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Population Ecology Organizer


Construct an explanation regarding what factors Revise your initial explanation. Use evidence from the lessons to
you think limit population. support your new claim.

An overpopulating organism preying on a minority

species and killing all of them. Then the predators The powerpoint mentions that the size of a population really affects
will die due to all their food being gone. another population. Allowing one species to overpower another.

Habitats, hunting, climate, food, air, natural

disasters, water, salinity levels,

Define “limiting factors”

Something involved with limiting a population.

What constitutes a population?
All the individuals of a species that live together in an area.

What is demography?

The statistical study of populations, allows to be made about how a population will charge.

List the three key features of populations.

a. size
b. density
c. dispersion
What is included in growth rate factors?
Birthrate (naturally)- death rate (mortality)
How many individual are born vs. how many die

How do you measure population density?

Population density= number of individuals in a given area or volume

movement of individuals into a population

movement of individuals out of a population

Density-dependent factors –
Biotic factors in the environment that have an increasing effect as population size increases (disease,
competition, parasites)

Density-independent factors – Abiotic factors in the environment that affect populations regardless of their density
(temperature, weather)

How are populations measured?

• Population density = number of individuals in a given area or volume
• Count all the individuals in a population
• Estimate by sampling
• Mark-Recapture Method

Name the two models used to describe population growth.

Exponential Growth
Logistic Growth

List the factors limiting growth rate.

a. Limited Food Supply
b. The buildup of toxic wastes
c. increased disease
d. preditation
Explain the Mark and Capture Method.

Method used to measure a population.

What is an alternative approach to determine population size?

Estimate by sampling

Explain the three forms of species distribution.

Uniform, random, or clumped.
Key Terms: Population, population ecology, population size, density, density dependent factor, density independent
factor, dispersion, carry capacity, exponential growth, logistic growth.

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