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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to controversial topics such as the

legalization of cannabis. It requires extensive research, critical thinking, and strong argumentation
skills. Not to mention, the pressure of meeting academic standards and expectations can make the
process even more challenging.

For students who have chosen to write a term paper on the legalization of cannabis, the task may
seem overwhelming. The topic itself is complex, with various perspectives and arguments to consider.
It also requires a deep understanding of the legal, social, and economic implications of cannabis

Moreover, the topic of cannabis legalization is constantly evolving, with new laws and regulations
being implemented in different parts of the world. This adds another layer of difficulty to the
research process, as students must stay updated with the latest information and statistics.

Another challenge when writing a thesis on this topic is the stigma surrounding cannabis. Despite the
growing acceptance and legalization of cannabis in many countries, it is still a controversial and
sensitive subject for many. This can make it challenging to find credible and unbiased sources to
support one's arguments.

Given these challenges, it is understandable why many students struggle with writing a thesis on the
legalization of cannabis. However, there is a solution that can make the process easier and more
efficient - seeking help from a professional writing service like ⇒ ⇔.

⇒ ⇔ offers a team of experienced writers who have a deep understanding of the
topic of cannabis legalization. They have access to reliable and up-to-date sources, making it easier
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Furthermore, their writers are skilled in academic writing and can help you meet all the necessary
requirements and standards for your term paper. They can also assist in creating a well-structured and
coherent paper that effectively presents your arguments.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on the legalization of cannabis can be a difficult and time-consuming
task. However, by seeking help from a professional writing service like ⇒ ⇔, you
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successful one.
The government should also try to earn profit from the sells of marijuana to better help the nation.
The Chinese have used it as medicine for thousands of years. However, the Marihuana Tax Act of
1937 created federal restrictions on cannabis usage and sales, causing marijuana to drop from the
United States Pharmacopoeia in 1942, with increasing legal penalties for possession from there on
(Bridgeman and Abazia 2). The struggle for the legalization of cannabis has been led for decades
now. Thus, it's obvious that marijuana should be legalized, just for to let the government control its
use, prevent its abuse, and get the taxes from those who run this business. This issue is discussed in
different circles, and more and more people speak out about it. The government is wasting our time
and money by prohibiting marijuana. Proportional Imprisonment of Penalties for Drug Crimes Laws
and regulations formed by many governments should be reviewed so that penalties regarding drug
crime can rhyme with the offense committed. Pediatrics 113 (2004): 1825-1826. Print. Jacob, Joseph
W. Medical Uses of Marijuana. During the late 1930s marijuana was assumed to be some kind of a
narcotic mainly because they were mostly used by people who use narcotics such as opium and the
like without making any effort at all to conduct a research on the real effects of marijuana. Just like
nicotine cigarettes smoke, marijuana smoke also contains carcinogens and mutagens. A report from
the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse was published in 1972 titled “Marijuana: A
Signal of Misunderstanding”, highlighting the importance of refining legislation that was largely
ignored by Nixon and other government officials as they continued the “War on Drugs”. Some
authors of research paper on medical cannabis state that smoking marijuana regularly can alleviate
depression or anxiety. The supporters of this position understand that the medical use of cannabis
should be limited, as there are people with the pre-existing risk of developing psychiatric problems
who shouldn't be treated with it. The evolution of medical research over the past few decades has
been able to support Grinspoon’s claims of the medicinal usefulness of marijuana as well as provide a
logical understanding of the principle of medical marijuana, its compounds, and likely effects on the
mind and body. Cannabis is one of the most widely consumed stimulants throughout the world
alongside tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine (Subbaraman, 2014). Even at a small dosage, cannabis
produces sufficient cannabinoids resulting in euphoria, anxiety relief, sedation, and drowsiness.
Archaeological evidence indicates that the first physical human requirements to be fulfilled by
marijuana plant were the cloth making practice to offer protection from environmental hazards and
climatic changes. Th e legalisation of cannabis involves multiple sections of the law, which include
its use in regards of recreational and medical, its cultivati on, distribution and possession. Positive
and negative effects of marijuana for medica. And finally, make sure that you are full of energy and
ready to work. Other minor metabolites are excreted with urine and faeces as glucuronide conjugate.
Higher healthcare costs are linked with cannabis comorbidity. II. There is evidence that marijuana
users are at higher risks of outpatient visits compared to no users. This paper presents a strong
argument against the Legalization of Marijuana in the United States covering how its
decriminalization will affect individuals and the country as a whole. Lynch, Timothy. “War No
More: The Folly and Futility of Drug Prohibition.” National Review 53 no. 2 (February 5, 2001): 37.
In the early 1800s, Sir William Brooke O’Shaughnessy found medicinal uses for cannabis extract for
the initial purpose of lessening stomach pains for people suffering from cholera (Bridgeman and
Abazia 1). Other common effects of marijuana use include nausea, dizziness, anxiety, and panic. If
the federal government were to adopt legislation ending the categorization of marijuana as a
Schedule I substance and unify efforts to legalize medical marijuana, it could yield an annual tax
revenue of forty-seven billion from the taxation of the former illegal drug (“Drug War Statistics”).
Smoking marijuana really relives the symptoms of various illnesses, including even the nausea in
pregnant woman. There are people who tend to get violent once they get drunk but most people often
just go home after drinking and then they go to sleep.
Consumption of cannabis increases the risk of accidents and the ability of the person to think clearly.
Amanda Reiman, an internationally recognized cannabis expert and public health researcher,
conducted a study with peer researchers and reviewers to find an alternative to heavy pain
medications that may lead to prescription drug abuse. Proponents of marijuana legislation have
developed many theories regarding the association between violence and drugs. So their argument is
that the claims of medicinal use for the plant are baseless and are merely debate points that the
supporters of the legalization of marijuana use in a futile attempt to get Marijuana declared legal, at
least for medicinal purposes. According to the evidence threshold quantities must be indicative only
and other additional factors such as culpability, harm, drug dependency, and intention should be
considered. Notably, marijuana is proven to have the capacity to treat chronic pain (Kilmer et al.,
2010). Since the drug is incapable of causing deadly overdoses as is the case with opioids current
regulations if allowed to continue without amendment will deny millions of people the joy of living
lives that are free from pain. Driver safety was at the top of list with 79 percent of opponents polled
saying it was the most important factor in their opposition. As he has found that the Legalization of
Cannabis will help the Canadian economy substantially, he accordingly has come up with his
logically correct arguments. As a result of the unproductive population, it would translate to poor
individuals, thus leading to an economic recession in the country. Treatment of people who are drug
dependence should be considered instead of imprisonment. Those in opposition to the prohibition
present premises as reduced marijuana trafficking in the country with prohibition. These findings are
organised in terms of the history of marijuana and its early uses, chemistry, and pharmacology of
cannabis, the positive and negative effects of marijuana and finally a summary of the findings. The
debate on marijuana legalization or prohibition may rotate around related impacts on the budget of
the country. These ceremonies spread to western Eurasia with the Indo-European migrations.
Archaeological evidence indicates that the first physical human requirements to be fulfilled by
marijuana plant were the cloth making practice to offer protection from environmental hazards and
climatic changes. However, lately the discussions of whether this substance should be legalized, at
least for medical purposes, are appearing more and more often. So, the Dictionary.Com Website
defines cannabis as. Besides reducing the expenses used to ensure no marijuana use, legalizing
marijuana in would serve as a source of revenues. Therefore, nobody should underestimate the
importance of marijuana as a medical drug. Though it is unclear when the psychoactive properties of
cannabis were discovered, evidence of burning cannabis dates back to 3500 BC among the
Romanian kurgans (Subbaraman, 2014). Marijuana consumption is currently illegal in several
countries, including the United States. Effect on the Individual’s Health Marijuana usage is linked to
certain conditions that may be detrimental to the user. For instance, mothers who used marijuana
during pregnancy were more likely to give birth to children who are depressed, hyperactive and
inactive. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. When the
drug is legalized, these parents may prefer to begin using it, and this may act as a crucial source of
exposure for the adolescents. Marijuana availability remains strong, undefeated by its outlawing. If
the federal government were to adopt legislation ending the categorization of marijuana as a
Schedule I substance and unify efforts to legalize medical marijuana, it could yield an annual tax
revenue of forty-seven billion from the taxation of the former illegal drug (“Drug War Statistics”).
Then, explain why this topic is so important to talk about. There is archaeological evidence that the
Chinese used Cannabis Sativa. It's well known that cannabis is one of the most widespread drugs in
the U.S; some researchers say that it's on the third place, right after nicotine and alcohol.
It involves the enforcement of the law that prohibits the conduct. There is archaeological evidence
that the Chinese used Cannabis Sativa. The New York Times. 16 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 March 2012.
Fact 7: Crime, Violence, and Drug Use Go Hand-in-Hand. Prohibition also created a new criminal
class that was inextricably involved in the manufacture and distribution of this formerly legal
substance. It, therefore, turns out to be advisable to legalize the marijuana industry to avoid the
related effects of illegal marijuana sale on the economy. Michael and Renee (2003) attribute the
widespread popularity of marijuana in the 1920s to the prohibitive laws established during the
Prohibition Era. For one, Person A may not find marijuana to his liking and thus vow to never use it,
however, not simply because Person A does not like marijuana it already follows that he could
prohibit Person B from using marijuana. This example can be included in your marijuana legalization
argumentative essay as well. There are several tips on how to make legalizing marijuana essay
introduction interesting for everyone. Whereas many people get into the state of euphoria after
taking marijuana, others might feel panic or experience hallucinations. For instance, it may lead to
addiction and mental health conditions such as depression, which lowers an individual's productivity
(Pacula et al. 13). The Drug Enforcement Administration would then have to relax some restrictions
on the drug, allowing for a symbolic shift of marijuana from the strictest possible category.
Prohibition of marijuana prevents the government from imposing taxes on the product and related
trade activities. This means that the barrier of insufficient medical evidence will have to be overcome
in pursuit of marijuana legalization. It's also important to know factors leading people to sell drugs to
minors for example in the United States people who sell the drug to the young people are poor and
say in a highly populated place. Just over half of supporters think tax revenue for local and state
governments is an important reason for legalization. Cannabis has been considered to be a drug for
decades nowadays, thus lots of people still cannot agree to legalization of it even for medical
purposes, as they are guided by the outdated research proving cannabis is very dangerous. As such,
existing regulations need amendments to avoid distress at the individual, family, societal, and
national levels. Therefore, countries and states should consider both arguments for and against an
economic boost while developing laws and regulations regarding the legalization of marijuana. The
current research displayed, that 70 millions of Americans have tried marijuana. Tobacco still causes
cancer, but people choose to use it. Marijuana is a dried leaf and aqueous extract of the pistil hemp
plant that produces tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is smoke in nicotine for its potent effect.
Though it is unclear when the psychoactive properties of cannabis were discovered, evidence of
burning cannabis dates back to 3500 BC among the Romanian kurgans (Subbaraman, 2014). Such
assets include financial accounts and cars among other possessions. The fight against marijuana
consumption would include adverts and social campaigns aimed at informing the public against
marijuana use. The medical use of marijuana renders it safe for consumption at sustainable and
prescribed amounts. Sample Essay: Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (2018). Steves,
Rick. Rick Steve’s Europe through the Back Doo r. Schedule 1 substances are defined as having: “.a
high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a
lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.”. Placing
marijuana in this Schedule contradicts evidence that proves otherwise, as marijuana has found
medicinal use in 15 states so far. It's the duty of law enforcers to make sure laws regarding drugs are
People who begin using marijuana before age 18 are 4 to 7. The government should also focus their
attentions more on more serious crimes than the usage of marijuana. There are several theories that
suggest that illegalizing drug use and its prohibition boost the usage, on the contrary. In this regard,
Hayes point out that the debate regarding the Legalization of marijuana might soon result in a ruling
that might have serious consequences to the generation that is yet to come. Other avenues as
education and regulation may present better results than prohibition. There is an increase in the
expenses in the judicial system to execute cases of marijuana sales victims and those who consume
the drug. Marijuana makes a person feels high but it does not make a person violent as long as you
are not inherently a violent person. Thus we can conclude that nowadays in the U.S the Americans
are deprived of their right to choose whether to use cannabis or no. Besides reducing the expenses
used to ensure no marijuana use, legalizing marijuana in would serve as a source of revenues. During
the reign of Napoleon, marijuana use in pain relief and management became widespread in Europe
due to its sedative and psychoactive effects. As this topic is relatively new, there won’t be too many
essays on why marijuana should be legalized, giving you all the cards that you need to make your
essay outstanding. Other states in America which also legalized the use of marijuana did not show
any proof that legalizing marijuana would increase the number of people using it (Meiners, 2000).
This fact is definitely worth to be included in any argumentative essay on medical marijuana. Such
assets include financial accounts and cars among other possessions. This is because possession of
marijuana by the youth will still be illegal. Increased joblessness Less marijuana dealing-related crime
More cash-strapped Americans spending what little money they have on a new, unhealthy habit
Table 1. For instance, cannabis smoke has been found to contain tar similar to the one in tobacco
alongside more than 50 different carcinogens, such as reactive aldehydes, polycyclic hydrocarbons,
and nitrosamines. Concurrently, lobbyists created by the monopolized pharmaceutical, oil, and
petrochemical industries began to supplement their own influences into anti-marijuana legislation by
supporting Anslinger, with the purpose of eliminating threats to their industries created by marijuana
cultivation. Administrative Law Memorandum - Essay Sample ACLU Advocates for New
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Meeting Society's Demand for Cybercrime Prevention Need an original essay on this topic.
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Australia There are various sentiments amongst the Australian population as to. Banning marijuana
has so far been fruitless, as the black market continues to make money from the American public.
Despite its illegal nature, the marijuana industry still thrives in the society. Information AI Chat
paper about legalizing the use of marijuana for medicinal use. The consequence will be burdening of
the criminal justice system (Office of National Drug Control Policy 2). The demand of resources
used in the farming of marijuana further serves to boost the economy of the country. The
aforementioned study of WIN and many other tests have confirmed. American Journal Of Preventive
Medicine, 50(3), 373-379. Lastly, the opponents of marijuana legalization argue that its legalization
will do very little in curbing drug violence. In most of the American states, even those people, who
really need marijuana for to relieve the symptoms of their illness, cannot get this drug. In the
congressional hearing for the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, a solitary medical expert, Dr. William
Woodward of the American Medical Association, argued the lack of scientific evidence to disprove
marijuana’s medical properties or prove marijuana’s alleged dangers (Gray 4).
Proponents of marijuana legislation have developed many theories regarding the association between
violence and drugs. Expectorants and Antitussives.pdf Expectorants and Antitussives.pdf
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- RAUWOLFIA ROOT. Just like all drugs they believe that marijuana is addicting and thus it would
be hard to quit once you started using it especially since it causes withdrawal syndromes. These
ceremonies spread to western Eurasia with the Indo-European migrations. There is archaeological
evidence that the Chinese used Cannabis Sativa. Congrats! wBounce is succesfully installed and
triggered. There are many myths and legends about this drug these days, and most of them assume
that if marijuana is a drug, it’s as bad as all other popular narcotics. Although no concrete facts have
been established, cannabis use amongst. In the 1970th The Controlled Substance Act established five
categories of schedules depending on the danger of the drug. If we'll recall the characteristic features
of stereotyping, we'll find out that the information that supports the existing stereotype is believed
willingly by its holders, but the information that overturns it is usually perceived worse and believed
much less than the first type of info. The cannabis criminalization trend changed in 1972 with the
Dutch government classifying cannabis in a less dangerous drug category thus paving the way for
the drug to be available for both medicinal and recreational uses. Drugs Across Cultures Mandatory
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Comments Please sign in or register to post comments. For to define the topic of the essay, let's first
consult the encyclopedias for to see the definition of the word cannabis. This is because most of
them are drug-addicted and that it will deteriorate their behaviors. They point at the related criminal
instances that would be on the increase with the probation of marijuana use. This paper analyzes
relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature to identify the controlling factors involved in the
current legislation against marijuana, and what some states and other countries have done in recent
years in an effort to decriminalize its use. Recreational use argument is a common phrase used
against the use of medical marijuana by the opponents of marijuana legislation (Barnes 13). Research
conducted show that a considerable number of Americans prefer the legalization of marijuana. There
is also wide range belief that marijuana could either make or break a person. These chemical
compounds when inhaled results in an increased risk of cancer. According to the DEA (Drug
Enforcement Administration), Marijuana is a. You can find the answers in this presentation, which
may also help you in choosing your thoughts and ideas regarding this topic. Add Books Studylists
You don't have any Studylists yet. As such, medical institutions and health professionals can be
brought together to help amend the statute by designing strategies to cater to health matters and
productivity in places of work. Of course, all of that enormous market is illegal now; the government
doesn't get a cent from this business. While maryjane stays illicit on the government level, it is
troublesome for financial specialists to gain by the development of the business. Lynch, Timothy.
“War No More: The Folly and Futility of Drug Prohibition.” National Review 53 no. 2 (February 5,
2001): 37. Since people that are consistently disturbed by pain cannot produce the required levels of
output in their places of work national economies will also suffer harm. These efforts led to the
beginning of state decriminalization policies of the 1970s to 1990s to allow patients to access medical
needs (Subbaraman, 2014). Marijuana availability remains strong, undefeated by its outlawing.
Marijuana is nothing really serious especially if not taken in excess thus, marijuana ought to be
legalized. It is not a secret that some of those people who are addicted to cocaine, heroine or other
“heavy” substances began as merely marijuana smokers. The Drug Enforcement Administration
would then have to relax some restrictions on the drug, allowing for a symbolic shift of marijuana
from the strictest possible category. Reducing violence is a key aim of s ociety, as civilians have a
right to be safe, and if legalisation reduces threats of t he events stated above, it does w arrant for
legalisation to proceed (FRAN CIOSI, 2018). Generally, there are many proven ways of how weed
can kill the cancer cells, and you can describe some of them in your paper. First, legalization of
marijuana in the country would reduce the number of people arrested for trafficking marijuana.
However, in the 20th century, most of the countries banned the use of marijuana both as a
recreational and medicinal drug. In many cases, Subbaraman (2014) indicated that marijuana is being
diverted for use in non-medicinal purposes. The medical use of marijuana by human beings was first
time registered in the Chinese pharmacopoeia in 2727 BC. Prepare a project timeline and state targets
you need to achieve during the project. It's the duty of law enforcers to make sure laws regarding
drugs are reformed. There is an increase in the expenses in the judicial system to execute cases of
marijuana sales victims and those who consume the drug. If you want a unique paper, order it from
our professional writers. The report concludes that medical marijuana support is broadcast across
almost all groups of people, including senior conservatives, and is on a trend to continue to grow
(Heimlich 4). Its potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks, and I believe that science can further
lessen the risks given the opportunity to perform research. All of these three parties must take the
responsibility of creating and suggesting systems that provide the government with an assurance that
it will have complete oversight over the processes of production, sales, and distribution (Caulkins et
al., 2015). Nonetheless, even with the contributions of advocates, health institutes, and Congress
opposition is likely to surface. When the drug is legalized, these parents may prefer to begin using it,
and this may act as a crucial source of exposure for the adolescents. Let us write or edit the research
paper on your topic. The social movement that took place during the 1960s and 1970s in the United
States and around the world appeared to represent a changing of the guard, with the old-fashioned
ideas from the past being discarded in favor of more enlightened views concerning human morality
and the place of the government in regulating it. The Legalization of Cannabis could lead to the
emergence of new laws either to counter its usage or to regulate its usage. Astonishingly, eighty-one
percent also agreed that taking cannabis by itself, without opioids, was more effective. Available
from: 1. Sample Essay: Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This would translate to no
effect on the budgetary expenditure and, therefore, create no constrains on the budget. Additionally,
this third clause of the statute will incorporate the need to develop mandatory and comprehensive
strategies to help consumers differentiate between disallowed and harmful marijuana products and
those that are not certified by authorities (Wilkinson et al., 2016). Moreover, this facet will
encompass strict laws to govern marijuana-related adverts. This unfair view of marijuana is clearly
repudiated by the facts, which will. For example, there are many brainstorming techniques you could
choose from such as freewriting, bulleting, mapping, cubing, and breaking down the topic into levels
to write your marijuana legalization argumentative essay. The effect illegal business on the economy
is adverse through reduced revenue collection. What a travesty the day we found out that even our
favorite nutty, sweet spice. Another definition of cannabis found in one of popular Web dictionaries.
If the federal government legalized and regulated the sale of marijuana, the quality of the product
would improve, enormous tax revenues could be generated and a cure for cancer found in a year.
This study suggests a strong possibility in decreasing the chances of addiction to opioid-based drugs
with cannabis use as a supplement or a substitute for the medication. Marijuana Marijuana is defined
as a dry, shredded combination of stems, seeds, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant called
Cannabis Sativa. Marijuana was put in the 1st Schedule, to the drugs with the high potential for
abuse. If the drugs are made legal for individuals over 18 or 21 year old, a market for those under
that age will emerge. On the other hand, opponents of marijuana argue that legalization of marijuana
will not decrease rates, but increase it. This paper proposes the justice of making marijuana legal at a
federal level as a controlled substance while taking 2 standpoints where the drugs benefits is more
than the associated risks and also since there are inconsistencies with the current legal policies on the
issue of marijuana as compared to both legal and illegal drugs that are more dangerous. Conclusion
Marijuana has brought intense debate on many nations on whether it should be legalized or not. The
most important thing about this policy is that it has been formalized as law and if one is caught
having the drug or growing it they will not have any criminal record. More negative stigma is
associated with marijuana usage. II. Furthermore, marijuana usage leads to low performance in
school in part due to increased substance usage and little interest in useful activities in academic and
co-curricular activities. II. In addition to unintended alcoholism that may result from increased
marijuana usage, users are at risks of developing dependency and addiction. Legalization also saves
the government the cost of arrests for possessions of marijuana. This example can be included in
your marijuana legalization argumentative essay as well. Solving problems associated with retail
markets Retail drugs functions in many ways like in private or public spaces, dispersed or
concentrated areas and they may be controlled either by a small group of people or the large group
of people. Contrary to this, criminalising cannabis is portraying the wrong implications. Notably, this
is a huge obstacle in light of the fact that the harms caused by the drug have already been proven
whereas medical benefits are still under trial (Caulkins et al., 2015). Availability of such information,
therefore, indicates that the government will be justified in opposing legalization. This paper presents
a strong argument against the Legalization of marijuana in the United States covering how its
decriminalization will affect individuals and the country as a whole. According to the evidence
threshold quantities must be indicative only and other additional factors such as culpability, harm,
drug dependency, and intention should be considered. Sample Essay: Mark Twain’s The Adventures
of Tom Sawyer (2018). This fact is definitely worth to be included in any argumentative essay on
medical marijuana. Surveys indicated that among the 50 percent of daily users of marijuana
experience withdrawal symptoms upon cessation. People still use marijuana in spite of it being illegal
and the government is spending money on the prohibition of it without earning anything in return,
thus, they must reverse their strategy and earn profits from marijuana and spend most of their time
and resources on chasing the real harmful criminals such as killers, robbers, etc. Anslinger began
using these notions to run a public relations campaign to encourage the passage of the Marijuana Tax
Act of 1937. Increased usage will put users at risk of engaging in unintended and harmful purposes
like alcoholism, increase healthcare costs as well as the number of traffic accidents. This research
paper examines the intake of marijuana as medicines to determine its positive or negative effects in
treatment. The state of California allowed the use of marijuana as a drug in 1996. Furthermore, those
who are convicted are heavily impacted, as having a. Think of a joke, interesting fact, or just a cool
story that could attract readers to the legalization of cannabis essay. Opponents of the legalization of
marijuana argue that marijuana use should be discouraged because it is harmful. Cannabis has been
used in therapeutic purposes for several centuries already, but during the previous century its use
have been strictly limited, as this substance became a subject of misuse and abuse. According to the
organization, rights are a fundamental need in life.

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