The Benefits of Having A Second Language

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The benefits of having a second language:

ZAYED: Aslam Alaykum, good morning everyone! We are grade 9 and we

will be talking about the benefits of having a second language. But first, lets
talk about your mother language, which is also known as your first language.
Your mother language is the language that your parents speak before you
were born. Now let’s talk about the second language, but before that my dear
friend ABRAR will recite us some Ayat.


ZAHRA: in todays world, speaking a second language is a required skill that

gives you the ability to communicate and connect with people from all over
the world in a quicker and more meaningful way. Open-minded and better
equipped to deal with uncertainty. (FULL STOP) In today's world, there are
over 7,000 languages, and learning at least one will help you in life massively.
Although it has been proven that it is easier for children to learn a second
language, it is certainly never too late to learn, and the benefits definitely
reward the effort and dedication. learning new skills every day
enhances all aspects of your life. By learning new skills, you can
increase your career opportunities, find out more about the
world around you, and be a better person overall.

ZAYED: having a second language can help you in your career and it can
improve your memory and brain functions; It can help increase your
understanding of the languages you already speak. Learning a second
language opens up the opportunity for being part of a community with a
different culture, and learning more about the world around us. Having a
second language gets you more chances of landing a good job or advancing
in your career, learning a second language can also give you an insight into
other cultures. You will be more prepared and confident to travel the world
and explore other people’s ways of living. We highly encourage you to
start learning a new language as early in your life as possible
because Learning a second language can be done more efficiently as a young
kid, and can open up many doors for later in life while being mentally
advanced. When it comes to learning a second language, the younger you start
the easier you will begin to learn your second language. Younger brains learn
much easier than older brains. However, you are never too old to
learn! The world moves fast, and we must keep up with the
changes - by developing new skills, learning more about
ourselves, and also, learning a new language!
And now we thank you all for listening to our speech from grade

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