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Crust- thinnest, outermost solid layer of the earth.

There are two type of crust

Oceanic and Continental
Both types of crust are mainly made out of oxygen, silicon, and aluminum.
The denser the oceanic crust has almost twice as much as iron, calcium and
Continental Crust- outermost layer of the Earth’s Lithosphere that makes up the
planet’s continents and continental shelves.
Lithosphere (rock sphere)- outer most rigid layer of the earth.
It’s broadly gigantic in composition.
Rocks on Lithosphere- Granite- igneous rocks- course or rough

Sedimentary Metamorphic
The lithosphere is divided into pieces called tectonic plates.
Fault- a crack or break in a plate
Faulting- movement of the rock it self
Plate Tectonics- movement of plates
PHIVOLCS (Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology)
Oceanic Crust- outermost layer of the earth’s lithosphere that is found under the
oceans and formed at spreading centers on oceanic ridges
The Mantle- Largest layer of the earth at about 3000km thick. It is composed of
silicate rocks rich in magnesium and iron. Si, Mg, Fe.
The rocks in the upper mantle are hard while the rocks in the lower mantle are
The mantle is Denser when than the crust and it has more magnesium with less
amount of aluminum and silicon.
Core- extends from below the mantle to the center of the earth. Densest layer of
the earth and it makes about one-third of Earth’s Mass. Made up of molten
material and causes the Earth’s magnetic Field.
Two Types of Core

Outer Core Inner core

Fluid layer composed Solid Layer Composed of

Of Nickel, iron and sulfur Nickel, Sulfur and Iron
Moho- boundary that separate the mantle and crust.
The Asthenosphere- weak layer of the mantle in which the lithospheric plates
float and move freely. It is a region called the “weak sphere”.
The Mesosphere- strong lower part of the mantle. Rocks move slower than the
asthenosphere. Strength here is being controlled by both temp and pressure.
When the a solid is heated it loses strength but when it is being compressed it
gain strength. Also called as “middle sphere”.
Shadow Zones – seismic waves cannot be detected because they are bent or
Three Types of Plate Boundaries
Divergent Boundaries Ocean- Ocean Collisions
Convergent Boundaries
Transform Boundaries Continent- Ocean Collisions

Continent- Continent Collisions

Divergent Boundaries- spreading ridges. Plates moves apart and new material is
erupted to fill the gap. Can be thought as constructive plate margins because this
is where new oceanic crust is created.
Convergent Boundaries- plates are coming together or colliding.
Transform Boundaries- plates are sliding past each other (Horizontally)
Earthquakes along Faults. common cause of earthquakes.
Continent- Continent Collisions- two plates of continental lithosphere collide, they
buckle and thicken which causes mountains to form.
Continent-Ocean Collisions- an oceanic lithosphere collides with a plate of
continental lithosphere, the oceanic lithosphere subducts because it is denser. It
causes trenches and island arcs to form.
Ocean- Ocean Collisions- two plate of oceanic lithosphere collides, the old denser
plate plunges downward under the other plate. Causes trenches and mountains
to form.
Ridge- is a rift or upgrowth of the ocean floor where plates are slowly edged apart
by filling hot magma.
Seafloor Spreading- a process where an unending creation of solidified magma
creates new seafloor and widens ocean basins.
Subduction Zone- boundary where one plate sinks beneath another and a
trenched is formed along the convergent boundaries.
Fracture Zones- short segments of mid ocean ridges are connected by transform
Mantle Convection- Energy causes some areas of the mantle to become hotter
the others. Cooler material sinks, denser materials push the heated material up.
One possible mechanism of tectonic plate motion is that as the mantle moves or
convects , it drags the overlying tectonic plates along with it.
Convection Current- continuous loop of sinking hot, soft rocks caused by energy
transfer in Asthenosphere. (Earth’s Mantle). Cycle of hot and cold rocks in mantle.
Diastrophism- called as tectonism. Large scale deformation of earth’s crust by
natural processes, which leads to the formation of continents and ocean basins
mountain systems, plateaus rift valleys and other features.
Arthur Holmes- theory of Mantle Convection.
Alfred Wegener- theory of continental drift.
Contracting Earth Theory- earth contracted or shrank over geologic time.
shrinking resulted in a reduction in the Earths Diameter while the circumference
remained unchanged due to folding and buckling of the crust.
Albert Einstein- Theory of General Relativity. The earth is a finite rigid core
structure Big Bang Theory.

name (Wave)
Japanese Word
Tidal Wave- initial change in water level resembles that of a rising or falling tide.
Created in an entirely different way.
Cause of Tsunami
Earthquake, volcanic eruption, under sea landslides and meteor impacts.

1958, Lituya Bay Alaska

Oceanic crust disrupts will move up and down in the mass of water.

Two Kings of Mirror

-plane mirrors
-curved mirrors
Plane Mirrors- images formed same size as is image is upright. Lateral orientation
is reversed. Optical device with a flat surfaced that produces images trough
specular reflection.
Object- Image is based upon
Image- formed in the mirror

Four Properties are used in describing images found in the mirrors.

Ray Diagram

Real Images- can be projected onto screen

Virtual Images- cannot be projected onto a screen and only exist virtually.
Size (small or larger)- always described in comparison to the size of the object.
Alignment (inverted or upright)- orientation of the image formed
Upright- position the same way the obj is positioned
Inverted- upside down compared to the obj
Location- describes where the image is formed
Laws of Reflection- explain how images are
Incident Light ray- the light ray incident on the reflecting surface
Point of Incidence- point on the reflecting surface where the incident light ray hits
the surface of the mirror.
ILR- Light surrounds the Obj
Reflecting/intersecting- Poi
Normal Boundary- a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of
Reflected Light Ray- the light ray reflected from the reflecting surface
Angle of Incidence- angle between the incident light ray and the normal spherical
mirrors (curved mirrors)
Concave Mirror- Spherical mirrors that curved inward “converging mirror”
Convex Mirror- Spherical mirrors that curves outward “diverging mirror”

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