2 - Media Regulation

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Name: Abi Black

Digital Media – Unit 1: Media and Audiences

Selecting Roles for Media Projects

Task 1: Cross Media

Cross media refers to a company that produces media in more than one format. Select a “Cross
Media” company and identify the various subsidiaries and media each creates.

Disney – it’s a cross media company because it uses facilities within its
company films, tv shows, music, games, animations.
Sony- films, music, radio, games

Task 2: Selecting Roles for Media projects

Identify four key roles that would be important to the creation of each of the following types of
media. Describe the tasks they will need to accomplish that will make them beneficial to each
project [12 marks]

• A Video Game company has decided to create a new side scrolling 2D platform game.

• A Television Company is creating a hard hitting crime drama

• A Magazine company is creating a new Motoring/Car magazine

video game
A game tester- They ensure that the game works and run smoothly, they also
make sure that there aren’t any bugs or loopholes within the game.

An animator- They take the objects created by 2D and 3D artists and breathe
life into them by making them move, they give life to the game and make the
game function graphically.

Sound engineering - The audio engineer is responsible for adding realism to the
in-game world with sounds. They keep the audience engaged with
recognisable and distinctive sounds which suit the genre of the game.

Crime drama TV show

Boom operator- They have a significant role in making sure they capture all the
sound relevant within the scene. They also must capture every detail possible.
Name: Abi Black

Script writer- They need to make sure the actors they cast fit the character that
they have written, they also need to make sure the script is engaging and flows

Director- they have an overall vision of what they want the outcome to look
like, they also have the right to make vital decisions to keep the interesting

Car magazine company

Photographer- They have the duty to capture all the right photos for the
magazine and make sure they keep the photos interesting

Journalist- They need to have the most up to date information to provide the
readers with, they also need to keep any relevant information in the article
and make sure they do not waffle about boring and irrelevant information.

Advertising – They have a specific job in drawing in the right target audience
and advertising in the right location, they also need to make sure the magazine
can maximise profits by attracting the right audience.

Task 3: (Homework) Examination Questions

The following are exam questions from the Unit 1: Media Products and Audiences exam on 10th Jan
2017. Attempt to answer them using your knowledge and understanding from previous lessons.

1. Explain the term Conglomerate Ownership. Use an example to support your answer [3
A conglomerate is a corporation of several different businesses. In a conglomerate, one
company owns several departments for example, Sony use their own music within their own
films to reduce costs and to keep it in within the same franchise.

2. Explain how a public service company operates differently to a commercial company. Use an
example to support your answer [4 marks]
Public service companies can not generate profit, they tend to broadcast things such as
educational programmes and the news. A company who does this are the BBC, they are
funded by the public. A commercial company do make profit from adverts, and they tend to
create entertaining shows. An example of this is the ITV.
Name: Abi Black

3. Identify the name of one independent company in any media sector and explain how they
could use new media to promote their product. Use examples to support your answer [5
Netflix is an independent company who are only owned by themselves. One way in which
they can promote their product is through social media. They can upload small clips on
YouTube or on TikTok like they did with stranger things which helped intrigue new watchers
creating more engagers for the new series. Using Instagram is an effective way in promoting
a new show or film because it allows viewers to have an inside look on the up coming film

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