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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. define the meaning of force ;
b. explain the different kind of force ;
c. demonstrate understanding of force through hands-on
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Forces
Reference: Elementary Books, Science in our World 5 ( pg. 127-129 )
Evelyn T. Sartre, Ednaliza Garcia, Mary Jean dela Cruz ,
Harold Arradaza, Rosemarie Punsulan, Ritche Aldwin Tumelden,
Eliza Lopez, Dolores Sunga
Materials: Visual aids, Manila paper
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Prayer
- Before we start, lets us
pray first. Everybody stand
up and put your presence - Angel of God, my guardian
to the Lord. dear, To whom God’s love
commit me here, Ever this
day. be at my side, To
light and guard, Rule and guide.
2. Greetings
- Good morning class! - Good morning teacher Hazel!
- How are you today? - We are good teacher.
- Okay, you may now take
your seats.
3. Checking of Attendance
- Is there Anyone absent
Today? - None teacher.
- Very good, perfect
4. Classroom Management
- Before we start, I would
like you too arrange your
chairs and pick-up those
trashes around you.
5. Settings of Standards
- So class, what is our rules
and regulation inside the
classroom? - Listen carefully.

- Yes, what else? - Sit properly.

- What else? - Raise your hand if you

want to answer and do not
answer in chorus.
- Very good.

6. Review
- Before we begin our new
lesson, let’s have a short
review of your past lesson
in science
- What is your lesson in
Science with teacher Ronnie? - Teacher, it is all about Sexual
Reproduction in Flowering Plants
and Nonflowering Plants.
- Very good. So What is the
characteristic that attract
pollinators? - It’s color, shape, smell and
size teacher.
- Very good. Kindly give me some
example of pollinators. - Teacher, bees, butterflies, birds,
bats and rodents.

- That’s right. There are two types

of pollination. self-pollination
and cross-pollination. So what is
self-pollination? - It is when the pollen is
transferred to the stigma
of the same flower.

- Yes. How about cross-pollination? - It is when the pollen is

carried by the wind, water
or pollinators from on flower
to another.
-Very good. You still remember
your last topic with sir Ronnie.
So let us move on to our next

B. Motivation
- What comes into your mind
when you hear the word
- Teacher force is any kind of
push and pull of an object.
- Very good. What are the example
of push and pull of an object? - Mopping the floor, carrying a book
shooting a ball and taking down

- Very good. All of your answer are


- Force is any kind of push and

pull of an object.

- So now, we will going to discuss

the kinds of forces.

C. Discussion
- Our lesson for today is the
different kinds of forces.that
we experience in our daily life
aside from the obvious push and
pull that we recognize. There is
a tension, friction, normal force,
electrical force, magnetic and
gravitational force.
- First, What can you see on
this picture?

- Swing teacher.

- This is an example of tension.

- What is tension? Kindly read.

- Tension is the force acting on
a stretched string, rope or cable.
This force is present in the ropes
that holds a swing. the ropes that
hold both ends of the swing are
stretched as someone sits on it.
- Do you understand what tension is? - Yes, teacher.

- I will give one another example

of tension. Aside from the picture
I showed you. i have a string here,
and when I pull it on both ends.
This will create tension.
- Second picture

- This is friction. Friction is the

force that acts opposite the
direction of the motion.
- So here is an example. When
a balled rolled, the friction
prevent on the floor prevents
it from rolling endlessly. slippery
floor have less frictional force.
friction prevents us from slipping
Do you understand? - Give us another example
- So i will give you another
example. I have here a toy
car and two different kinds
of paper. Sandpaper and a
normal paper.
- I want someone to volunteer
here in front to do this activity.
All of you have to do is push this
toy car on this two different kind
of paper. - Teacher, I wanna try it!

- Come here in front. And

those of you who are sitting
will just watch and after
that, i will ask you what
you observed. - Yes, teacher.

- So what did you observed

class? - Teacher, the toy car runs
faster on normal paper
than on sandpaper.
- Yes, Very good. So it means
the friction of the sandpaper
is much more stronger than
the friction of the normal
- Did you understand class?
- Yes, teacher Hazel.

- So let’s move to the

third picture.

- What do you think this

is? Kindly read.
- Normal force is a force that
acts perpendicular to the
common surface contract.

- Thank you. for example,

a book on a chair is
acted upon by normal force.
The table pushes the book
on a table upward.

- Would you like to try? - Yes, teacher.

- That is normal force.
- What do you think about
the fourth picture?

- Teacher, a lightning
- Very good. It is a lightning
when the electrically particles
collide in the atmosphere,
lightning is produced.
It is a form of electricity
and has electrical force.
- Do you understand class?
- Next picture. What you
- Yes, teacher.

- Teacher, it’s a magnet

in the fridge.
- Yes and we called it magnetic
force. It is produced between
two electrically charged
moving particles. It is
found between a magnet and
a magnetic material.

- So i have here two magnets

and a magnetic materials
so I want you to try it
here in front to see if
they stick to each other.

- Do they stick to each

other? - Yes, teacher.

- So let’s move to the

last picture.

- Class what do you think

of this picture? - Teacher, falling leaves.

- Yes that is right. It is

called gravitational force.

- Gravitational force is the

force of attraction that
keep bodies in the universe
together. The body with
the greater mess attracts.
bodies towards its surface.
- An example of this is Earth
being attracted to the sun.
Earth is attracted to is and
revolves around it.
- Based on what you see here
in the picture, the leaves are
falling due to the earth’s
gravitational force.

D. Generalization
- will someone sum up what
they have learned in today’s
lesson? - Teacher there are six
kinds of forces.
- Yes and What is these
forces? kindly give one. - Teacher, tension.

- What is tension? - Force acting on a

strecthed string, ropes or
- Very good. Give me another - Friction, teacher. It is
example. a force that acts
opposite the direction of
- That’s correct. Another
example from others? - Teacher, Electrical force.

- What is electrical force?

- Produced between two
- charges. When the electrically
charged particles collide
in the atmosphere, lightning
is produced.
- Very good students. you have
learned a lot!

E. Application
- If you really understand
our lesson let’s have an
Direction: Write the letter of correct
1.) A force is a ______________
a. push
c. both push and pull
d. pull 1.)c.both push and pull
2.) When we throw anything in the
air it always falls down because
of _______
a. motion
b. solid
c. friction
d. gravity 2.) gravity
3.) If negative charges is developed
on two objects they will _______
a. attract each other
b. repel each other
3.) b. repel each other
4. Which force acts backwards and
prevent us from slipping on a
wet floor?
a.Electrical Force
b. Gravitational Force
c. Magnetic Force
d. Frictional Force 4.) d.Frictional Force
5.) In what condition the magnetic
poles attract each other ?
a. North-South
b. South-South
c. North-North
d. All of the above 5.) a. North-South

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Copy from the box the
correct word that would complete the
sentences. Write the word on the
blank provided.
electrical gravity newton reaction
force magnetic pull tension
friction mass push weight
1.) Force is commonly known as any kind
of _______ or pull on an object. 1.) push
2.)______ is the force of attraction between
bodies in the universe. 2.) gravity
3.) ______ is the force that acts opposite
the direction of motion. 3.) friction
4.) Since weight is a force that is quantity
that is measured in _______. 4.) Newton
5.) _______ is a force that is present
in the ropes. that holds a swing. 5.) tension
6.) Lightning is and example of _____
force since it has charges. 6.) electrical

7.) _______ is a force that acts

perpendicular to the common surface
contact. 7.) reaction
8.)___________ is the amount matter
in an object and is usually measured
in kilograms. 8.) mass
9.)___________ is a force that is present
a metal and a magnet. 9.) magnetic
10.) __________ is any kind of push
and pull. 10.) force

V. Agreement
DIRECTION: Cut out from colored magazines showing situations where
different kinds of forces are being used . Identify the kind of
force/forces present in each picture.

Prepared by: Hazel Ann R. Fontanilla Checked by: Ronnie Lidem

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