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A Mathematical Bomb for “Cloned Robots”

Dr. Peter S. Ruckman

As we often have said in several dozen books and several Bulletin

articles: “All the cloned robots are programmed by the same jackass.” There
is a regular “apostolic succession” between Adamantius and Aurelius
Augustine, and Bob Jones University, Crown College, Tennessee Temple,
PCC, Baptist Bible College, etc. I listed 300 of these cloned robots for you in
the back of the book The Christian Liar’s Library, published in 1997.

We call this 3,000-year-old heresy the “Alexandrian Cult” and its

leaders the “Scholar’s Union.” We print their real dogmatic decrees in every
copy of the Bulletin (see “The Creed of the Alexandrian Cult”). All the modern
members of the cult (Shelton Smith, John R. Rice, Bob Jones Jr., Bob Jones
III, Clarence Sexton, Robert Schuller, Joel Osteen, James Dobson, Hal
Lindsey, Charles Stanley, Billy Graham, Chuck Swindoll, et. al.) are careful
—oh, goodness gracious, how careful — never to directly connect the
Scriptural word “scripture” (as found in “the holy scriptures”—Rom. 1:2;
2 Tim. 3:15) WITH ANY PARTICULAR BOOK in any language that anyone
can pick up and read or memorize.

“All cloned robots were programmed by the same jackass.”

No man listed above (plus any Pope, Priest, Cardinal, Bishop,

Archbishop, “recognized scholar,” or promoter, publisher, or translator of an
ASV, RSV, NIV, TNIV, etc.) ever said that HE HIMSELF had “the holy
scriptures” (2 Tim. 3:15) to read and study, or if they did they never NAMED
those “Scriptures” nor gave you the date of publication so they could be
purchased. No member of the Alexandrian Cult or the Scholars’ Union has
done that in the last twenty centuries.

All Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century “recognized Bible authorities”

were programmed by a JACKASS. Jackasses are noted for stubbornness
and stupidity.

I have waited more than fifty years to find one piece of paper either
written by or containing a quote by ONE major “recognized,” “godly,”
“qualified” cloned robot who identifies ANY “Bible” he recommends, as “the
holy scriptures.” (Rom. 1:2). Not one cloned robot had an original idea in

those fifty years. They all “aped” each other and “parroted” each other as
1. “I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.”
2. “I believe the Bible is the Holy Scriptures.”
3. “I believe the Bible is inerrant and verbally inspired.”
4. “I believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.”
5. “I believe the Bible is the preserved Word of God.”
6. “I believe the Bible is the preserved WORDS of God.”

Not one fakir in the bunch said he believed any “Bible” (no matter what
he “believed” about it) was the Scriptures. The pastor of Hyles’ church in
Hammond, Indiana (Jack Schaap) wasted ten pages of large-typed
newsprint to prove that he believed EVERYTHING above, yet NOT ONE
LINE OF IT was a direct reference to anything he ever saw in his life. He
never said once what “Bible” it was that he believed was Scripture. He did
exactly what John R. Rice, Shelton Smith, and Curtis Hutson did: they all led
you to think the reference was to a King James Authorized Version.

Not one of the men listed above dared to say that the AV was actually
“the holy scriptures.” Every one of them—posing as “militant Christian
soldiers” boldly “fighting the good fight of faith”—converted the Scriptures’
“sword of the LORD” (Judg. 7:18; Heb. 4:12; Eph. 6:17) into an unknown,
unread, unattainable “Bible” with NO NAME attached to it.

Not one man had the guts to name the Book by which he made his
living when the word Scripture was brought up. Instead, every programmed
robot has outrightly denied that the King James Bible (in any edition) could
NOT be a reference to the Scriptures because “ALL SCRIPTURE is given
by inspiration of God” (2 Tim. 3:16).

Thus, they invented a new term for attacking Bible believers: “double
inspiration.” When they did it, they outrightly denied the verbal inspiration of
their own “original autographs” in all Greek manuscripts from all “families.”
You see, 150-plus verses in any New Testament are not “originals” at all;
they are translations from the Hebrew. These modern heretical apostates all
adopted the belief that no Christian could believe in “double inspiration,” so
150-plus verses in the New Testament were not “given by inspiration”;
therefore they were not “scripture.”

This denies four basic Scriptural truths found in ALL the Scriptures: 1)
The word “scripture” in the “scriptures” is NEVER a reference to any
original autographs (Luke 4:21; John 5:39; Acts 8:32; 2 Tim. 3:15). 2) A
translation can be “given by inspiration” (see Matt. 1:23, 2:6, 15, 18, 3:3,
4:15–16, etc.) 3) The translation does NOT have to be a verbatim, word-for-
word copy of any “original” (see Acts 8:32–33; Rom. 1:17, etc.). 4) Two
different, inerrant, verbally inspired manuscripts have to be “given by
inspiration” BOTH TIMES (see Jer. 36:2, 32).

Now, do you want a bomb to put in your pocket to shut the mouths of
these stupid idiots who deny the four Scriptural truths written in “the
scripture of truth” (Dan. 10:21). Well, here it is; it is delivered by a Filipino
Christian who came out of Manila. This is Periander Aban Esplana, who was
35 years old when he wrote it. His work is called “The Bible Formula.” You
can get it from Box 6, Daet, Camarines Norte 4600, Philippines.*

Bro. Esplana’s AV 1611 “Mathematical Formula” turns out to be

another one of several hundred “advanced revelations” that were totally
missed by A. T. Robertson, Kenneth Wuest, J. Vernon McGee, Billy Graham,
Jerry Falwell, Charles Stanley, Tim LaHaye, Charles Hodge, Stewart Custer,
Harold Willmington, Robert Sumner, Bob Ross, Donald Waite, James White,
C. S. Lewis, Spiros Zodhiates, Kurt Aland, Bruce Metzger, J. R. Dummelow,
Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, Adam Clarke, Campus Crusade, Youth for
Christ, the 700 Club, the PTL Club, the last six Popes, Erwin Nestle,
Tischendorf, Trench, Thayer, Kittle, Gesenius, Delitzsch, and twenty
theological Seminaries. The “formula” is as follows:

A. At the beginning of the Bible in Genesis 1:1–10 words, 44 letters,

17 vowels, and 27 consonants—IN ENGLISH, not ANY Hebrew

B. At the end of the Church Age in 1 John 5:7—22 words, 88 letters,

34 vowels, and 54 consonants IN ENGLISH, not ANY Greek

C. At the end of the Bible in Revelation 22:21–12 words, 44 letters, 17

vowels, and 27 consonants—IN ENGLISH, not in ANY Greek

The AV 1611 Mathematical Formula is as follows:

A-44 plus C-44 equals B-88

A-17 plus C-17 equals B-34

A-27 plus C-27 equals B-54

That is, the WORDS found in Genesis 1:1 added to the WORDS found
in Revelation 22:21 (the beginning and the end) are summed up in 1 John
5:7 by the Trinity.

The LETTERS found in Genesis 1:1 added to the LETTERS found in

Revelation 22:21 produce the total LETTERS in 1 John 5:7.

The VOWELS found in Genesis 1:1 added to the VOWELS found in

Revelation 22:21 give you the total VOWELS in 1 John 5:7.

The CONSONANTS found in Genesis 1:1 added to the

CONSONANTS found in Revelation 22:21 equal those CONSONANTS
found in 1 John 5:7.

Got it? Explain it. Not one Hebrew or Greek manuscript found in 2,000
years displays that mathematical miracle.

“King James only! King James Onlyism! Heresy! Oh, God, save us
from RUCKMANISM! Oh, what a cultic RUCKMANITE!”

Ahh, go stick you left hind leg in your right ear.

I’ll repent of that advice when you send me the EXPLANATION for that
ADVANCED REVELATION God gave you through a 35-year old Filipino. In
the meantime, act like a gentleman, even though you are NOT. Go “strut
your stuff” before some cloned robots like yourself, and don’t waste our time.
We have “the holy scriptures”; you don’t.

Bible Believers Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 6, June, 2009, pp. 5, 13 and 19.

This is the second article which Dr. Ruckman wrote on the Bible Believers’
Bulletin about the Bible Formula. The first article was published on the Bible
Believers’ Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 5, May, 2005. Dr. Ruckman wrote the
following in pages 8 and 14: "Periander A. Esplana discovered this 'formula,'
and it was published on the internet in A.D. 2000. It has been common
knowledge since then—for FIVE YEARS. In those five years not one
'Scholarship Only' fanatic has dared even to discuss the matter. Like the
'Mythological Septuagint,' fifty seminaries, Bible institutes, colleges, and
universities (with the Revision Committees of the RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV,
and NIV) have remained as mute and as dumb about the matter as a dead
skunk. They should; it 'becomes' them. God Almighty wrote that Book just to
make them look like what they are: cloned robots, all programmed by the
same.... And I say that with 'charity,' of course!"

*Currently, Periander Esplana resides at Prk. Ubas, Brgy. Gubat, Daet,

Camarines Norte, Philippines. He has published several books on numerics,
including the Bible Formula, available in PDF format as an eBook for online
ordering and instant download at

Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher,

counting one by one,
to find out the account:
(Ecclesiastes 7:27)

It is the glory of God

to conceal a thing:
but the honour of kings is
to search out a matter.
(Proverbs 25:2)

Every word of God is pure:

he is a shield unto them
that put their trust in him.
(Proverbs 30:5)

All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness:
that the man of God may be perfect,
throughly furnished unto all good works.
(2Timothy 3:16,17)

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