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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) If the net force on a body is zero, its velocity is constant or zero

b) If the net force on a body is zero, its acceleration is constant and non-zero
c) If the velocity of a body is constant, its acceleration is zero
d) A body may have a varying velocity yet a constant speed

Sol a) If the net force on a body is zero, its acceleration is zero (F = ma). As the acceleration is
zero, the velocity remains constant (zero if the body is initially at rest)
b) If the net force on a body is zero, its acceleration is zero
c) If the velocity of a body is constant, its acceleration is zero. (body moving along a straight
d) A body may have a varying velocity yet constant speed (uniform circular motion)

2. Two forces each of magnitude P act on a body placed at a point O as shown in figure. The force
necessary to keep the body at rest is of magnitude

a) P along +ve X axis b) P along – ve X axis

c) 2P along + ve X axis d) P/2 along –ve X axis

Sol The vertical components of both the forces P cos 300

Since these two components are in opposite directions they cancel
each other. The horizontal components of both forces :
2P sin 30 = P towards +ve x axis
To cancel this force, we need a force P along –ve X axis.

3. Two spheres having masses 10 g and 25 g are projected horizontally from same height with
velocities v1 and v2. They fall to the ground in time intervals t1 and t2 respectively. If the ratio v1 : v2
is 1 : 3, the ratio t1 : t2 will be

a) 10 : 25 b) 25 : 10 c) 1:1 d) 1:3

Sol Horizontal projection from top of a tower. The objects follow parabolic path.
Time of descent is independent of velocity of projection. t = √ 𝑔

Since both the spheres are projected from same height, they will fall to the ground in same time.

4. A convex lens L1 forms an image of same size as that of the object at a distance of 24 cm. If the
lens L1 is replaced by another convex lens L2, the image formed is magnified and erect. Therefore,
the focal length L2 is

a) < 12 cm b) 12 cm c) between 12 cm and 24 cm d) > 24 cm

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

Sol Height of the image = height of object (object distance = image distance = 2f)
Focal length of the lens L1 = 12 cm
The image formed by second lens L2 is magnified and erect.
A convex lens forms erect image only when the object is placed between focal point & optic centre.
Since the object is at a distance of 24 cm from the position of the lens, the focal length of the lens
L2 should be greater than 24 cm.

5. A wooden ball of density 0.8 g/cc is placed in water. The ratio of the volume above the water
surface to that below the water surface is

a) 0.25 b) 0.20 c) 2.0 d) 4.0

Sol The wooden ball is in equilibrium under the action of gravitational

and buoyancy forces
Gravitational force : Fg = mg = Vg
Buoyancy force : Fb = m1g = Vin (1) g
For equilibrium : Fg = Fb  Vg = Vin (1) g  =  = 0.8

Fractional volume of ball inside water : 0.8

Fractional volume of ball outside water: 1 – 0.8 = 0.2

6. A stone is released from an elevator moving upwards with an acceleration a. The acceleration of
the stone after the release is

a) a upward b) (g – a) upward c) (g – a) downward d) g downward

Sol The elevator is moving up with acceleration ‘a’

Once the stone is released, it is a freely falling body. So the acceleration of the elevator does not
influence the stone. So, its acceleration is g downward.

7. A converging beam of light falls on a convex mirror of radius of curvature 20 cm, the point of
convergence being 10 cm behind the mirror. The image is

a) virtual , 10 cm in front of the mirror b) real, in front of the mirror

c) formed at infinity d) virtual, 10 cm behind the mirror

Sol Radius of curvature of the mirror : R = 20 cm

focal length : f = R/2 = 10 cm
The beam is converging at 10 cm behind the mirror (at focal point)
As the incident rays fall on principal focus, the reflected rays travel parallel
to principal axis. So, the final image is formed at infinity.

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

8. In the absence of atmospheric refraction

a) Both sunrise and sunset would be delayed

b) both sunrise and sunset would occur earlier
c) the sunrise would be delayed and the sunset would occur earlier
d) the sunrise would occur earlier but the sunset would be delayed

Sol Due to atmospheric refraction, we get advanced sun rise and delayed sun set.
In the absence of atmosphere, we get delayed sunrise and advance sun set.
Refer to you tube animation videos to experience the phenomena.

9. When sound wave moves through air along X axis, there is a variation in density of air in this
direction. The graphical representation of this variation for two sound waves A and B is as shown.
Which of the following statements is correct?

a) frequency of A is greater than that of B

b) velocity of B is greater than that of A
c) wavelength of B is greater than that of A
d) loudness of A is greater than that of B

Sol Loudness of sound wave is nothing but intensity.

Intensity of sound wave : I = 2  2 A2 v

Intensity of sound wave is directly proportional to amplitude.

From the diagram, amplitude of A is greater than that of B indicating that A is louder than B

10. In the figure shown below, each of the lenses

has a focal length 10 cm. Therefore, the image
formed by the lens combination is

a) virtual, erect and magnified b) virtual, inverted and diminished

c) virtual, erect and diminished d) real, erect and diminished

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Sol focal length of each lens: f = 10 cm

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
For convex lens : 𝑣 - 𝑢 = 𝑓  𝑣 + 𝑢 = 𝑓  𝑣 = - 20 + 10  v = 20 cm

The image formed by convex lens (same size, inverted, real) acts as object for concave lens.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 20
For concave lens : - =  − + =−  = +  = + v= = cm
𝑣 𝑢 𝑓 𝑣 𝑢 𝑓 𝑣 𝑢 𝑓 𝑣 20 10 30 3

The image distance is less than object distance indicating that image is smaller than the object.
Concave lens (diverging) forms virtual, erect images.

11. A convex mirror is used as the rear view mirror of a motor vehicle has a warning written on it –
“Objects in the mirror are nearer than they appear.” The reason for this warning is that

a) the image is diminished

b) the image distance is less than the focal length of the mirror
c) the image distance is less than the object distance
d) the image distance is more than the object distance

Sol 1 1 1
Mirror formula: + = where v is image distance, u is object distance
𝑣 𝑢 𝑅

For a convex mirror: u is – ve, v is +ve and R is +ve.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 𝑢𝑅 𝑢+𝑅
- 𝑢 = 𝑅  𝑣 = 𝑢 + 𝑅  𝑣 = 𝑢+𝑅  𝑣 = 𝑢𝑅

From the above formula, v (image distance) is less than u (object distance)

12. While picking up a pair of eyeglasses dropped by a friend, you notice that they form an inverted
image of the background and that the image is stretched horizontally as well. Your friend suffers

a) only myopia b) only hypermetropia

c) only astigmatism d) hypermetropia as well as astigmatism

Sol Inverted image is formed by convex lens.

Convex lens is used for correcting hypermetropia.
As the image is stretched horizontally, the lens has been taken from a cylindrical surface.
Cylindrical lenses are used for correcting astigmatism.
So, the person is suffering from hypermetropia as well as astigmatism

13. A uniform wire of resistance 36  is bent into a circle. A battery is connected between points A
and B as shown. The effective resistance between A and B is

a) 36  b) 30  c) 6 d) 5

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

Sol 𝜌𝑙
Resistance of wire is given by : R =
As battery is connected between A and B, the wire is divided into
two parts connected in parallel.
One as 600 arc another 3000 arc. (length of the arc = radius x angle)
Resistance of smaller part : 360 x 36 = 6 
Resistance of the larger part : 360 x 36 = 30 
𝑹𝟏 𝑹𝟐 𝟔 𝑿 𝟑𝟎
Effective resistance: R = = =5
𝑹𝟏 +𝑹𝟐 𝟔+𝟑𝟎

14. In additive primary color process, which of the following is not possible?

a) red + green + blue gives white b) blue + green give cyan

c) red + cyan gives white d) green + cyan gives white

Sol Red, Green and Blue are primary colors. Mixing these colors in
equal proportions gives white. (R+G+B = W)
Secondary color results from mixing two primary colors:
R+G = yellow, R + B = magenta, B + G = cyan
Green + Magenta gives white

15. On north pole, when the surface of sea gets frozen due to cold weather, Eskimos can still fish by
cutting a portion of ice at the surface of find water underneath. This is possible because water

a) has low thermal conductivity b) has high specific heat

c) has high surface tension d) shows anomalous behavior

Sol Water shows anomalous behavior. It has maximum density at 4 0C.

In winter season, as the surface of the sea gets frozen, water will
remain in liquid state.

16. Direct current flows through a vertical wire in downward direction. For an observer looking at the
wire, the direction of magnetic field at a point between him and the wire is

a) upward b) to the right c) to the left d) downward

Sol The magnetic field lines around a current carrying straight conductor are in the form of concentric
circles with the wire at the centre.
The direction of magnetic field: right hand rule: when the conductor is held in right hand with
thumb in the direction of current, the fingers give the direction of magnetic field.
So, the magnetic field will be towards left as seen by the person

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

17. A number of electric bulbs of rating 220 V, 100 W are to be connected in parallel to a 220 V
supply. If a 5 A fuse wire is used for this arrangement, the maximum number of bulbs that can be
included in the circuit will be

a) 10 b) 11 c) 22 d) 44

Sol Rating of each bulb : 220 V, 100 W

𝑉2 2202
Resistance of each bulb : R = 𝑃
= 100
= 484 
Supply voltage : 220 V
𝑉 220
Current passing through each bulb : I = 𝑅 = 484 A
Maximum current allowed into the circuit : 5 A (fuse rating)
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 5
No. of bulbs in parallel : n = 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑏 = 220 = 11
As the no. of bulbs comes out to be 11 by calculation, in practice 10 bulbs are used for safety.

18. In the circuit given below, AB is a thick copper wire and S is a switch. When the switch is closed,
the effective resistance of the circuit will be

a) 5 b) 6
 c) 3 d) zero

Sol Effective resistance of the circuit when the switch is open:

3+1+2+2 = 5 
When the switch is closed, the line AB offers zero resistance
(thick copper wire).
The current flows through 3  resistance and the wire AB.
So, the effective resistance of the circuit is 3 

19. In figure 1 ammeter reads I1 and voltmeter reads V1. Similarly in figure 2, ammeter reads I2 while
voltmeter reads V2. Then which of the following statements is correct?

a) V1 > V2 and I1 > I2 b) V1 > V2 and I1 < I2

c) V1 < V2 and I1 > I2 d) V1 < V2 and I1 < I2

I1: current through series combination of resistors
V1: voltage drop across series combination of resistors
I1 = 𝒓+𝑹 and V1 = I1 (R1 + R2)
𝟏 +𝑹𝟐

I2: current through parallel combination of resistors

V2: voltage drop across parallel combination of resistors
I2 = 𝑹 𝑹 and V2 = I2 (𝑹 𝟏+𝑹𝟐 )
𝒓+ 𝟏 𝟐 𝟏 𝟐
𝑹𝟏 +𝑹𝟐

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

20. The latent heat of fusion of a solid is the quantity of heat in Joules required to convert

a) 1 mg of solid to liquid without any change in temperature

b) 1 g of solid to liquid without any change in temperature
c) 100 g of solid to liquid without any change in temperature
d) 1000 g of solid to liquid without any change in temperature

Sol Joule is the SI unit of heat energy. So the definition is in SI units

Latent heat of fusion of a solid is defined as the quantity of heat required to convert 1 kg (1000 g)
solid into liquid state without any change in temperature.
The temperature remains constant because the heat energy supplied to the solid during melting
(fusion) will be utilized to increase the distance between the molecules thus increasing the potential
L= 𝒎

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