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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

1. Three identical vessels carrying equal amount of water are placed in three lifts. Lift A is
accelerating upwards, lift B is accelerating downwards while lift C is moving up with constant
velocity. The pressure at a depth h from free surface in the three vessels is measured as PA, PB and
PC. Then which of the following is true?

a) PA = PC > PB b) PA > PC > PB c) PA > PC = PB d) PA = PC = PB

Sol. Pressure in a static liquid: P = Po + hg

Pressure in a static liquid for vertically accelerated vessel: P = Po + hgeff
geff = g + a for acceleration vertically up (lift A)
geff = g – a for acceleration vertically down (lift B)
geff = g – 0 = g for uniform velocity up/down (lift C)

2. A particle starting from rest is moving with uniform acceleration in a straight line. The percentage
increase of the displacement of the particle in 9th second compared to that in the immediate
previous second is about

a) 8.3 % b) 13.3 % c) 20.6 % d) 24.5 %

Sol. Displacement of the particle in nth second: sn = u + a (n - 1)

Displacement of the particle in 8th second: s8 = 0 + a (8 - 2) = 7.5 a
Displacement of the particle in 9th second: s9 = 0 + a (9 - ) = 8.5 a

Increase in displacement: s = 8.5 a – 7.5 a = a

∆𝑠 𝑎 100
Percentage increase in displacement: 𝑠
x 100 = 7.5𝑎 x 100 = 7.5
= 13.3 %

3. An inflated balloon with a heavy rock tied to it submerges in water. As the balloon sinks deeper
and deeper. The buoyant force acting on it

a) increases b) decreases
c) remains nearly unchanged d) initially increases and then decreases

Sol. Gravitational force: constant in magnitude and direction (downward). F = mg

Buoyancy force : Fb = Vg
(V – volume of liquid displaced,  - density of liquid, g – acceleration due to gravity)
As the balloon sinks deeper and deeper, the pressure of the water above it increases (P = hg).
With increase in pressure, the volume of the balloon decreases.
As the volume of the balloon decreases, the buoyancy force acting on it decreases

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

4. A particle is moving along a straight line. Its velocity – time graph is as shown in figure. Then
match the following.

Physical Quantity Remarks

I. acceleration at 4 second p. positive
II. Velocity at 4 second q. negative
III. Direction of motion at 2 sec. r. zero

a) I is p; II is q; III is r b) I is q; II is r; III is p
c) I is r; II is q; III is p d) I is q; II is p; III is r

Sol. Slope of velocity – time graph gives acceleration. As the slope is negative, acceleration is –ve.
The straight line passes through zero at 4 sec. so the velocity is zero at t = 4 sec
From 0 to 4 sec. the particle has positive velocity, so the direction of motion of the particle is +ve

5. A rectangular parallelepiped with sides a, b and c in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1 is kept on a uniformly rough
horizontal surface as shown in figure. The value of limiting friction is

a) minimum in I b) minimum in II c) minimum in III d) same in all cases

Sol. Limiting friction: the maximum value of static friction.

limiting friction is independent of area of contact.
So, same frictional force acts in all the cases.

6. If two bodies of different masses, initially at rest are acted upon by the same force for the same
time, then both bodies acquire the same

a) velocity b) momentum c) acceleration d) kinetic energy

Sol. Force acting on both masses is same: F1 = F2 / Initially both the bodies are at rest.
Force acts on the bodies for the same time.
Acceleration of the object: a = 𝑚  a1 = 𝑚 and a2 = 𝑚
1 2

Velocity after some time: v = u + at = 0 + at = at

Force acting on a body: F = 𝑑𝑡
 𝑑𝑝 = 𝐹 𝑑𝑡

As same force is acting on both the objects for same time, change in momentum is same for both.
As both the objects are initially at rest, they acquire same final momentum

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

7. It is more difficult to walk on a sandy road than on a concrete road. The most appropriate reason
for this is

a) sand is soft and concrete is hard

b) the friction between sand and feet is less than that between concrete and feet
c) the friction between sand and feet is more than that between concrete and feet
d) the sand is grainy but concrete is solid

Sol. Friction: it is a tangential force that opposes the relative motion of point of contact between two
As we walk, we push the floor backwards. So the frictional force acts in the forward direction thus
helping us to walk.
The frictional force between sand and feet is far less than that between concrete and feet.
So, it is relatively difficult to walk on sandy road than on a concrete road.

8. The magnetic force on a moving charged particle can change the particle’s

a) speed only b) direction only

c) both speed and direction d) neither speed nor direction

Sol. The force acting on a charged particle due to a magnetic field is given by
𝐹̅ = q (𝑣̅ 𝑥 𝐵̅) where q is charge, v is speed and B is magnetic field strength.
The magnitude of force: F = qvB sin  [force is perpendicular to plane of v & B]
As the force is always perpendicular to velocity vector, it acts as centripetal force that takes the
particle into circular path. Work done by centripetal force is zero.
So, the force changes only the direction of motion of the particle

9. A ray of light is incident on system of mirrors as shown in the figure. What is the total deflection d
of the ray when it emerges out after two reflections?

a) 2200 b) 1800 c) 1400 d) 1200

Angle between the mirrors : 700
So the angle of incidence of the ray at N1 = 200
Angle of incidence (200) = angle of reflection (200)
Angle of incidence of the ray at N2 = 500
Angle of incidence (500) = angle of reflection (500)
From the diagram: sum of the angles in a triangle is 1800.
So, the angle of deviation: d = 1400

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

10. A light source of diameter 2 cm is placed 20 cm behind a circular opaque disc of diameter 4 cm.
Shadow is formed on a screen at a distance of 80 cm. The ratio of the area of umbra and penumbra
shadow regions is equal to

a) 0.22 b) 0.18 c) 0.58 d) 0.11


AA1 is the source (disc of radius 1 m) and BB1 is the opaque disc of radius 2 m.
Umbra is formed between ABC and A1B1C1.
Penumbra is formed between CD and C1D1.
Light rays from the source are extended to meet at point O.
𝑂𝐹 𝐹𝐴 𝑥 1
triangles OFA and OEB (similar triangles): 𝑂𝐸 = 𝐸𝐵  𝑥+20 = 2  x = 20 cm
𝑂𝐹 𝐹𝐴 20 1
Triangles OFA and OHC (similar triangles): 𝑂𝐺 = 𝐻𝐶  120 = 𝑟  r = 6 cm
𝐹𝐺 𝐹𝐴1 𝑦 1 20
Triangles FA1G and GBE (similar triangles): 𝐺𝐸 = 𝐸𝐵
 20−𝑦 = 2  y = 3
𝐺𝐸 𝐸𝐵 40/3 2
Triangles GEB and GHD (similar triangles): 𝐺𝐻 = 𝐻𝐷  280/3 = 𝑅  R = 14 cm

Area of umbra region: Au = r2 = 36

Area of penumbra region: Ap =  (R2 – r2) =  (196 – 36) = 160
Ratio of area of umbra and penumbra: 𝟏𝟔𝟎𝐩 = 0.22

11. Consider the following two statements:

statement 1: when red light travels from air to water, for observer in water it appears to be still red
statement 2: color of light is associated with frequency and frequency does not change when it
travels in different media

choose the correct option

a) statement 1 is correct while statement 2 is wrong b) statement 1 and 2 are correct

c) statement 1 is wrong while statement 2 is correct d) statement 1 and 2 are wrong

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

Sol. Statement 1: color of light does not change as it travels from one medium to another.
Statement 2: as light travels from one medium to another, its frequency remains constant.
(color depends on frequency)

12. A spring of force constant 7600 N/m is attached to a block of mass 0.25 kg as shown in figure.
Frequency of oscillation on frictionless surface is

a) 27.76 Hz b) 39.26 Hz c) 9681.5 Hz d) 98.39 Hz

Sol. 1 𝑘
frequency of oscillation of a spring block system: f = 2𝜋 √𝑚
Where k is spring (force) constant and m is mass of the block
1 𝑘 1 7600 1 174.36
f= √ = √ = √30400 = = 27.76 Hz
2𝜋 𝑚 2𝜋 0.25 2𝜋 2𝜋

13. A wave is sent along a string by oscillating at one end. If the tension in the string is increased then
speed of the wave and wavelength of the wave

a) both increase b) speed increases, wavelength decreases

c) both decrease d) wavelength increases, speed decreases

Sol. Transverse waves travel along string. The speed of the wave is given by
v = √ where T is tension in the string and  is linear density. (v ∝ √𝑇)

As the tension in the string is increased, the speed of the wave also increases.
Speed of a wave in any medium (in terms of wave parameters) is given by
v = f where f is frequency and  is wavelength. Frequency of the wave depends on the source.
So, it remains constant as long as the source does not change. (v ∝ )
So, the wavelength of the wave increases with increase in speed.

14. Clock A based on oscillations of spring and clock B is based on pendulum motion. Both the clocks
keep the same time on earth. If they are taken to a planet having half the density of earth and twice
the radius

a) then A runs faster than B b) B runs faster than A

c) both will run at same rate as earth d) both will run at equal faster rate than earth

Sol. 𝑚
Time period of spring – block system: T = 2 √ 𝑘 (independent of g)
Time period of simple pendulum: T = 2 √𝑔
𝐺𝑀 4
Acceleration due to gravity: g = = GR  g ∝ R
𝑅2 3
𝑔𝑝 𝑅𝑝 𝜌𝑝 2𝑅 𝜌
= = = 1  𝑔𝑝 = 𝑔𝑒
𝑔𝑒 𝑅𝑒 𝜌𝑒 𝑅 2𝜌

So, the time period of simple pendulum is same on planet and earth.

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

15. In the circuit B1, B2 and B3 represent identical bulbs. Consider the case
i. with resistance R4
ii. Without resistance R4 (R4 comparable to resistance of bulb)

a) B1, B2 and B3 glow with equal brightness in both cases

b) B1 is the brightest in i and in ii, B2 and B3 becomes brighter and B1
dimmer compared to case I
c) B2, B3 brightest in case i and B1 becomes brighter in ii
d) B1 is brightest in i and B2 becomes brighter in comparison to B3 in ii

Sol. Consider the circuit without R4. It can be Consider the circuit with R4. It can be
represented as follows. represented as follows.
3𝑅 4𝑅
Effective resistance of the circuit: Effective resistance of the circuit:
2 3
𝑉 2𝑉 𝑉 3𝑉
Current in the circuit: I = = Current in the circuit: I = 𝑅 = 4𝑅
𝑅 3𝑅
2 4𝑉 2 4𝑉 2 9𝑉 2 9𝑉 2
Power consumed by B1: I R = 9𝑅2 R = 9𝑅 Power consumed by B1 = I2R = 16𝑅2 R = 16𝑅
𝐼 2 𝑽𝟐 𝐼 2 𝑽𝟐
Power consumed by B2 / B3 = (2) 𝑅 = 𝟗𝑹 Power consumed by B2 / B3 / R4 = (3) 𝑅 = 𝟏𝟔𝑹

16. Three identical resistors each of resistance R are connected in the following four configurations.
Rank the arrangement in the order of their equivalent resistors from highest to lowest.

a) I, II, III & IV b) IV, III, II & I c) I, III, IV & II d) II, IV, III & I

Sol. I : series combination : Rs = R + R + R = 3R

1 1 1 1 3 𝑅
II : parallel combination : = + + =  Rp =
𝑅𝑝 𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 𝑅 3
𝑅 3
III : first one in series with parallel combination of last two : R = R + 2 = 2 R
2𝑅 𝑥 𝑅 2
IV : first two in series connected in parallel to third : R = 2𝑅+𝑅

17. A positively charged insulator is brought in contact with an uncharged conductor, then

a) conductor acquires +ve charge due to conduction

b) conductor acquires –ve charge due to induction
c) conductor acquires +ve charge due to induction
d) conductor cannot acquire any charge

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

Sol. As the charged object is placed in contact with the uncharged object, conduction of charge takes
place. Charge flow takes place from a body at high potential (charged object) to a body at low
potential (uncharged conductor).
So, some positive charge flows from charged insulator to uncharged conductor due to conduction

18. Two infinite wires carrying identical currents are placed at position A and C, normal to plane of the
paper as shown in figure. The resultant magnetic field at a point P on the perpendicular bisector is

a) along perpendicular bisector pointing towards line AC

b) along line joining PC and pointing towards C
c) along line joining PA and pointing towards A
d) along line parallel to AC and pointing towards right.

Sol. Magnetic field lines around a current carrying conductor are in the form
of concentric circles.
Tangent to this circle gives the magnetic field direction at that point.
So, fields due to wire A and B are equal in magnitude and Perpendicular
to each other at the point P.
The resultant is angular bisector. So, the resultant field is horizontal
(parallel to the line AC and towards right)

19. When an incandescent bulb is switched on and the outer glass bulb also gets heated up. This is due

a) conduction and convection of heat from filament to the bulb by the medium inside the bulb
at lower temperatures and by radiation of heat at higher temperature
b) convection of heat from filament to the bulb by the medium inside the bulb at all temperatures
c) radiation of heat from filament to the bulb at all temperatures
d) conduction of heat from filament to the bulb by the medium inside the bulb at higher
temperatures and by radiation of heat at lower temperature

Sol. Conduction: requires a material medium (solids). Heat is transferred through the connectors to the
glass bulb.
Convection: requires a material medium (fluids). Heat is transferred through the inert gas
(generally argon) filled in the bulb.
Radiation: does not require a material medium. Heat is transferred at high temperature according to
the Stefan – Boltzmann's law (P = AT4 where  is Stefan – Boltzmann's constant)
P is rate of heat transfer, A is surface area of filament, T is absolute temperature)

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Kalyan’s Physics Challenge

20. We all know the sky appears to touch the ground at a distance. The distance at which we
perceive the sky to touch the ground is called horizon. The reason for the perception is due to
the fact that the earth is a sphere (almost) and not a flat surface. Which of these pictures
below accurately depict the horizon for a person standing on a high rise building like Burj
Khalifa in Dubai?
(here h represents the height of the building while line H represents horizon)

Sol. The distance at which we perceive the sky to touch the ground is called horizon.
As the person stands on a building of height h, he will be able to see a maximum distance H which
is shown by first diagram.

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