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Writing a term paper on gun control laws can be a challenging and complex task.

It requires extensive
research, critical thinking, and strong analytical skills. With the ongoing debate surrounding gun
control laws, it is important to provide a well-researched and well-written paper to contribute to the

One of the main difficulties in writing a thesis on gun control laws is the vast amount of information
and opinions available on the topic. As a writer, it can be overwhelming to sift through the various
arguments and statistics to form a cohesive and well-supported argument.

Furthermore, the topic of gun control laws is highly controversial and often evokes strong emotions
from individuals on both sides of the debate. It can be challenging to remain objective and unbiased
while presenting arguments and evidence in a paper.

Another challenge is the constantly evolving nature of gun control laws. With new legislation and
policies being proposed and implemented, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest developments
and incorporate them into a thesis.

For these reasons, it is highly recommended to seek assistance from a professional writing service,
such as ⇒ ⇔, when writing a thesis on gun control laws. Their team of
experienced writers can provide well-researched and well-written papers that meet the highest
academic standards.

⇒ ⇔ can also help in navigating the overwhelming amount of information and
present a well-structured and objective argument on the topic. They can also ensure that the paper is
up-to-date with the latest developments in gun control laws.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on gun control laws is a difficult task that requires extensive research,
critical thinking, and unbiased presentation of arguments. Seeking assistance from a professional
writing service, such as ⇒ ⇔, can greatly alleviate the challenges and ensure a
high-quality and impactful paper.
In fact, numerous ideas have been put forward in attempt to reduce the problem (Sarlin). In old
westerns, like Gunsmoke, we see the cowboys utilizing fire arms against their enemies. Assault
weapons should be banned in the United States due to the negative impacts that emanate from their
use. I write this in regards to the current gun control policies and regulations. Gangs and other
organized groups use guns to instill fear in their communities. Representative Peter Smith has gone
on record with his battle against the NRA. The answer is simple: gun control isn’t something
everybody agrees on. The NRA has, also, been known to strongarm their opponents. The study found
that homicides by guns are 25.2 times higher, while the overall firearm death rate in the US is ten
times higher than any other high-income country in the world (Grinshteyn). He had been a special
education student in the local district, and by the time he was promoted to the ninth grade, he still
could not read. On the other hand, I do believe that firearms are not the fundamental cause of
violence, because It Is not true that people can get killed only by guns, and gun Itself can not kill. It
provides a summary of the content, assesses the value of the book, and recommends it (or. The
constitution clearly states that we are given the right to bear arms, meaning we may carry fire arms.
Here, you present your argument and the opposing argument and explain why your argument is
correct and the opposing one is not. The new law diluted most of the provisions of the previous gun
laws, including the Gun Control Act of 1968. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL
MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. Proponents of strict gun laws argued that the
crime rate was on the rise because people could easily acquire guns. This further facilitates persons
with ill intentions and low financial resources to use the newly purchased weapons to commit crimes
in search of socioeconomic benefits ProCon Organization 1. This modification would not have nearly
as much effect as many would assume for a variety of reasons. Thus, statistics show there was no
measurable effect on gun-related homicides without assault weapons being legal. The country is
divided into two halves when it comes to how to regulate the ownership and use of firearms. Those
calling for strict gun laws argue that many people misuse firearms, and they are a threat to public
safety. Before going to the school, the teen shot and killed his father. Any sportsman knows that this
attachment is never necessary for neither hunting nor recreational shooting. Thus, the government
should establish strict gun control policies that are standardized throughout the country. Our custom
essay writing company provides top-quality. Yes, there will be death cause by insane eople Just
unloading rounds into people but thats not a guns fault is it the persons who is pulling the trigger that
needs to be blamed. WebThat it could have prevented mass violence such as the Orlando, Sandy
Hook, and San Bernardino shootings from happening (“Gun Rights” 1). This stage is about laying
the groundwork for your argument, identifying the key aspects of gun violence that you will explore
in the rest of your essay. Measures for gun control ensure that guns remain in the custody of. These
numbers do not even scratch the surface of the problem that is gun violence in the US. Leave your
email and we will send a gun rights essay to you.
A lot of research has been done to support this claim and the conclusion is still the same: more guns
lead to more gun violence crimes. Poor research will lead to inaccurate information and will receive
criticism. Yes, All of Them by Phoebe Maltz Bovy, New Republic Bovy takes a more radical stand in
this discussion. America is a country overflowing with individuals holding a great sense of
nationalism and pride. The fact that many Americans have a close attachment with firearms has
complicated the implementation of gun control policies. That's one of the reason why stricter gun
control policy is needed to make it impossible to own a gun for those who should not own them in
the first place. The whole purpose of this is to normalize guns and make the public feel that they are
only used as means to insure their safety. Of those primary proposals being considered, only a select
few will help make the difference America needs while still upholding the people’s second
amendment. More so, the laws will ensure military grade weapons and accessories are neither
accessible nor affordable to civilians. In your response, explore the deeper meaning of this question.
Every time a new shooting happens, a debate rises, gun control advocates try to raise awareness, but
the conclusion is still the same: there is still no gun control law. Another essential step, which has a
significant role, is the conclusion, which summarizes everything in the whole paper. It is advisable to
conduct deep research on the issue as much as possible. The recent debates have prompted senators,
legislators, activists, and congressmen to propose new bills in hope to reduce gun violence in
America. According to Santhanam (2018), in 2016 the United States ranked second in gun-related
deaths, after Brazil and before India. The final step is the actual writing and proofreading. In
australia, all firearm purchases require a background check and lengthy waiting periods. Concealing
of weapons was the first controversial issue as people wanted to brandish their guns in public. This
research will confirm that no correlation exist between gun control laws and gun violence rates and
that an alternative community focused program is more effective in reducing gun violence. This is
making the war on drugs futile as the criminals have access to weapons and can, therefore, terrorize
citizens to silence or start wars with the government. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on
ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. However, ironically, the United
States also is the country that has the most gun control laws. With time, people have advanced
significantly in gun availability and the power to buy military-style firearms, which has led to more
likelihood of criminals getting guns that they can use for mass destruction. Gun control is a hot
button issue, especially in the wake of so many recent, tragic mass shootings. This part of the essay
challenges readers to think beyond the immediate effects of gun violence and consider the larger
societal structures that enable it. You can grab the gun rights essay from the person, remain calm and
try to talk it out, or just give the attacker what they want. These firearms are then trafficked to
neighboring countries where they play a significant role in helping drug dealers across the border.
This is a clear indication that most of Americans misuse their guns. In old westerns, like Gunsmoke,
we see the cowboys utilizing fire arms against their enemies. The country should establish standard
and strict gun control laws to reduce cases of mass shootings and people who use their guns
These numbers will continue to increase until preventative action is taken. This shooting has sparked
the most intense gun control debate since the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012. The first gun
control policy was established in 1931 after Al Capone established a gang that used guns to commit
crimes. The session was about how a victim truly feels after being affected by gun violence. With the
new law implemented, the legal age to attain a gun is 21. It is important to note that if private citizens
were not allowed to own guns, then other people would not need the same guns for protection. We
are one of the most popular services in web with a solid. Some essay writers may fail to recognize
proofreading as a critical step, but the truth is it is of utmost importance. At the past in America, we
only had handguns to be used to defend ourselves from terrorists attacks. There are so many
different angles and arguments that surround it, its. It solely allows criminals and mass shooters a
simple way to wreak an immense amount of havoc on selected groups of people. Report this
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document useful (0 votes) 25 views 4 pages Research Paper Gun Control Uploaded by api-
286241533 AI-enhanced title and description Gun deaths in Australia have dropped by twothirds
since 1996 Port Arthur massacre. In the u.s., one can justify the need to own a gun for protection
from home invasion. President Lyndon B. Johnson noted that the Gun Control Act alone could not
solve the problem of gun violence in the country. According to a study,( Dave Gilson, 2013) looking
at 30 years of homicide data found that for every one percent increase in a state’s gun ownership
rate, there is a nearly one percent increase in its firearm homicide rate. Obama persuasive action
Obama In his state of the union speech he reminds Congress and the Americans at large of the
calamities guns have brought to the united States, as a leader he wants o touch the heart of all
Congress men and women, there is even the gesture of inviting the victims and kids who have
written letters to him to push for gun restrictive legislature. Despite the arguments meant to deter the
sales and ownership of heavy-duty weapons and guns, the NRA managed to persuade the
government and citizens otherwise. This is your opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the
reader. Since Sandy Hook in 2012, there have been at least 239 school shootings nationwide.
Whether one decides to write for guns or against it, there is always need to understand how to best
present the arguments thoroughly and precisely. The new policy (Gun Control Act) aimed at
regulating gun ownership in the country to ensure only qualified people have access to guns. Notably,
the NRA did not oppose efforts to control gun ownership and use. This is then supported by second
amendment were in the past militia where used in wars and in there revolution against colonial
powers but in this civilized world guns have proved to be more harmful. America is a country
overflowing with individuals holding a great sense of nationalism and pride. Due to events that have
been occurring in the past. He then does a U-turn and complains about the slippery-slope nature of
bans on one kind of weapon, such as assault weapons or sniper rifles, leading slowly but surely to
total prohibition. When purchasing a rifle, the salesman does not have to conduct a background
check to ensure that the customer is qualified to own a gun. Mike Dunham, a Stanford Education
Graduate, authored an article regarding the potential ban of assault weapons. Barrett, Bloomberg
Businessweek Barrett points out that the language in the text of the Second Amendment is quite
vague and leaves too much room for interpretation. More people continue to lose their lives because
of mass shootings irrespective of the fact that the USA has over 200-gun control laws across all
states. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our.
Despite the fact that America has approximately twenty thousand gun laws, there are still often
occurring crime due to gun violence. One such issue is the rapid increase in the number of school
shootings whereby students carry guns to their school and conduct mass shootings. The review
conveys an opinion, supporting it with evidence from the book. Suggest possible solutions or areas
for further research, and encourage your readers to think critically about their stance on gun violence.
It is unethical and immoral for that many people to perish, and for there to be little change made.
However, ironically, the United States also is the country that has the most gun control laws. Each
year in the U. Another important detail of a research paper is that you have to use or, at least, cite an
extended number of sources. Other Americans feel that strict gun control laws will reduce the safety
of Americans. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Complete gun
removal is impossible but at least the law should have a say on who can own one. This stage is about
laying the groundwork for your argument, identifying the key aspects of gun violence that you will
explore in the rest of your essay. This includes suicides, accidents, murders, assaults, and police
intervention. There have been more thangun deaths between and Those include Nearly two-thirds of
all gun deaths in the US are suicides, an gun rights essay of 61 deaths a day. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our. He defines strict gun control as an array of legally sanctioned
restrictions to impose firearm scarcity on the general population (Stell, 2004). If congress cannot
come up with a suitable resolution to the problem of wielding weapons and put an end to these mass
killings, the population will go into a panicked state and more blood will be on the hands of
legislature. Proponents of strict gun laws argued that the crime rate was on the rise because people
could easily acquire guns. Buying a gun in this country takes less than an hour. For instance, the new
law eliminated the requirement to register all gun sales in the national registry. When purchasing a
rifle, the salesman does not have to conduct a background check to ensure that the customer is
qualified to own a gun. The US is home to more privately owned guns than any other country, two
hundred and seventy million of them. It also. If you want a unique paper, order it from our
professional writers. When writing for a topic like gun control, it is advisable to provide both sides of
the story even if one is only supporting one side. Are you examining its causes, the effectiveness of
gun control laws, or the societal impact of gun-related incidents. This is making the war on drugs
futile as the criminals have access to weapons and can, therefore, terrorize citizens to silence or start
wars with the government. She wanted to enroll him into the after-school program but could not
afford the fees. In order to obtain this license, future owners have to prove that they know how to
use a gun and they are familiar with the legislation. In 2011, seven years after the ban had been
eliminated, there were 11,101 murders with a gun (Roman). What truly did the Founding Fathers
mean by the Second Amendment. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
academic expert.

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