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Dear Madam,
Having run the company operations for the past one month now, which acted as the time for the
orientation as well as time for excursion, here is my report based on my fact findings, observations,
interviews and note taking. The report contains:

 Company overview (Our potential)

 My roles and responsibilities
 List of items needed
 Special requests
 Recommendations

i. Company Overview

Windscreen Exclusive Limited is a company dedicated to delivering quality services to our

customers. The company is developed but it has not reached the climax yet, that is, there is still a
very enormous room for optimization of the production hence maximizing on profit. In addition,
the strategies and foundation laid for the company gives it an upper hand as far as the matter of
task distribution is concerned. This is fairly and squarely realized on a positive note.

ii. My roles and responsibilities

I really felt that I should let you know that I am aware of what is expected of me

 Receiving mails
 Finding suitable prices for commodities esp. windscreens
 Doing quotations
 Making phone calls to insurance companies, our branch managers and the clients
 Fetching windscreens and other purchased items
 Managing all windscreen replacements
 Managing sales and dispatching invoices
 Compiling statements
 Overseeing company income and expenditure
 Keeping all company records
 Filing KRA returns
 Authorizing purchases
 Acknowledging LPOs and negotiating where need be… just to mention the main ones
 Informing the director about how the company is fairing on
iii. List of the items needed

For smooth running of the company and ease undertaking of daily operations, I kindly want to
inform that the company is in need of the following items. Both the office and the workshop
have to be adequately equipped.

 Workshop tools and equipment

 Arodite
 Cellotape
 Stickers
 Super glue
 Conta contact adhesive
 Office tools and stationer
Acknowledging the fact that almost every office task is carried out using a computer,
ensuring security of data is very vital. Maintaining data integrity through eradicating
viruses and worms is the backbone of any office relying on the computer for data
processing. Also, an office requires organized files for ease of reference and overall
orderliness of the premises.
 Computer back-up e.g. flash disk
 Spring files (About 15)
 Satisfaction forms booklet
 Power cable extension
 Dust coat [If possible, a well branded dustcoat]
 Kaspersky antivirus [Software]
 Office tray
iv. Special Requests

I was really waiting for this part so that I air out my requests:

 Kindly note that whenever I make a phone call, it is always an urgent call. NOTHING
makes life harder more than when the client comes, I get the price from wherever I
found the windscreen then at last I find your line either taking too long to be answered
or is engaged for long hours. This always keeps me under pressure, gets me into trouble
with the client and consequently ruins the reputation of our company.
 Despite my effort to not only keep clean but also look smart and presentable, when the
duty of fetching the windscreen calls, all efforts are proved invalid. To avoid this, I kindly
request for a dustcoat that will keep off dirt, to maintain my status quo.
 The disposing of the windscreens. The person who disposed the windscreen recently is
the one who undertakes the duty every time. I kindly and humbly request you to talk o
him so that you can identify him. The last time you se him some 3k or so was last year.
v. Recommendations
 I strongly recommend that the above requests be accepted
 I strongly suggest that we, if possible, pay a significant amount of money to where
we outsource windscreens mostly so that I will be getting the windscreens, or find a
swiping card or just find an alternative means of keeping time during windscreen
 I strongly recommend that the guy disposing windscreen continue with the same
vi. Conclusion
Having said so, I wish to conclude that if the above measures are put into place, the
production of the company will go t its peak and for sure, together, we will not only exceed
our target of doing 60 MVs but also maximize o n the company profits and make sure
insurance companies maintain their confidence with our work.

Looking forward to a beautiful response.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Abel Barasa
Operations Manager.

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