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English Lecture 2

Choose the correct form of verb.
1. costs
2. has
3. are
4. warns
5. is
6. wants
7. has
8. are
9. Does
10. has
11. makes
12. kiss
13. stand
14. intend
15. causes
16. are
17. varies
18. cost
19. are
20. was

Fill in the following blanks with the right word from the options below.
1. (A) acrimonious

2. (C) amorphous

3. (A) apocryphal
4. (D) arbitrary

5. (A) abstruse

Exercise – 1: Identify& correct the errors.

1. rayon
2. was
3. information
4. was
5. has
6. cheeses
7. was
8. gallons
9. a bar of LUX soap
10. equipment

Exercise 2: Complete the following exercise with correct quantifiers.

1. much, number, many

2. any, some

3. many, amount, less, fewer

Exercise 3: Identify the correct Determiner/Quantifier

1. fewer
2. much
3. few
4. A great number of
5. fewer
6. Both
7. many
8. much
9. Another, low
10. Little
Exercise – 4: Identify and correct errors involving singular and plural nouns.
1. (D) correct form: mammals
2. (B) correct form: automobile races
3. (B) correct form: sources
4. (B) correct form: percent
5. (C) correct form: thousands
6. (B) correct form: has
7. (C) correct form: sugar
8. (B) correct form: grass
9. (E) No error
10. (E) No error

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other.

1. another
2. another
3. the other/ the other one
4. the others/ the other ones
5. the others, other
6. Another, Another, The others
7. The other
8. Another, another, the other
9. Others, the others, other
10. the other

Exercise-6: Write the correct article ("a," "an" or "the"). If no article is needed, write' n'.
1. × , the
2. the
3. ×
4. × , the
5. The, x, the
6. ×
7. the
8. An
9. × , ×
10. ×

Identify the errors and then correct them.
1. Meheraz wants to give you some advice, but the information is not available.
2. Two men and three women are dancing in the hall.
3. Heera needs a piece of paper. She heard some good news, and she wants to write two letters.
4. Love is stronger than hate.
5. Raiad says beauty is not as important as intelligence in a partner.
6. Coffee has much caffeine, so they keep me awake.
7. The Argentine people are very generous.
8. Harvey had a bad accident. He hurt his feet.
9. I cooked three pieces of fish for dinner.
10. How much furniture is there in your apartment?

1. a little, a lot, a few

2. much, a great many, anything, a great deal of, little, A few

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