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Secondary 1 English Test (December)

Burmese Name: Sai Aung Pyae

English Name: Benjamin
Class Name : Online
Start date: 2023-12-21 14:00
End date: 2023-12-21 14:32

Test passed
Total score: 56% (14/25)
Vocabulary - Score: 66.7% (4/6)
ESL Grammar - 0% (0/3)
Short Answer - 40% (2/5)
ESL Vocabulary - 83.3% (5/6)
Grammar - Score: 60% (3/5)
Grade: C

Question 1/22
Explain two features of persuasive writing with examples .

(descriptive question)

Score: 0/3p.

Question 2/22

Describe two main features of drama scripts

(descriptive question)

Dialogues, every drama script cannot be completed without them.

characters, characters need to be interesting, so the drama won't be boring.

Score: 2/2p.

Secondary 1 English Test (December)

Question 3/22

Choose the correct function for the connectives in each sentence.

Once I had bought a guitar , I practiced every day

A. Present a sequence
B. Qualifying
C. Introducing examples
D. Comparing
E. Adding ideas
F. Summarizing
Score: 1/1p.

Question 4/22

Choose the correct function of the connectives in each sentence

On the whole , the new school uniform is affordable and long lasting

A. Present a sequence
B. Summarizing
C. Comparing
D. Adding ideas
E. Introducing examples
F. Qualifying
Score: 1/1p.

Question 5/22

Choose the correct function of the connectives in each sentence

I played football for my local team in the same way that my father did

A. Comparing
B. Introducing examples
C. Summarizing
D. Adding ideas
E. Present a sequence
F. Qualifying
Score: 0/1p.

Burmese Name: Sai Aung Pyae | English Name: Benjamin | Class Name : Online 2
Secondary 1 English Test (December)

Question 6/22

The function of the colon in the sentence is

The verdict was foregone conclusion : guilty.

A. to introduce list
B. To separate two clauses where the second one explains the first
C. To emphasis a word or a phrase for effect
Score: 0/1p.

Question 7/22

The function of the colon in the given sentence is

The research on holidays is clear: holidays make people happy.

A. To introduce a list
B. To separate two clauses where the second one explains the first
C. To emphasis a word or a phrase for effect
Score: 1/1p.

Question 8/22

Concerning that screen and its oddity. Mrs Zhou said, “Never activate it again.”

In the given sentence, oddity means

A. Uniqueness
B. Strangeness
C. Silliness
Score: 1/1p.

Question 9/22

It is perturbing, Mr Ling. I’ve arranged to have it removed at the end of the day.

In the given sentence, perturbing means

A. Worrying
B. Annoying
C. Dissatisfying
Score: 0/1p.

Burmese Name: Sai Aung Pyae | English Name: Benjamin | Class Name : Online 3
Secondary 1 English Test (December)

Question 10/22

Parents were appalled to learn that the uniform would cost 80, 000 Yens which is three times of the old uniform

In the given sentence , appalled means

A. thinking something is terrible

B. thinking something is expensive
C. thinking something is impossible
Score: 0/1p.

Question 11/22

I started to resent my parents for keeping me away from school as I had no social life.

In the given sentence, resent means

A. thankful
B. angry or upset
C. doutbful
Score: 1/1p.

Question 12/22

Since I have never been to the school before , I am pretty much totally and completely petrified. People think I have never been
to school because of my unusal look

In the given sentence, petrified means

A. nervous
B. anxious
C. frightened
Score: 1/1p.

Question 13/22

Classify the name of outdoor activity.

When you jump off a bridge with a long piece of elastic tied to your feet. What is it ?

A. bungee jumping
B. white water rafting
C. paragliding
Score: 1/1p.

Burmese Name: Sai Aung Pyae | English Name: Benjamin | Class Name : Online 4
Secondary 1 English Test (December)

Question 14/22

What is the following outdoor activity !!

Our instructors will take you down a fast flowing river in one of your inflatable boats. Try ----- with us !!!

A. kayaking
B. canoeing
C. white water rafting
Score: 0/1p.

Question 15/22

The activity which you roll downhill in a big plastic ball is called ---

A. zorbing
B. kayaking
C. bungee jumping
Score: 1/1p.

Question 16/22

When you jump off a rock into a fast flowing stream and then float on your back is called ----

A. canyoning
B. kayaking
C. white water rafting
Score: 1/1p.

Question 17/22

When you jump off a hill with a special parachute that lets you fly quite a long way, a bit like a bird, before you land is called

A. paragliding
B. sky diving
C. parachuting
Score: 1/1p.

Burmese Name: Sai Aung Pyae | English Name: Benjamin | Class Name : Online 5
Secondary 1 English Test (December)

Question 18/22

Listen to the birds signing and the breeze rustling in the breeze of the trees

In the given sentence, rustling means

A. noises made by breeze

B. noises made by leaves
C. noises made by birds
Score: 1/1p.

Question 19/22

The sunlight filters through the scarlet curtain and the scene is so picturesque.

In the given sentence, filters means

A. a big amount of sun rays come through
B. a little amount of sun rays come through
C. no sun ray come through
Score: 1/1p.

Question 20/22

Rearrange and rewrite the sentence

interested ? identifying are in you and animals plants

(descriptive question)

Are you interested in identifying? Plants, and animals, we all can be identified!

Score: 0/1p.

Burmese Name: Sai Aung Pyae | English Name: Benjamin | Class Name : Online 6
Secondary 1 English Test (December)

Question 21/22

Rearrange and rewrite the sentence

you ? dreamed ever of have the cave exploring underground

(descriptive question)

Have you ever dreamed of exploring caves underground?

Score: 0/1p.

Question 22/22

Change the adjectives to appropriate form of adjectives.

Australia is the world's (flat) and (dry) continent .

A. flattest and direst
Possible answers:
flattest, driest; flattest and driest; flattest,driest; flattest , driest; Australia is the world's
flattest and driest continent; Australia is the world's flattest and driest continent.; flattest
/driest; Flattest , driest; flattest/ driest;

Score: 0/1p.

Burmese Name: Sai Aung Pyae | English Name: Benjamin | Class Name : Online 7

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