinese basketball
hearts. Basketball is moving to the world. It has been widely culture in a broad sense generally refers to a substance that
spread and rapidly developed in China. The form of e-sports people constantly create in learning basketball, such as spir-
sports games has transformed into a new type of basketball itual wealth. In the narrow sense, basketball culture contains
culture communication carrier that integrates the four abili- various psychological aspects, such as people’s behavioral
ties of basketball’s political and cultural influence, economic psychological level and mental quality level. The profes-
and cultural productivity, social and cultural affinity, and sional cultural education value of basketball is more and
2 Journal of Sensors

more highly recognized by sports experts, and it also has a is still not on the list. As a country with a population of 1.5
positive educational impact on the normal physical and billion and a strong cohesive force, we should also fully inte-
mental development of college students in China. grate Chinese basketball sports culture into physical educa-
With the continuous deepening, popularization and tion, inspire and ignite the dreams of Chinese basketball
development of basketball NBA and CNA basketball in ideals for the majority of students, and cultivate and train
China, basketball sports culture is widely regarded by the generations of excellent basketball professionals [4]. This
Chinese people as a type of sports cultural communication article aims to study the reform of basketball teaching in col-
phenomenon that has been widely loved and particularly leges and universities from the perspective of basketball cul-
interested by basketball people [1, 2]. Therefore, it is neces- ture. This article mainly adopts teaching experiment
sary for sports circles and sociologists to re-understand the method, literature data method, interview method, mathe-
common formation of Chinese and foreign sports cultures matical statistics method, logical analysis method, and ques-
and their factors, evolution, concepts, systems, characteris- tionnaire survey method and uses techniques such as big
tics and cultural differences. As for the school itself as a good data statistics to investigate and analyze the composition of
place to train a group of senior national talents, it is even basketball teachers in colleges and universities in a certain
more necessary to have an in-depth understanding of its province; Understand the situation; analyze and understand
profession [3]. As a sport of basketball, not only physical the impact of basketball culture on the reform of college bas-
confrontation, but also theoretical knowledge is also impor- ketball teaching; analyze the effect of the composition of col-
tant. Traditional teaching methods have fixed teaching pro- lege basketball teachers on the reform of college basketball
cedures in theoretical learning, and the explanations are too teaching; change educational thinking, improve one’s own
straightforward, relying on the oral explanations and dem- quality, build knowledge reserve and practical operation
onstrations of physical education teachers. It is difficult to ability for multimedia teaching and even teaching method
express abstract technical actions completely and correctly. innovation, and investigate and collect experiments on the
Therefore, it is particularly important to use multimedia impact of the integration of basketball culture on students’-
video teaching to reform basketball theory. The multimedia basketball interests Data, analysis and statistics of experi-
courseware introduces basketball special teaching, which is mental data.
in line with the theme of the era of human text. Multimedia
courseware based on the application of computer technology
integrates multimedia elements such as pictures, videos, 2. Basketball Culture and Teaching
audios, etc., while providing students with perceptual enjoy-
ment, it is easy for them to master knowledge and enhance 2.1. Multimedia Technology. Multimedia technology refers
skills in a subtle way. Combining traditional basketball to the ability to collect, encode, store, transmit, process and
teaching methods with multimedia teaching methods, and express a variety of media information (such as text, graphic
developing basketball teaching multimedia courseware can images, audio and video, etc.) based on digitization, and
effectively improve the teaching effect of basketball technical comprehensively process multiple media information and
courses. make it established It is an organic logical connection, inte-
Georgehill and others once said, “Basketball is a team grated into a system and has good interactive technology.
sport, which is why the Spurs and Pacers can surprise many The main characteristics of multimedia technology are:
people.” A basketball game is a professional team fighting resource integration. Resource integration refers to the com-
with other teams. Although the United States is a western prehensive processing of multiple information resources
country that highly respects individual teams and heroism, with the computer as the center. Including the integrated
it has also fully reflected and issued a strong individual team processing of information media, and the second is the inte-
and heroism in the NBA. At the same time, the NBA League gration of equipment processing various media. First of all,
is still a hero league that attaches great importance to team multimedia is not only the diversity of media forms, but also
building. DocRivers and others believe that in the playoffs that various media forms are related to each other in the
between the Rockets and the Clippers, the Rockets played a computer, such as the synchronization of text, sound, and
strong sense of teamwork, and finally went into the Western pictures. Secondly, the multimedia computer system should
Conference finals with a decisive advantage when the score have a high-speed CPU capable of processing multimedia
was behind. This shows that the NBA attaches great impor- information, large-capacity storage devices, input and out-
tance to teamwork, which is a culture of the NBA and the put devices suitable for multimedia data transmission, etc.;
essence of the NBA. If we also want to improve the quality interactive. Interactivity means that users can interact with
and efficiency of basketball teaching, this basketball culture computer application systems to control and use informa-
is worth our learning . tion more effectively. This feature can increase the user’s
The rapid economic development has promoted the understanding and attention to the information, and pro-
development of basketball culture in China, but if we want long the time of information retention. With the help of
to take it to the next level, it is an indispensable way to interactive communication, users can learn, think and solve
absorb and learn from the basketball culture of other coun- problems according to their own wishes. From the perspec-
tries. It is nothing more than a shortcut. In today’s world, tive of users, interactivity is the most important feature of
the United States has the best basketball strength, and it is multimedia technology. It has changed the way of one-way
recognized that the United States is the only one, but China information exchange in the past. The computer
Journal of Sensors 3


Client Firewall

Switch local area


balancer VOD video
Database OA server on demand FTP server

Front end access

WEB server Disk array

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of multimedia technology.

Represents the
Display media
Display media

Feel the media Input device

Input device Output device

Represents the

Storage Transmission

Figure 2: Multimedia and computer relationship.

communicates. Figure 1 shows the principle diagram of mul- ments. Using multimedia teaching methods, through the
timedia technology. form of action videos or three-dimensional animations of
Multimedia is converted to presentation media through outstanding athletes, with vivid pictures and targeted techni-
the input device and stored in the storage media. After the cal explanations, students’ subjective initiative can be
computer processes the presentation media in the storage aroused, students’ thinking, and a strong thirst for knowl-
media, the presentation media is restored to sensory media edge can be aroused. Avoid boring mechanical learning.
through the output device. as shown in Figure 2. The multimedia video teaching reform can enrich teaching
methods, optimize teaching resources, mobilize students’
2.2. Use Multimedia Technology to Cultivate Students’ subjective initiative, acquire sensory cognition from multiple
Tactical Awareness. In traditional physical education, the angles, deepen memory actions, and improve skills.
teaching procedures are fixed and the explanations are too Basketball consciousness refers to a special function and
straightforward. Relying on the oral explanations and dem- ability that correctly reflects the regularity of basketball
onstrations of physical education teachers, it is difficult to movement produced by the active thinking process of the
completely and correctly express abstract technical move- brain when basketball players are engaged in basketball
4 Journal of Sensors

Basket ball offensive and

defensive action intention
Attention to guide

(Short-term memory)
Observe and thinking judgment
Response action
perceive and decision-making
(long-term memory)

Action evaluation

Figure 3: Schematic diagram of the development process of basketball consciousness.

practice activities. It is the general name of a kind of correct core values of the Chinese basketball and the consensus of
mental and physiological function reflex action that basket- the group. Its substantive significance is the “humanization”
ball players have refined and accumulated in the process of and “humanization” of Chinese basketball. Basketball sports
long-term basketball practice activities. The main content culture is mainly composed of three basic aspects: basketball
includes the ability to observe the situation on the field, anal- spiritual culture, material culture and institutional culture.
ysis and judgment ability, rapid reaction ability, tactical Spiritual culture refers to the basic essence of China’s basket-
thinking ability, adaptability and self-control ability. Basket- ball sports culture, and its main meaning refers to the vari-
ball awareness is an objective reflection of all players’ behav- ous aspects that have gradually emerged during the
iors on the court. Athletes obtain information through development of basketball in China. This kind of basketball
observation of the game situation, analyze and judge, and cultural thought, sports spirit, ethics of cooperation and fair
quickly choose reasonable offensive and defensive strategies competition, and people’s positive psychology to respond to
to control their technical and tactical activities, and they social challenges, etc.; material system basketball culture
are selective and dominant in technical and tactical activi- mainly refers to the rules of the basketball game gradually
ties. And predictability. Therefore, basketball consciousness formed in the history of the development and evolution of
is regarded as the most precious “essence” of athletes and basketball in China, The rules and regulations of basketball
the “soul” that guides correct actions in the game. As shown teams and the rules and regulations of basketball competi-
in Figure 3. tions; and the material culture in basketball culture refers
Through the multimedia display system, understand the to the cultural connotation represented by equipment such
technical statistical information of the athletes’ scores, as basketball itself, the basket and the basketball court. They
rebounds, steals, fouls, the adaptability of the competition are no longer just a material symbol. It also contains a cer-
venues and environment, the athletes’ own physical factors, tain spiritual significance, highlighting the deep social spiri-
technical factors, psychological factors, tactical factors, and tual and cultural value of Chinese basketball [5, 6].
the tendency of the audience to noise, Refueling and other
behaviors will affect the athletes’ performance in the game (2) The spiritual connotation and cultural extension of
to a certain extent, and ultimately affect the result of the basketball sports culture in China
game. As shown in Figure 4.
Basketball sports culture itself is a special symbol of
2.3. Basic Concepts of Basketball Sports Culture national cultural quality. In our country’s basketball sports
culture, the humanistic spirit of basketball, which is highly
(1) Basic definition of basketball culture in China admired by people, has received widespread attention.
Therefore, most of the college basketball teachers and stu-
China’s basketball sports culture mainly refers to some dents in basketball sports teaching through activities to con-
sports cultural ideas, basketball sports concepts and a team tinuously improve college teachers and students The cultural
spirit of teamwork and cooperation that are gradually physical quality and cultural psychological quality show its
formed by modern people in the development of basketball nationality and cultural regionality. Its sports cultural and
in China. They are also a type of sports culture. The impor- artistic connotation is mainly displayed in its various social
tant spiritual expressions, to a certain extent, fully demon- application functions; as far as the artistic extension of
strate the basic moral values and core values of China’s indoor basketball sports culture is concerned, the original
sports, and can create endless various spiritual wealth and intention of JamesNai Smith’s basketball design concept
various material wealth during the development of basket- was to develop an interesting and easy-to-learn indoor bas-
ball in China. The two core concepts held by them are the ketball game. So that college students can easily pass the
Journal of Sensors 5


Multimedia Multimedia
display system sound system

Team foul LED large

Tee indicator
counter screen


Visual factors



Figure 4: Analysis diagram of the influence factors of multimedia technology on athletes during the game.

boring winter indoor basketball physical education class, lib- basketball leisure sports health culture education into college
erate their muscles and bodies, and get rid of the shackles of students’ basketball sports teaching can effectively improve
boring and inactive mechanical sports. Therefore, the cul- the correct understanding of health among college teachers
tural concept of indoor basketball teams can usually be said and students to a certain extent, thereby helping to guide
to originate directly from universities, so Indoor basketball is college teachers to better organize the development of col-
usually the main indoor sports activity that college students lege basketball sports The work of teaching activities has
can participate in. Schools usually plan to set up a basketball made the original single basketball teaching activities more
team to promote the enthusiasm of college students and diversified, from the original focus on improving the com-
increase the interpersonal interaction between teachers and prehensive quality of students’ physical and athletic skills
students. At present, the professional culture of college bas- to the efforts to promote the comprehensive and healthy
ketball is an important part of the professional culture of col- development of college students [9, 10].
leges and universities, and it has profoundly affected the
overall mental outlook of teachers and students in colleges (2) Chinese traditional school basketball teaching is gen-
and universities [7, 8]. erally considered to be led by a teacher or by stu-
dents to warm up first, and then to teach students
2.4. Characteristics of Basketball Teaching. College basketball basketball. Such teaching content is relatively single,
teaching should follow the principle of health first. Health boring, and there are few students in the classroom
here refers not only to physical health, but also psychological exposure to the study of professional theoretical
and moral health. From a broader perspective, students’ knowledge. In this way, the effect of students’ inde-
health education also includes various individual social pendent learning in the concentrated classroom is
training abilities. Comprehensive diversification in terms of not obvious. To actively and effectively reform the
comprehensive training and individual training capabilities. classroom activities of school basketball teams, we
In college basketball sports teaching, what we should do is must give full play to the role of basketball culture,
to put the overall development goals of college students strengthen the penetration of basketball culture in
‘health first, and all college students’ basketball sports teach- basketball teaching, and organically combine basket-
ing activities should also be closely centered on the overall ball classroom teaching with basketball culture. For
health development goals of college students. Carry out. example, in the field of college basketball art culture
The content of leisure basketball sports culture is very exten- education, college students’ basketball sports teach-
sive, and its own functions are also relatively rich. Under the ing activities will be actively carried out. The content
guidance of leisure basketball culture, the educational func- of sports teaching will definitely be richer than
tion of college basketball teaching will make you more pow- China’s traditional sports teaching content, and this
erful. Therefore, the effective introduction of the concept of will effectively break the traditional basketball sports
6 Journal of Sensors

Figure 5: Basketball star jump shot technique display.

Figure 6: NBA basketball game video.

teaching technology in China. And strict restric- students may understand the error, etc., the use of multime-
tions on sports competition rules. Moreover, under dia teaching courseware can compensate for the shortcom-
this traditional teaching method, students ‘partici- ings of traditional teaching, and more accurately and
pation methods can be diversified, allowing stu- intuitively explain the difficult points of basketball technical
dents to combine their own interests and choose movements, easy to make mistakes and other issues, so that
the content that they are better at, thereby effec- students Grasp the essentials of basic techniques more
tively improving the efficiency of candidates’ study quickly. As shown in Figure 5.
and work [11, 12]. Using multimedia teaching to teach for 30 minutes each
session, the main teaching content at this stage is the use of
Adding multimedia elements such as animated Flash or basketball skills and tactics and high-level national basket-
video to the teaching demonstration makes the teaching ball team game playback. This can not only stimulate stu-
classroom more lively and interesting. In the teaching of dents’ enthusiasm for learning sports, stimulate their
basketball technology, many actions are explained and curiosity, but also make students have a deeper understand-
expressed in language, or even if the meaning expressed will ing of the ability of basketball sports to unite and cooperate.
be There is a certain error from the original meaning, or the As shown in Figure 6.
Journal of Sensors 7

2.5. Development Status of Basketball Course Teaching ball technology teaching in colleges and universities are not
high enough, the number of courses is small, and in most
(1) Chinese students’ basketball adaptability is not ideal cases at noon and evening, students have less free time and
lack of energy, which is difficult to fully in the practice of
According to the analysis of relevant teaching data, when physical education teaching Giving play to the normal tech-
various colleges and universities in China are teaching bas- nical level, the teaching content is difficult to be absorbed
ketball courses, their various teaching methods cannot meet well, students progress slowly, and the sense of achievement
the real basketball needs of Chinese students. The teaching is not high, so it is easy to give up.
mode is too simplistic and rigid, and students are easily bor-
ing and tedious in class. It is difficult to fully stimulate the (3) Less interaction between teachers and students in the
enthusiasm of all students during the teaching discussion. classroom
Moreover, the school basketball team has a large amount
of training and less training time. It is very difficult for stu- When interacting with teachers and students in a basket-
dents to keep up with the teacher’s teaching progress, and ball classroom, most basketball teachers may give full play to
the teacher has a teaching plan, and rarely changes the orig- the leading role of the classroom. As soon as the class begins,
inal teaching plan to tutor the students. With more and they take the ball to warm up and then start teaching new
more, physical and mental fatigue are extremely easy to content, although some teachers will decide according to
occur. In addition, each student’s physical quality is differ- the difficulty of the teaching content. Whether to review
ent, but the teacher chooses a unified teaching method to the content learned yesterday, but in the process, the teacher
teach knowledge and skills, and there are too many people said and taught a lot, and the students have always been in
at the same time. The teacher has emotional feelings in the an awkward state of passive and unacceptable. In the long
class. It is very easy to produce when students cannot com- run, students generally feel that there is a lack of new think-
plete the corresponding teaching tasks. Failure and aban- ing development space. The learning method thinking is
donment [13]. Traditional teaching methods need to spend guided by the teacher in the classroom, and it is difficult to
a lot of time to complete the writing or the demonstration have his own opinions. As a result, when students learn bas-
of technical actions. In the process of repeated demonstra- ketball knowledge, they only focus on the teacher’s teaching
tions, subtle differences may lead to deviations in students’ content and pay too much attention to the actions and skills
understanding. The multimedia teaching method can save mentioned by the teacher. Failure to truly conduct indepen-
writing time or error in demonstrating actions, and while dent rational exploration and innovative understanding will
saving teaching time, it can reduce the labor intensity of eventually lead to a dual decline in the ability of independent
physical education teachers and focus more energy on stu- exploration and understanding and the ability of indepen-
dents. In addition, the time for the new teaching process is dent innovation [14].
shortened, and students can get more thinking or practice
time per unit of time, which reduces the burden on students (4) The teaching level of school basketball basic tactics
after class. In addition, the multimedia teaching method can needs to be improved
also ensure the effective connection between the teaching
chapters, and avoid the incomplete teaching of knowledge In the course of students’ school basketball tactics teach-
due to the omission of the physical education teacher. ing activities, because some students ignored and did not pay
much attention to basic basketball skills, they were thinking
(2) Unreasonable teaching and training about how to improve their individual ball skills, ignoring
basketball as a team sport, leading to the theoretical founda-
Under the traditional teaching mode, some colleges and tion and technology of basketball. The basic knowledge is
universities are mainly focused on increasing the amount of not solid, which causes the cooperation between basketball
student training during the basketball game, so that during players to be inadequate. The tacit understanding is unsatis-
the basketball game, students are in a state of high intensity factory. When teamwork is conducted, the tactics formu-
and increased training for a long time. After we completed lated by the teacher cannot be used to the maximum
this game, the outdoor basketball technical training of the extent, and the teaching effect is not ideal. In basketball
students was significantly slacker than before. The training teaching, it is necessary to strengthen the training of stu-
volume of the successive teams of the game was quite differ- dents’ basic cooperation with technical skills and basic tacti-
ent, which would have an adverse effect on the physical and cal skills to improve the sense of tacit understanding
mental health of the students. Breeding the utilitarian psy- between players and players [15].
chology training for the game, it is easy to mislead students’
views on the meaning of learning basketball. At the same (5) The overall teacher training level of basketball sports
time, the traditional single, rigid physical education teaching teachers in universities still needs to be continuously
model will even directly result in the lower enthusiasm and strengthened
incomplete concentration of students in our school, which
will not only directly affect the basic mastery of our school On the whole, although the current team of college bas-
students in basketball sports technology It will even directly ketball sports teachers can fully meet the overall needs of
cause a serious decline in the level of school teaching man- college basketball sports teaching, most of the basketball
agement. At present, the emphasis and popularity of basket- teachers are young basketball teachers, and there are
8 Journal of Sensors

relatively few large-scale college basketball sports events. I between this situation and the traditional college
have less experience in basketball, and I have just started basketball teaching model has become increasingly
teaching. I have less experience in teaching, and relatively prominent, and with the implementation of quality
lack practical basketball teaching experience. Therefore, education and health first sports teaching guidance.
how to enhance the professionalism of current school The contradiction between the two and the defi-
teachers is the most important thing for us to promote the ciency of traditional basketball teaching are even
reform of school basketball teaching. At present, most of more obvious. Therefore, if we want to advance the
the professional qualifications of in-service physical educa- basketball teaching reform with high quality and effi-
tion teachers in colleges and universities are physical educa- ciency, we must re-examine and position the basket-
tion, master’s degree, and postgraduate, and only a few have ball teaching in colleges and universities. Therefore,
physical education doctoral degree or above. When develop- in the course of basketball teaching for college stu-
ing sports scientific research activities in universities, the dents, students should not have too many high
degree of attention in the school is not high, and the enthu- requirements for basketball knowledge, basketball
siasm shown by the teachers It is not too high. At the same technical level and tactical level, nor should they
time, once school teachers choose to participate in work, the overemphasize the standardization of students’ bas-
employment opportunities for further studies will be signif- ketball movements, but should mobilize Students’
icantly reduced. There are also school basketball sports learning interest is of paramount importance, which
equipment, unqualified training venues, backward equip- allows students to gradually improve in the process
ment, and the school’s lack of attention. Will have a certain of actually participating in basketball activities. Hav-
impact on whether school teachers can continue to study ing said that, in the course of college basketball
and concentrate on school basketball sports teaching work teaching, the basic requirements of the technical
[16]. level and tactical level of basketball cannot be
completely ignored. Because the comprehensive
(6) Relatively scarce teaching resources of basketball knowledge of basic knowledge of basketball and
sports in colleges sports art skills in colleges and universities is one of
the important considerations that directly affect
On college basketball courts, we often see several groups whether college students in China can participate
of people sharing a basketball court, more balls, less baskets, in school basketball sports activities. Therefore, in
fewer people, less land, playing at night, etc. Some colleges the process of college basketball reform, traditional
and universities also have basketball baskets that look crum- basketball should be broken. The focus of the com-
bling and the ground is cemented. In some cases, limited petitive teaching system is to highlight the fitness,
resources and inadequate equipment facilities make students entertainment, and practical content, kick out inap-
wait longer to practice, which reduces the students’desire to propriate and unscientific content, and retain con-
play. There are also some hidden dangers to personal safety. tent suitable for student learning, fitness,
In addition to increasing teaching resources, teachers also entertainment, and scientific basketball knowledge
need to adjust their teaching plans accordingly, use more and skills learning, so as to stimulate students Enthu-
efficient teaching methods to make up for the lack of equip- siasm for learning and improve teaching quality [18,
ment and venues, and improve teaching efficiency. Schools 19]. The main features are reflected in the following
should also pay attention to the construction of basketball three aspects:
teaching equipment to give students a comfortable and safe
training ground [1, 17]. (1) The overall reform of the training objectives of
school basketball sports teaching
2.6. Specific Measures and Policy Suggestions for College In addition to the school’s expectation to strengthen the
Basketball Leisure Teaching Reform cultivation of students’ basketball physique and teach them
the basic skills of using basketball, the school also needs to
(1) Under the development concept of modern leisure pay more attention to the leisure and entertainment of bas-
sports, the re-examination and positioning of basket- ketball teaching and the cultural heritage of inheritors.
ball teaching in colleges and universities should be
continuously deepened with the development of (2) Innovation and reform of teaching content of profes-
society and the reform of school physical education, sional basketball courses
and the students’ awareness and concept of partici-
pating in physical exercise should gradually occur. Try to ensure that the teaching content of professional
Nowadays, many Chinese college students actively basketball courses in colleges and universities can meet the
participate in the learning process of college basket- requirements of sports and leisure sports for students, and
ball sports activities. What attracts most attention reorganize the teaching content of basic basketball sports
is not the level of their comprehensive athletic abil- techniques and skills classes in colleges and universities,
ity, but the health, entertainment and relaxation and introduce fancy shooting basketball and professional
brought about by the enjoyment of basketball. Feel- basketball to sports such as professional league As an impor-
ings of life experience. Therefore, the contradiction tant learning content of teaching [20, 21].
Journal of Sensors 9

(3) Reform of basketball teaching methods struction of sports infrastructure sports facilities in many
colleges and universities has been unable to fully adapt to
In the course of four traditional traditional basketball the scientific development of China’s sports education in
teaching methods: demonstration method, explanation the new historical period. Reform is needed, the area of the
method, practice method and error correction method, sports training ground is not enough, the equipment is out-
innovative teaching methods are invented to stimulate stu- dated, and the training sports ground is tight. Therefore, it is
dents’ class enthusiasm and improve class efficiency. In tra- urgent to expand the Chinese basketball competition field
ditional physical education classrooms, the source of the and create a good Chinese basketball professional culture
students’ knowledge and the physical education teachers’ and education environment. The school should also make
own knowledge reserves, while using multimedia, two or a master plan for the development of campus basketball
more physical education teachers or experts can provide sports activities, encourage college students to actively par-
knowledge for the growth of students. ticipate in campus basketball sports activities, and increase
the education and promotion of campus basketball sports
(4) Incorporate basketball culture into basketball class- culture according to the actual needs of college students.
room teaching The basketball culture reading room creates a harmonious
Although most colleges and universities have organized learning environment for ordinary college basketball sports
basketball games and college basketball sports teaching, they culture for the growth of college students, improves the
still continue the traditional basketball teaching methods of social influence of campus basketball sports culture on ordi-
colleges and universities, and pay attention to the systematic nary college students, and promotes the sustainable and sta-
teaching of college basketball game technology and college ble development of college basketball teaching.
basketball sports basic knowledge. Systematic promotion
and in-depth education research are still relatively scarce, (6) Use flexible and testable assessment schemes
and the college basketball game culture is distinguished from Different students have different physical and mental
the college basketball sports teaching content, and the two development characteristics and areas of expertise. There-
have not been closely linked. Traditional basketball teaching fore, when evaluating the results of staged basketball skills
makes classrooms very inefficient. Therefore, to actively and training for college students, teachers must ensure that many
effectively reform the basketball classroom, and to enhance details are taken into account to avoid serious problems with
students’ love for basketball, we must build a basketball cul- their individual development needs. Signs of conflict. The
tural environment, give full play to the role of basketball cul- traditional teaching evaluation model advocates a one-stop
ture, make basketball culture a part of basketball teaching, approach, which means that all students are evaluated and
and strengthen basketball culture. Infiltration in basketball certified according to a unified standard, and the differences
teaching, organically combining basketball teaching and bas- in individual skills and qualities are completely ignored,
ketball culture, enriching and innovating basketball teaching which is obviously not fair. To reduce its unfairness, relevant
methods, creating a platform for training, teaching and com- teaching staff must keep this in mind and implement it. For
petition for students, making basketball teaching full of fun example, during the development of shooting training activ-
and creativity, allowing students to understand At the same ities, for some students with higher quality and physical fit-
time as the education culture, health culture and entertain- ness, strict assessments must be performed in accordance
ment culture contained in basketball, change the students’ with preset standards. In the case of individuals with weak
views on basketball, so that students not only like basketball, physical qualities, they are only required to complete basic
but also feel its inherent charm and understand its value, actions, but We should promptly remind them of non-
from the whole Improve students’ basketball cultural literacy standard details, and ask them to improve after class, and
and basketball culture perception to achieve personalized check the results next time [23].
health education for students, so as to truly achieve a com-
prehensive and balanced development of the physical and (7) Make full use of modern information network tech-
mental health of students at school [22]. nology to continuously improve the athletes’ own
psychological literacy
(5) Continue to strengthen the construction of basic
sports facilities in colleges and universities, such as In the process of a sports competition, in addition to its
outdoor basketball training venues own psychological ability, there are a large number of people
and occasional psychological factors that affect the perfor-
In the course of promoting the reform of teaching, the mance of an athlete. The physical and psychological quality
managers of school-related basketball and basketball teach- of one of the athletes is often the most important influencing
ing should be aware of the important role played by the con- factor that directly affects the performance of an athlete’s
struction of material culture. Only when the role of material international sports competitions. During the training pro-
culture is guaranteed can basketball teaching gain a good cess, the athlete’s psychology may be relatively stable. How-
development opportunity. With the development of China’s ever, during the competition, due to the difference between
education reform, the overall scale of sports enrollment in the competition environment and the training environment
China’s colleges and universities has gradually expanded during normal time, the athlete’s psychology may appear
and the number has gradually increased. Therefore, the con- larger during the competition. Fluctuations. For example,
10 Journal of Sensors

our students have the same test. The same test has different
test locations. One is tested in our school, and the other is Mental ability
tested in an external school. Generally speaking, the perfor-
mance of students in this school is better than that in exter-
nal schools. At this time, psychological quality and
resistance to stress have become factors that seriously affect
the performance of athletes. In order to allow athletes to bet-
ter control their psychology, coaches can use various infor-
mation processing technologies during actual training. Psychological Stress
quality resistance
Provide athletes with effective scene videos of actual compe-
titions. Through these videos, let the athletes bring them-
selves to the actual scenes of the live competitions, so that Figure 7: Flow chart of nervous mood.
the athletes can better and faster adapt to the actual scenes
of the live competitions, and wait for the athletes to start
the actual themselves. At the time of the competition, I The energy consumption of sending 1 bit data is:
was able to adjust my various psychological and chemical
reactions in a more conscious and timely manner, so as to ETx = Eelec + εamp d 2 ð4Þ
heal my nervous mood, achieve to strengthen one’s own psy-
chological ability, improve the athlete’s psychological qual- The energy consumption of receiving 1 bit data is:
ity, and increase the athlete’s ability to withstand pressure
[1], the basic adjustment is shown in Figure 7. ERx = Eelec ð5Þ
2.7. Multimedia Video Image Processing Algorithm. The
Suppose M is the number of bits of the image block, EW
physical meaning of the compression ratio is the percentage
is the energy consumption of dividing the image into blocks,
of the compressed data to the original data, which can
Ejc is the energy consumption of detecting the region of
directly reflect the proportional relationship between the
interest, Ebm is the energy consumption compressed by
amount of data before and after compression. It is related
Haar wavelet transform, and the distance between transmis-
to the amount of data after data compression and the size
sion nodes is g. Then the energy consumption of camera
of the storage space required, so it is a measure of compres-
node S is:
sion. One of the important indicators of algorithm quality.
Among them, the most commonly used mathematical k
expressions in wireless multimedia sensor networks are: Es = EW + 〠 Eelec + εamp l2 M ð6Þ
L1 − L2
Pσ = × 100% ð1Þ The energy consumption of cluster head node i is:
EC ðiÞ = E jc + 2Eelec + εamp l2 M ð7Þ
After the Haar wavelet first-level transformation of the
target image, the data volume of the image is 1/2 of the orig-
When Tr i(1) =, the energy consumption of code node i
inal image, namely:
NumðL1 Þ − NumðL2 Þ  
Pσ = × 100% ð2Þ EB ðiÞ = Ebm + 2Eelec + εamp r 2 M ð8Þ
NumðL1 Þ
When Tr (i) =0, the coding node i is in a dormant state,
Where L2 is the extracted region of interest, Num(L) is and its energy consumption can be regarded as:
the number of blocks of the original image, which is the
number of image blocks that need to be transmitted, so the E B ði Þ = 0 ð9Þ
compression ratios of MB1 and MB2 are:
If the distributed compression is not used, that is to say,
Pcr ðMB1Þ = 98:31%, Pcr ðMB2Þ = 96:45% ð3Þ the camera node will compress the image after it has col-
lected it, and then directly transmit it to the cluster head
node and transmit it to the sink node through a certain rout-
Although the Haar wavelet transform is simple, if the ing algorithm, which is called “centralized compression”
compression task is directly performed by the image acquisi- here. At this time, the energy consumption of camera node
tion node, its energy will be exhausted quickly. In the follow- S is:
ing experimental simulations, the distributed algorithm and
the centralized algorithm will be compared to prove this k
chapter The advantages of distributed processing are used ES = EW + kE jc + k0 Ebm + 〠 Eelec + εamp l2 M ð10Þ
in the algorithm. i=1
Journal of Sensors 11

Among them, k is the number of image blocks that need range of the image. First, it is necessary to find the maximum
to be transmitted. and minimum extreme values of the gray values of all pixels,
Cluster head node i, among which 100 are used as trans- and use their midpoints as the discrimination threshold. The
mission nodes, its energy consumption is: image binarization can be completed by the following for-
EC ðiÞ = 2Eelec + εamp d 2 M ð11Þ (
0, f ði, jÞ < T
f ði, jÞ = ð18Þ
Encoding node i, taking 200 of them as transmission 255, f ði, jÞ > T
nodes, its energy consumption is:
  Different pixels have different judgment thresholds,
EB ðiÞ = 2Eelec + εamp r 2 M ð12Þ which are more adaptable than the global threshold method,
and will not be affected by uneven illumination, texture, etc.
Since some of the cluster head nodes and coding nodes For any pixel, take the neighborhood, and the threshold is
act as transmission nodes, among the common transmission calculated by the following formula:
nodes, only 100 of them are in working state. The energy
consumption is: Z max + Z min
T ðx, yÞ = ð19Þ
Er ðiÞ = 2Eelec + εamp g M ð13Þ
If it is the smallest, there is a problem that di may be pos-
Regarding the determination of the positioning thresh- itive or negative. The method of calculating the absolute
old, the method of taking the median value of the brightness value and then adding is more cumbersome, so the calcula-
is generally adopted. That is, the on-off threshold J is deter- tion is changed to the smallest. Which is:
mined by the brightness value Don when the lamp is off and
n n
the brightness value Doff when the lamp is on. Calculated as
D = 〠 d 1 = 〠 ðy1 − a − bxi Þ2 ð20Þ
follows: i=1 i=1

Don − Dof f Integrated square difference (integrated square differ-

J = Dof f + ð14Þ
2 ence) is also a commonly used basis for similarity. It com-
pares the similarity by accumulating the square of the
Take the average of the three larger values D1, D2, and error, and the integrated square error is:
D3 as the maximum reference background value, and add
a fixed value M on the basis of this maximum value as the ðð
positioning threshold. Calculated as follows: ε2 = ð f R ðxÞ − f T ðxÞÞ2 dx = k f R ðxÞ − f T ðxÞk ð21Þ

Don − D
J = Df + ð15Þ For image I and template T, the integrated square error
2 can be calculated by the following formula:
It is timed by the number of frames of the image col-
lected. Each frame contains 100 rows of data, and the corre- Dðu, vÞ = 〠 〠 ½T ðx, yÞ − I ðx − u, y − vÞ ð22Þ
x y
sponding time for these 100 rows of data is 25 ms. From the
moment when the trigger signal is received as zero, the
The individual entropy of A and B H (a), H (b) and the
frame number is counted, and the data count of one frame
joint entropy H ab (,) can define mutual information I as fol-
is received plus 1, and the time plus 25 ms. Therefore, each
row of data corresponds to 0.25 ms. Calculated as follows:
I ða, bÞ = H ðaÞ + H ðbÞ − H ða, bÞ ð23Þ
timenow = f irmenw × 25 + m × 0:25 ð16Þ
According to the translation characteristics of the trans-
The principle of mean filtering is to set a template for 36
form domain, the researchers proposed a phase correlation
pixels to be processed. This template contains multiple
method to characterize the translation changes of the two
neighboring pixels, and the gray value of these points is
images. Let f(x,y) be two graphs, then the Fourier transform
replaced by the gray value of the original pixel.
between them satisfies the following formula.
gðx, yÞ = 〠 f ðx, yÞ ð17Þ F 2 ðu, vÞ = exp ð−j2πðux0 + vy0 ÞÞ ∗ F 1 ðu, vÞ ð24Þ
m j∈x
3. Experiments
The image with a threshold of 128 may become
completely white or completely black. Therefore, it is better 3.1. Experimental Data Sources. Divide basketball students in
to replace all possible value ranges with the actual value a certain college into two groups, one group adopts
12 Journal of Sensors

Table 1: Statistics on the validity of questionnaires of students and teachers by experts.

Student score 9.5 9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.3 8.0 The average score 8.7
Number of experts 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 Total 10
Teacher score 9.6 9.3 9.0 8.8 8.5 8.4 8.1 The average score 8.79
Number of experts 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 Total 10

traditional teaching method, the other group adopts multi- ketball teaching; and investigate and collect experimental data
media video teaching method, and analyzes the basketball on the impact of the integration of basketball culture on stu-
teaching situation and effect of the two groups. In order to dents’basketball interests, and collect experimental data, Anal-
ensure the fairness of the experiment, before the experimen- ysis and statistics of experimental data.
tal research, the experimental subjects were tested on the
basic level of basketball to ensure that there was no signifi- (2) Analysis of questionnaire validity
cant difference between the experimental class and the con-
trol class in the basic part of basketball. This article aims to study the reform of basketball teaching
in colleges and universities from the perspective of basketball
(1) Randomly select a number of students from a college culture. Investigated and analyzed the detailed situation and
to conduct a questionnaire survey. According to effects of students and teachers after the reform of basketball
them, they put forward the understanding of basket- teaching, including the problems in teaching. Compared with
ball culture, and understand the impact of basketball traditional teaching, the advantages and disadvantages of mul-
culture on the reform of college basketball teaching; timedia video teaching, it uses techniques such as surveys,
Conflicts occurred in their thoughts; they asked stu- interviews and statistics to analyze and study the content
dents what they have in common in college basket- and methods of basketball teaching, and statistically analyzes
ball teaching the expectations of teachers’ basketball teaching goals. Includ-
ing learning situation, teaching content, students’ attitudes
(2) Collect, count and analyze the questionnaire, analyze towards multimedia video basketball teaching, and teachers’
the students’ understanding of basketball culture; ana- mastery of teaching. To ensure the validity of the question-
lyze and understand the impact of basketball culture naire, 10 experts were asked to evaluate the validity of the
on the reform of college basketball teaching; analyze questionnaire’s content design and structure design before
the effect of college basketball teachers on the reform the questionnaire was issued. The validity of the questionnaire
of college basketball teaching; The degree of influence was tested by relevant experts. The student questionnaire
of cultural integration on students’ basketball interest reached 8.7 and the teacher questionnaire reached 8.79 (rated
(3) Strictly discuss and summarize the analysis of data, on a 10-point scale). The validity of both questionnaires met
discuss the authenticity, reliability and rigor of the the needs of this study. The survey data is shown in Table 1.
results; discuss students’ understanding of basketball Control group: This group of students adopts traditional
culture; analyze and understand the impact of bas- teaching methods. First, they start with the preparation
ketball culture on the reform of college basketball activities and enter the regular teaching content after 15-20
teaching; analyze the strength of college basketball minutes. From explanations and demonstrations to group
teachers The effect of composition on the reform of practice of students, and then to teachers’ tour guide to cor-
college basketball teaching; and the degree of influ- rect wrong actions. Students are doing Traditional physical
ence of the integration of basketball culture on stu- education teaching methods of practice. The two groups of
dents’basketball interest. Finally, it summarizes and students were tested on basic basketball, such as fixed-
summarizes the reform of college basketball teaching point shooting, dribbling through the pole, and testing the
from the perspective of basketball culture basic skills of the two groups of students to ensure that there
is no significant difference in the basic basketball skills of the
two groups of students. The experimental design process is
3.2. Experimental Setup shown in Figure 8:
(1) Experimental overview
This article focuses on the reform of basketball teaching in 4. Discussion
colleges and universities from the perspective of basketball cul- 4.1. Analysis of the Impact of Basketball Culture on College
ture. This article mainly adopts the method of questionnaire Basketball Teaching Reform
survey and uses techniques such as big data statistics to inves-
tigate and analyze the composition of basketball teachers in (1) College students and teachers’ awareness of basket-
colleges and universities in a province; Situation; analyze and ball culture
understand the impact of basketball culture on the reform of
college basketball teaching; analyze the effect of the composi- The spirit culture of basketball in colleges and universi-
tion of college basketball teachers on the reform of college bas- ties has substantial existence and strong expressiveness,
Journal of Sensors 13


Test group Control group

Multimedia teaching Traditional teaching

method method

Multimedia courseware professor Preparation activities

10 minutes 15-20 minutes

Tour error
Ask a question Create context Demonstration

Figure 8: Experimental design flow chart.

Table 2: College students and teachers’ awareness of basketball culture.

Students Teachers Students Teachers Students Teachers
Enhance the training of physique 60% 55% 54% 61% 71% 70%
Impart skills 20% 61% 23% 58% 13% 65%
Promote physical and mental health 40% 65% 35% 71% 46% 59%
Leisure and entertainment 75% 21% 82% 18% 85% 16%
Inherit culture 11% 15% 16% 13% 9% 12%






Students Teachers Students Teachers Students Teachers

Enhance the training of physique Impart skills

Promote physical and mental health Leisure and entertainment
Inherit culture Exercise

Figure 9: College students and teachers’ awareness of basketball culture.

and this is inseparable from the material, the presentation ketball spiritual culture. By investigating the level of recogni-
and inheritance of the carrier. The classroom teaching of tion of 100 students and 10 basketball teachers in 3 colleges
basketball is an important content of physical education. It and universities in a province on basketball culture, the spe-
also exists as a material carrier of basketball spiritual culture. cific data are shown in Table 2 and Figure 9. The results
Basketball teachers are the disseminators of knowledge in show that about 70% of students believe that basketball can
classroom teaching. The mental quality of basketball enhance physical fitness and recreation, while most teachers
teachers has a certain role in promoting the spread of bas- believe that basketball can enhance student physical fitness,
14 Journal of Sensors

impart student skills, promote physical and mental health, Table 3: Analysis of college basketball teaching content.
indicating that teachers pay more attention to student phys-
ical fitness. The expectations of leisure entertainment and College A B C
inheritance culture are less than 20%, which can also reflect Basic rules of basketball 30% 35% 34%
that college basketball teachers do not pay much attention to Basketball referee method 20% 21% 23%
the spirit of students. Therefore, in the entire process of bas- Other basic basketball skills 42% 27% 35%
ketball sports teaching, teachers should pay more attention Basic knowledge of tactics 8% 17% 8%
to the interactive entertainment of the entire process of bas-
ketball teaching, so that students can experience the libera-
tion of body and mind in basketball teaching, thereby 13.0%; some colleges and universities even do not
promoting the development of basketball teaching. have a doctorate of basketball teachers, mostly grad-
uate students and undergraduate degrees. Some col-
(2) Through further statistical analysis of the question- leges and universities still have college students. The
naire survey, Table 3 and Figure 10 are obtained. generally low education level affects the improve-
The results show that in the basketball teaching con- ment of teaching and scientific research, and restricts
tent of colleges and universities, the basic rules of the deepening reform of basketball teaching
basketball games, basketball referee methods, other
basic basketball skills and basic knowledge of tactics In order to have a macro understanding of the students’
have always been the teaching with the largest pro- initial comprehensive level of basketball, we conduct a diag-
portion content. The students in the school are inter- nostic survey. The method is mainly based on students’ self-
ested in the NBA and other professional leagues and evaluation standards. According to the initial survey results
street fancy football games. The basketball courses of the level of dribbling and jump shooting skills, for the bas-
offered by the school do not meet the basketball ketball dribble level, the two groups have a good grasp of at
learning needs of the students. Therefore, in the least 66.7%, and the students who have at least 76.7% of the
actual reform, we must increase this part of the basketball jump shooting skills do not know much about it.
teaching content as much as possible to meet the stu- From this we can see that the initial level of students is basi-
dents’ interest in basketball cally the same. As shown in Table 6.
76.6% of teachers believe that it is meaningful to use
multimedia for basketball technology teaching, and 10% of
4.2. Survey Statistics of the Composition of College Basketball teachers believe that multimedia teaching is meaningless.
Teachers We can conclude that most teachers think that multimedia
courseware is psychologically important to basketball tech-
(1) College teachers are important disseminators of col- nology. The explanation is still meaningful. As shown in
lege basketball teaching and the main disseminator Table 7.
of basketball culture. Table 4 and Figure 11 show
the results of a team of basketball teachers from a
survey of 3 colleges in a province. It can be seen from 4.3. Multimedia Teaching Analysis. In order to further ana-
Table 4 and Figure 4 that the age structure of college lyze the influence of multimedia-assisted teaching on the
basketball teachers accounts for about 20% of the teaching effect of shielding cooperation, the seven connota-
total number of teachers; 31–40 years old teachers tive characteristics of shielding cooperation are statistically
account for about 27%; 41–50 years old teachers analyzed. The results show that: time characteristics analysis,
account for 33%; teachers over 50 years old account the average value of the experimental group is 3.3, the aver-
for about 13%; those over 60 years old account for age value of the control group is 2.7, the T value is 2.384,
about 7%. From the perspective of the age structure P =0.028<0.05, the difference is significant, the performance
of teachers, the basketball team of colleges and uni- of the experimental group is better than the control group;
versities shows a younger character, and teachers spatial characteristics analysis, the experimental group The
under 40 years old account for more than 70% of average value is 3.5, the average value of the control group
the total. Young and middle-aged teachers are ener- is 2.95, the T value is 2.905, and P =0.009<0.05, indicating
getic, have rich teaching experience, and are easy to that the two groups’ performance differences are significant,
accept new educational concepts and teaching ideas and the experimental group’s performance is better than the
control group; the regularity feature analysis, the average
value of the experimental group is 2.85, The average value
of the control group was 3.15, the T value was -1.511, and
(2) According to the survey of basketball teachers sur- P =0.148>0.05, indicating that there was no significant dif-
veyed in ordinary colleges and universities, as shown ference between the two groups. P =0.013<0.05, there is a
in Table 5 and Figure 12, the academic qualifications significant difference in the performance of the two groups,
of basketball elective teachers in colleges and univer- and the performance of the experimental group is better
sities are mainly graduate students accounting for than that of the control group; analysis of effectiveness char-
81.0%. The proportion of basketball teachers with acteristics, the average of the experimental group is 2.85, the
doctoral qualifications is obviously low at only average of the control group is 3.25, the T value is 1.986,
Journal of Sensors 15








NBA Street fancy football

Other professional leagues Basketball course

Figure 10: Analysis of college students’ interest in basketball.

Table 4: The age survey of college basketball teachers. P =0.062>0.05, there is no significant difference between the
Age A B C two groups of performance; as shown in Table 8.
After 32 hours of multimedia-assisted teaching of bas-
<30 22% 20% 24%
ketball center’s personal offensive and defensive skills, and
31-40 25% 28% 30% the analysis of the test results after the experiment, there
41-50 35% 34% 31% are significant differences in the technical evaluation of the
51-60 11% 13% 10% students in the control class and the experimental class. This
>60 7% 5% 5% shows that the basketball center’s personal offensive and
defensive technology multimedia plays an auxiliary effect
in the teaching of center technology, and it can improve
and strengthen students’ understanding and memory of
the center’s various technical movements. As shown in
30% 24% Table 9.
20% In order to further analyze the impact of different teach-
30% ing methods on the effect of exchange defense teaching, sta-
>60 5% 31-40
10% 25% tistical analysis of the connotative characteristic scores of the
7% 28% 7 exchange defense cooperation results shows that the aver-
5% age time characteristic score of the exchange cooperation is
10% 3.4 in the experimental group and 3.4 in the control group.
11% 3.35, T value 0.187, P =0.675>0.05, there is no significant dif-
13% ference; the average spatial feature score is 3.45 in the exper-
31% imental group, 2.95 in the control group, T value 2.554,
51-60 41-50
35% P =0.020<0.05, there is a significant difference, the results
A of the experimental group Better than the control group; as
B shown in Table 10.
C Before starting the experimental research, a conversation
Figure 11: The age survey of college basketball teachers.
survey of 120 students was conducted. In the survey and
research, it was found that most of the students rarely partic-
ipated in sports activities, and rarely cooperated with others
Table 5: A survey of academic qualifications of college basketball to complete sports activities, and the sense of cooperation
teachers. was poor, which shows that the experiment It can be imple-
Education A B C mented. After the multimedia teaching experiment, the
results of investigation and research show that the propor-
PhD 12% 11% 13%
tion of students in the experimental group in the number
master’s degree 81% 84% 80% of physical exercises, morning exercises, extracurricular
Undergraduate 6% 4% 7% activities, and cooperation with others is significantly higher
College students 1% 1% 0% than that of the students in the control group. This shows
that the application of multimedia teaching methods in bas-
ketball teaching can improve students’ athletic ability, make
16 Journal of Sensors

C 13% 80% 7% 0%

College B 11% 84% 4% 1%

A 12% 81% 6% 1%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%


PhD Undergraduate
Master's degree College students

Figure 12: A survey of academic qualifications of college basketball teachers.

Table 6: Students’ dribbling skills and jump shot skills.

Basketball dribble level Basketball jump shot technique

Group Parameter
Good Better Not good Learn Do not know much
Control group Number of people 15 66 9 21 69
Percentage 16.7% 73.3% 10% 23.3% 76.7%
Test group Number of people 18 60 12 12 78
Percentage 20% 66.7% 13.3% 13.3% 86.7%

Table 7: A survey result of the significance of multimedia courseware in basketball teaching.

Job title Very meaningful Significant Generally Pointless Number of titles

Professor 5 4 1 0 10
Associate professor 6 4 3 3 16
Lecturer 2 2 0 0 4
Number of people 13 10 4 3 30
Percentage 43.3% 33.3% 13.3% 10% 100%

Table 8: Screening coordination score single-item T-check sheet.

— Timeliness Spatial Regularity Compatibility Effectiveness Adaptability

Test group 3.3 3.5 2.85 3.45 2.85 3.2
Control group 2.7 2.95 3.15 2.90 3.25 3.05
T 2.384 2.905 1.511 2.741 1.986 0.847
P 0.028 0.009 0.148 0.013 0.062 0.408

them willing to show their basketball skills on the court,

Table 9: Student interest and attitude survey form n =25. enrich students’ extracurricular sports activities, and play
Attitude level an important role in the cultivation of students’ lifelong
Survey item A B C D E F value sports awareness. As shown in Table 11.
The excellent rate of sports performance of students who
Learning interest (level 5) 9 11 3 2 0 0.54
adopt the multimedia teaching mode is 33.8% higher than
Seriousness (level 5) 8 12 4 1 0 0.54 that of students in the traditional teaching mode. This exper-
Teaching satisfaction (level 5) 10 11 2 2 0 0.58 imental data shows that the multimedia teaching method
has a great role in promoting students to master basketball
skills. As shown in Figure 13.
Journal of Sensors 17

Table 10: Exchange defensive coordination score individual T test results.

— Timeliness Spatial Regularity Compatibility Effectiveness Adaptability

Test group 3.4 3.45 2.90 3.35 3.20 2.85
Control group 3.35 2.95 3.15 2.90 3.15 3.00
T 0.187 2.554 0.901 2.333 0.221 0.601
P 0.675 0.020 0.379 0.013 0.828 0.552

Table 11: Comparative analysis of sports participation and cooperation abilities between the experimental group and the control group.

Test group n =60 Control group n =60

Group limit/min
Number of people Percentage Number of people Percentage
Number of physical exercises 57 95 12 20
Extracurricular activities 45 75 14 23.3
Morning exercise 28 46.7 6 10
Cooperate with others 17 78.3 5 8.3

80 100.00%
50 60.00%


20 20.00%
10 0.00%
0 Excellent Good
-20.00% Pass
–10 Excellent Good Failed
–20 -40.00%
Before the experiment Before the experiment

Figure 13: Basketball course scores of students in two types of teaching groups.

Table 12: The evaluation ability of jump shot between the mental group is 33.3% higher than the control group, which
experimental group and the control group. shows that the students in the experimental group have a
stronger ability to evaluate basketball jump shots than the
Test group Control group students in the control group. As shown in Table 12.
Number of Number of After the experiment, the fixed-point shooting points of
limit/min Percentage Percentage
people people
the experimental class were more concentrated in more than
0-7 15 25 35 58.3 4 points. In the experimental class, the scores of the dribble
8-15 45 75 25 41.7 around the club are more concentrated above 3 points. It
Total 60 100 60 100 shows that the multimedia teaching method has a more
obvious effect in improving the basic level of students’ bas-
ketball. In college basketball teaching, multimedia teaching
After the experiment is completed, the two groups of method has advantages compared with traditional teaching
students are tested for their ability to evaluate the basketball method. As shown in Figures 14 and 15.
jump shot technique. The teacher organizes the students to In order to understand the degree of satisfaction of stu-
watch the basketball game video. There are 15 errors in the dents with basketball teaching, the form of after-school
basketball jump shot movement in the video. According to questionnaire survey was used to solicit the opinions of the
the basketball jump shot that the teacher usually explains experimental group and the control group students, to
in physical education teaching Knowledge evaluates basket- understand the degree of satisfaction of the experimental
ball jump shots, and every time a wrong move is found, group students with the multimedia assisted teaching and
one point is added. The results of the study found that the the control group students with the traditional teaching
proportions of students in the experimental group at 0-7 methods, the survey results As shown in Table 13.
and 8-15 were 25% and 75%, respectively, and the propor- In order to fully understand the effect of courseware
tions of students in the control group at 0-7 and 8-15 were teaching, a questionnaire survey is used to understand the
58.3% and 41.7, respectively. %, in the 8-15 points experi- evaluation of the experimental group students on the
18 Journal of Sensors

60 50

50 40


20 20

10 10
3 or less 4 to 6 0
–10 3 or less 4 to 6
6 or more 6 or more
–20 –10
Before the experiment After the experiment

Figure 14: Shots of the two groups before and after the experiment.

5 points 5 points


3 to 4 points 3 to 4 points

1 to 2 points 1 to 2 points

0 10 20 30 –20 0 20 40

Number Number

Figure 15: The dribbling situation of the two groups before and after the experiment.

Table 13: Questionnaire on the degree of satisfaction of students with the teaching effect.

Group — Satisfy Quite satisfied Dissatisfied Total

Number of people 11 17 4 32
Test group
Percentage 34.4 53.1 12.5 100
Number of people 6 10 19 35
Control group
Percentage 17.2 28.6 54.2 100

application of computer-assisted teaching methods to the 5. Conclusions

basic basketball tactics teaching. As shown in Table 14.
In this experiment, according to the standard of bas- In this basketball teaching experiment, whether it is the mul-
ketball jump shooting technique, the students are scored timedia teaching method of the experimental class or the
according to the completion of the students, so that the traditional teaching method of the control class, the physical
students are divided into excellent (95-100), good (85- fitness of the experimental subjects has been significantly
94), medium (75-84), and poor. (60-74) and fail (0-60) improved, but the data shows that the increase of the exper-
five levels. The statistical analysis of the data shows that imental class using the multimedia teaching method is sig-
the passing rates of the experimental group and the con- nificantly higher than that Control classes using traditional
trol group before the start of the course are very low, teaching methods.
32.2% and 35.6%, respectively; but after the course teach-
ing, the passing rate of the experimental group is 94.4%, (1) It can be seen from the survey and recovery data in
which is obviously good In 68.9% of the control group, this article that the multimedia video teaching stud-
it shows that the multimedia teaching method has a better ied in this article is also applicable to other sports.
promotion effect on the improvement of basketball jump The teachers are more seriously affected by tradi-
shot technique than the traditional teaching method. As tional education concepts in basketball teaching.
shown in Table 15. Therefore, the reform of basketball teaching
Journal of Sensors 19

Table 14: Investigation on the Evaluation of Multimedia-assisted Teaching by Experimental Group Students.

Affim Generally Negative

Survey content Number of Number of Number of
Percentage Percentage Percentage
people people people
Is it useful to use multimedia assisted teaching to help you
27 84.4 5 15.6 0 —
master the learning content?
Can the use of multimedia-assisted teaching speed up your
26 81.3 5 15.6 0 3.1
mastery of tactical basic coordination?
Does the use of multimedia-assisted teaching help to increase
30 93.8 2 6.3 0 —
your interest in learning?
Can the use of multimedia assisted teaching improve the
18 56.3 11 34.4 3 9.4
ability to observe and analyze problems?

Table 15: The distribution of technical evaluation scores of experimental group and control group before and after course teaching.

Score distribution Passing rate Excellent rate

95 85 75 60 <60 % %
Before the experiment 3 6 5 15 61 32.2 10
Test group
After the experiment 36 25 15 9 5 94.4 67.8
Before the experiment 3 6 6 17 58 35.6 10
Control group
After the experiment 17 12 15 20 28 68.9 32.2

objectives in colleges and universities from the per- basketball teaching and extracurricular training. In
spective of leisure sports needs to pay attention to addition, from the perspective of the age structure
the leisure and entertainment of teaching, so that of teachers, the basketball team of colleges and uni-
students can relax in basketball teaching activities versities shows younger characteristics, and teachers
and feel the happiness of basketball teaching activi- under 40 years old account for more than 70% of the
ties. And the concept of leisure and entertainment total. Young and middle-aged teachers are energetic,
is also an inevitable trend of the development of col- have rich teaching experience, and easily accept new
lege basketball teaching in modern society. Whether educational concepts and teaching ideas
the teaching ideology of physical education is correct
(3) In short, about 70% of students believe that basket-
or not is directly related to the success or failure of
physical education reform in schools. To carry out ball can enhance physical fitness and recreation,
the Sunshine Sports, we must aim at “achieving stan- while most teachers believe that basketball can
dards, striving for excellence, strengthening our enhance student physical fitness, impart student
physical fitness”, and combining it with physical skills, and promote physical and mental health. The
education. Incorporating the leading ideas of Sun- expectations for leisure, entertainment and heritage
shine Sports into the reform of basketball teaching culture are less than 20%. From the perspective of
is to teach students the basic skills, skills, and knowl- the age structure of teachers, the basketball team of
edge of basketball through the teaching of basic bas- colleges and universities shows younger characteris-
ketball skills and skills in the teaching, through tics, and teachers under 40 years old account for
physical fitness exercises, and teaching competitions more than 70% of the total. 81.0% of college basket-
to meet the needs of students’ fitness and entertain- ball teachers are mainly graduates, but the propor-
ment Interests and needs, enhance physical fitness, tion of basketball teachers with a doctorate is
and lay the foundation for lifelong sports significantly lower. Some colleges and universities
do not even have a doctorate. Most of them are grad-
(2) Education is one of the basic conditions that reflect uates and undergraduates. Some colleges and univer-
the knowledge level and intelligent structure of sities still have college students. Therefore, it is
teachers. Judging from the survey results, the basket- expected that college basketball teaching can inte-
ball teachers in the surveyed universities are mainly grate basketball culture and innovate and reform col-
master’s degree holders, and the number of doctors lege basketball teaching
or higher is relatively small. In addition, among the
teachers of basketball optional courses, due to the The use of multimedia courseware for auxiliary teaching
lack of school teachers, some colleges are equipped in basketball tactics basic teaching is an effective teaching
with non-basketball teachers to teach, reflecting that method, which can stimulate students’ interest in learning,
college basketball teachers can not meet the needs of improve learning enthusiasm and learning effect, and
20 Journal of Sensors

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