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Asalam alaykum im mohammed hayyaf and im the second speaker that

is with video games.

many parents distrust video consoles and don't want them in the house
because they are afraid that they will damage their children's
performance at school. however, the benefits of videogames include
improved powers of concentration, creativity, memory. languages and

it breathes life into education and transforms learning into an enjoyable

way so you can gain information almost without noticing. And not
feeling bored and it boosts motivation. students in video games are the
main characters in the story and their success is rewarded with medals
witch make them keeps their interest in learning so they will continue
learning more and more.

It also gives opportunities to practice for students so that they can

apply the knowledge they acquire without getting into simulators, for
dangerous situations. This is what flight and navigation instance are all

Gaming is really a workout for your mind disguised as fun. Studies have
shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in
the brain and boost brain connectivity.
Some uneducated people state without knowledge that playing video
games will make your vision weak but some scientists stated that video
games can improve your vision as long as you’re not staring at the
screen for 10 hours straight (or sitting two feet away), playing video
games can actually make for better vision. In one study, 10 male
students who were not gamers were trained for 30 hours in first-person
action games and then tested against 10 non-gamers. The students
who played were able to see objects more clearly in cluttered spaces
because of improved spatial resolution. They were able to train their
brains to see smaller details, because in each game, those details
turned out to be important.

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