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Writing a thesis is a daunting task for any student, but when it comes to a topic as complex and

pressing as pollution, the difficulty level increases exponentially. Pollution is a global issue that
affects every living being on this planet, making it a crucial topic to explore and understand.
However, the sheer amount of information and data available on pollution can be overwhelming,
making it challenging to narrow down a specific focus for a term paper.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on pollution is the extensive research required. With
pollution being a multifaceted issue, it is essential to gather information from various sources,
including scientific studies, government reports, and news articles. This can be a time-consuming
and tedious process, especially for students who have other academic and personal commitments.

Another difficulty in writing a pollution term paper is the need for critical thinking and analysis.
Pollution is not a simple topic with a clear-cut solution. It requires a deep understanding of the
causes, effects, and possible solutions, which often involves complex scientific concepts and data
analysis. This can be overwhelming for students who may not have a strong background in
environmental sciences.

Moreover, writing a thesis on pollution also requires excellent writing skills. Students must be able to
articulate their ideas and arguments clearly and concisely, while also ensuring that their paper is well-
structured and follows the appropriate academic writing style. This can be a challenge for those who
struggle with writing or are not familiar with the academic writing conventions.

Considering the difficulties involved in writing a thesis on pollution, it is understandable why many
students may feel overwhelmed and stressed. However, there is a solution that can make the process
much more manageable and less stressful – seeking professional help from a reliable academic
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So, if you are struggling with writing a thesis on pollution, don't hesitate to seek help from ⇒ ⇔. With their professional assistance, you can overcome the challenges and submit
a top-quality term paper that will impress your professors and earn you the grades you deserve.
We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. Therefore, the remedy for air and
water pollution lies in collaborative efforts among the various countries around the world. The major
causes of land pollution are construction, domestic waste, industrial waste and agriculture. To
prevent and mitigate the impact of water pollution, it is essential to implement stricter regulations on
the discharge of industrial and agricultural waste, as well as to use green infrastructure and other
technologies to capture and filter stormwater. The reduction of air pollution calls for a global other
than national legislation since it is a global problem and some nations might be reluctant in making
and implementing the legislations. I submitted it and my professor really appreciated it. A step
towards change must be taken by all and not one. Chlorofluorocarbons also contribute to air
pollution by reducing the ozone layer in the stratosphere. The waste that is dumped on open grounds
from industries or households, contributes to soil pollution. Sulfur dioxide is very harmful for the
humans on high concentration and sulfur in the atmosphere is the main cause of acid rains. Air
pollutants. Human Health. Climate Change. GHGs. Jill, R. “Air Pollution in Beijing Has Made the
City Almost Uninhabitable for Human Beings according to Environmental Study”. Daily Mail. 2014.
Retrieved from. But whythen the Ozone hole is expanding Why Global-Warming is increasing Why
species are, increasingly, afflicted by pollution in it's various forms Let us blame it on businesshouses
and governments. However, the main problem with coal dependency reduction is legislation. In
Beijing this Air Quality Index reaches even 700 which makes all the people in the capital wear
masks. Furthermore, Hill observes that agricultural activities encourage water impairment for streams,
lakes, rivers and estuaries as these water sources are diverted to farm lands (31). Talk about the
future you imagine and how making changes now will help you achieve them in the future. In
addition, excess nutrients can also lead to the growth of harmful bacteria, which can cause serious
illness in humans who consume contaminated water. Reservoirs are built resulting in the loss Of land.
Water pollution is a broad term that is used to depict the pollution related to the saline as well as
fresh water resources. People often underestimate the importance of the ocean. Rising air pollution
causes premature aging and exposure to air toxins will increase the rate of mortality. Chemicals and
heavy metals from industrial and municipal wastewater contaminate waterways as well. We support
you through every step of the way to enable you to make better decisions while saving time and
money. The use of substitute sources of energy including wind and solar can be used in reducing the
emission of green house gases thus reducing global warming. Give us your email address and we’ll
send this sample there. It is an important element in both domestic as well as industrial purposes.
Another area that requires my attention as the Chinese leader is the transportation boom as it
happens to be a potential threat to the air quality in China. The Industrial Revolution saw the increase
in air and also water pollution as argued by Farmer (33). It can also bring down the level of air
pollution to a great extent.
How to Write a University Essay - How to write an essay uk university At university level, it's more
important than ever to approach you. Such sediments could be contaminated such as those flowing
from waste dischargers and runoffs. Should one be in need of using pesticides and chemicals in the
gardens and farms, caution should be taken not to use such chemicals in excess. This is 100% legal.
You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. It is easy to reveal
that Tianjin region and Hebei area both have an expansive number of cement, steel, oil refining and
petrification commercial enterprises that use more than 350 million tons of coal annual. Around 24.5
percent of the PM2.5 in Beijing originates from those enterprises (Experts on Beijing Air Pollution
1). New factories are accelerating the pollution process and degrading not only water but air and
land. To sum it up, all types of pollution are hazardous and have serious consequences. The
advantage of using hydrogen fuel is that it is renewable, and it has zero emissions thus providing for
a cleaner air and reduces the greenhouse gasses emissions. Experts claim that big amount of vehicles,
heavy coal burning in the industry districts around the city, and local construction dust cause air
pollution in the city. If you stretch far enough, you may connect the matter to topics such as the
status of a woman in Islam. All used plastic makes its way into the oceans and land, which causes
excess pollution. Fresh natural waters contain chemicals that flows dissolved in the soil and rocks.
People in many parts of the world are forced to drink polluted water and get diseases such as
cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, etc. Such agreements promote collaborative efforts in ensuring that the
whole world works towards the same course of curbing environmental pollution. For the last thirty
years China has been using a development-at-any-expense tactics to make its economy competitive,
and this has led to serious ecological harm throughout the country. International Legal Framework of
the Right to Health for Refugees. Excessive application of chemicals in the firm can lead to water
contamination, which is a threat to living organisms in the environment. Zhu Tong, a teacher with
Peking University, proposed creating an experimental research information accumulation data base to
examine and track the air pollution level in Beijing and close-by urban areas and territories. Examples
some sources are: factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, oil wells, oil tankers and
agriculture, acid deposition room the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers and
pollutants that enter the water through groundwater. Many permits have numerous exceptions to
emissions.. With over 70 percent of the planet covered by oceans, people have long acted as if these
very bodies of water could serve as a limitless dumping ground for wastes. The pollution has caused
severe damages to the world environment and ecosystem. Some of these gases include nitrous oxide,
carbon dioxide, and methane result from burning of the fossil fuels in motor vehicles (Jeremy 94).
One of the highlights in this native American tribal nation is the presence of public lands that possess
natural sights such as the Ship rock that offers a spectacular view of a ship-shaped rock located in
San Juan country, New. As everyone knows, one of the most serious issues in the world is water
pollution. Different human sources add to the pollution of water. In my opinion, if this matter is not
resolved, our beaches and oceans will soon be labeled dump sites. Water Pollution Aside from the
problem in the atmosphere and the increasing temperatures caused by global warming, a potable and
clean water source is becoming a problem due to the continuous effects of water pollution. Today, air
pollutants have shown a great effect on plantations, health and life, decreasing the enjoyment of
living, rising medical costs, causes global warming and also causes the destruction of the ozone layer.
CFCs are responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer (Jeremy 435). In addition, Herbicides,
pesticides, artificial fertilizers and animal manure are washed into the soil and pollute it.
To prevent and mitigate the impact of water pollution, it is essential to implement stricter regulations
on the discharge of industrial and agricultural waste, as well as to use green infrastructure and other
technologies to capture and filter stormwater. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
What the government plans to doAccording to the new premier, the government will tackle the air
pollution issue by first handling the man-made causes of air pollution. People living in urban areas
suffer from stress-related issues and anxiety due to increased noise pollution. Toxic chemicals
present in the air can Orca wildlife species to move to new place and change their habitat. In fact,
Farmer advocates for use of organic manure instead (181). National Geographic. “Air Pollution.”
2014. Web. 5 Apr. 2014. Sludge can provide phosphorous, potassium supplements and nitrogen for
plant growth. Li Yan, Greenpeace East Asia climate and energy campaign manager underlined that
the country and the city should focus on diminishing the dependence on coal as the major source of
energy and concentrate on renewable energy. It is better to take public transport to reduce vehicular
smoke and emissions. Constant traffic jams provoked by big amount cause the larger part of
emissions. One approach is to implement stricter regulations on the discharge of industrial and
agricultural waste into the water supply. Earlier authorities reported before the society only in terms
of financial and industrial development of the country. Part Two: Sludge disposal There are types of
sludge: industrial sludge, sewage sludge from septic tanks and municipal treatment works (Russo). It
can also bring down the level of air pollution to a great extent. Limited time, we will discuss: Asthma
Ischemic Stroke Otitis Media Myocardial Infarction. Plentiful and clean water ensures the prosperity
of communities. Organic wastes deplete the water of oxygen, which potentially has severe impacts
on the whole ecosystem. One of the most common essay topics is the issue of environmental
pollution. The cost of cleaning up aquifers after a contamination has taken place proves to be
extremely expensive and often the logistics make the operation extremely difficult. For example,
when you write your paper and hit autoformat, our system will automatically update your article as
per the Pollution Research citation style. Effective waste management and the implementation of
sustainable practises are critical in decreasing water and soil pollution and protecting both human
health and natural ecosystems. Chemical use in agriculture contributes to soil pollution, which in turn
leads to broader environmental health issues, such as the proliferation of disease-carrying
mosquitoes. Automobiles are linked particularly to carbon monoxide pollution. To produce 1 ton of
virgin paper, it is estimated that 253 gallons of petrol is used. The added material from sludge
enhances the quality of soil, increases the nutrient and water-holding capacity of gravelly and sandy
soils, increases the water permeability of clay soils, and improves the soil texture. The United Nations
should initiate a Global Action Plan to mobilize the resources and political will to make clean air a
reality worldwide. In this lab, we will be determining the quality of the water at Lewis and Clark
Community College in Godfrey, Illinois. Jill, R. “Air Pollution in Beijing Has Made the City Almost
Uninhabitable for Human Beings according to Environmental Study”. Daily Mail. 2014. Retrieved
from. Directly, pullulated water has been the leading cause of cholera and typhoid. You'll see how
helpful they are and how inexpensive they are compared to other options, Especially for Pollution
Descriptive essays about natureDescriptive essays about nature. The other major reason of severe air
pollution in the region is enormous industrial coal consumption. Pollution and deforestation has
become one of the most ignored aspects of human nature. Air pollution Air pollution is the
introduction of chemicals or biological materials that cause arm to humans or other living organisms,
or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere. The Air
pollution index has been at all-time highs for quite some time. Many environmental researches have
proved that it is because of the rapid growth in technology and other areas of growth that leads to a
massive increase the growth of pollution. In urban areas redevelopment has been a major cause of
forced evictions. However, the situation is unbearable for many Beijing residents even now as almost
all citizens of Beijing seem to be experts in terms of pollution. For the last thirty years China has
been using a development-at-any-expense tactics to make its economy competitive, and this has led
to serious ecological harm throughout the country. Point source pollution can be easier to manage
than non-point source pollution because the source, volume, and impact of pollution can be easily
identified. Another area that requires my attention as the Chinese leader is the transportation boom
as it happens to be a potential threat to the air quality in China. Becoming aware of the many ways
that land becomes polluted, and recognizing the harmful effects of land pollution, is an important
step in understanding how it can be remedied. It is hard to imagine but mobile phone application that
allows measuring the level of air pollution is one of the most popular programs among citizens. The
leading water pollutants include mercury, low dissolved oxygen levels, bacteria and nutrients like
nitrogen and phosphorous. While the most important is to reduce coal utilization in the major
industrial regions of the country. Everyone is effected one way or the other by ocean pollution. It is
through such activities that humans engage in on a day-to-day basis that the world has recorded
immense pollution of air and water with the associated negative effects on the environment and
human health calling for adoption of appropriate prevention and control strategies. Pollution essays
should conclude with practical remedies such as supporting public transit, enforcing noise rules,
encouraging recycling, and planting trees to lessen overall pollution impact. Dioxin1 is an ubiquitous,
inadvertently created during industrial processes such as incineration and pulp bleaching. So to
achieve any serious results the country major leaders must take actions (Jing 1). Specifically, the
paper is aimed at discussing the causes, effects of water pollution, as well as the intervention that
can be used to address the environmental issue. However, why use a template when you can write
your entire manuscript on SciSpace, auto format it as per Pollution Research's guidelines and
download the same in Word, PDF and LaTeX formats. Sulfur dioxide is very harmful for the humans
on high concentration and sulfur in the atmosphere is the main cause of acid rains. You'll see how
helpful they are and how inexpensive they are compared to other options, Especially for Pollution
Research. Writing a dissertation proposal for dummies whole class homework chart air quality
research papers, world bank policy research papers. Scientists claim that the process of returning
northern China to acceptable ecological condition will be very long regardless of the fact that serious
measures are taken now. Shortly after that one of the Information agencies of Beijing published the
report that Wang Anshun, the recently elected mayor of Beijing, who said that authorities had a
preparatory plan to check the level of pollution. This is not an issue for some specific country; it is
important for people across the world to curb the issues related to air pollution. Yet even though
humans recognize this fact, the population has disregarded it by polluting the rivers, lakes, and
oceans of the world. Talk about the future you imagine and how making changes now will help you
achieve them in the future.
International Legal Framework of the Right to Health for Refugees. For a very long time, humans
have unknowingly been polluting water. Other sources of noise pollution are the bursting of crackers,
factory machinery, music played on loudspeakers, etc. Directly, pullulated water has been the
leading cause of cholera and typhoid. Olivia I used to purchase papers from different online writing
services, but I didn't receive what I paid for. There 's three ways that humans pollute the air resulting
in polluting the entire ecosystem. Propaganda essay examplePropaganda essay example grading
rubric literary analysis essay example of an introduction in a research paper examples. The reduction
of air pollution calls for a global other than national legislation since it is a global problem and some
nations might be reluctant in making and implementing the legislations. Air pollutants. Human
Health. Climate Change. GHGs. So the authorities were not able to ignore the problem of pollution
anymore. Proper disposal of waste must be encouraged and everyone must take the initiative of
planting more trees. Cryosphere interaction in the arctic, at high latitudes and mountains with focus
on transport, deposition, and effects of dust, black carbon, and other aerosols. Oil is another major
organic water pollutant, and it leads to a significant reduction of dissolved oxygen DO in various
water bodies. Spacing Writer level Number of pages Timeframe Currency Total price First order
discount 15% Essay on a Pollution Problem Environmental pollution is one of the main threats for
our planet. Scientists claim that the process of returning northern China to acceptable ecological
condition will be very long regardless of the fact that serious measures are taken now. When it is
unfit for its intended use, water is considered polluted. Causes of Death in U.S. 1. Cardiovascular
Disease 2. Cancer. Many do no know that farming is a big contributor to air pollution. The leading
water pollutants include mercury, low dissolved oxygen levels, bacteria and nutrients like nitrogen
and phosphorous. Greenhouse gases are type of gases, which for a long time stay in the atmosphere
thus trapping the sunlight causing global warming (Jeremy 192). The concentration of cars is not
equal as most of them ride in the city center. Sulfur dioxide suspended in the air also reflects light
back from the atmosphere, keeping off sunlight from the earth resulting in cooling. However, the
main problem with coal dependency reduction is legislation. In recent years the demand for
electricity such as thermal power, iron and steel etc has increased rapidly, but with this demand also
comes the problem of air pollution. For example, people should make certain lifestyle changes. These
measures will be in accordance with the main energy safety plan and benefit the ecological state.
Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. Since air pollution has serious effects to the human health as
well as other living organisms, there have been increasing concerns on how to prevent it or at least
mitigate its effects in the world Liu 11. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related
email. Some could be visible such as the smog hanging over in many industrialized cities while some
could be invisible.
A lot of damages have happened to earth 's atmosphere, land, and inhabitants due to pollution.
Ideally, water pollution is one of the major global problems that demands evaluation.. More
awareness should be out there for people to know exactly what we are faced with. Other sources of
nitrogen oxides include fertilizers and animal wastes. Air pollution Institute Air pollution Summary
Riyadh is the capital and one of the major cities of SaudiArabia. Burning of fossil fuels causes the
release of chemicals that mix with water vapor and result in formation of acid rain. There may be
other chemicals with adverse ecological effects that do not last as long as metals do and may
therefore be hard to detect while present. Contaminated from natural elements such as heavy metals
that include lead, arsenic, chromium, selenium and cadmium. It's a silver-white metal found in soil,
water, and foods like almonds and chocolate. CFC’s are produced by the burning of plastic foam
items, leaking refrigerator equipment and spray cans. Willie Frazier Pollution is the contamination of
substances so that they are unfit for an intended use. When the typical structure of air is altered, we
can observe the effects of air pollution. Of serious consequence is the fact that evictions increase the
vulnerability of women to further acts of violence. Categories of indoor pollution Health impacts
Solutions and suggestions (some technical, some not). Agriculture, including commercial livestock
and poultry farming, is the source of many organic and inorganic pollutants in surface waters and
groundwater. If you stay on our website, it means that you agree to our. Examples some sources are:
factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, oil wells, oil tankers and agriculture, acid
deposition room the air, traffic, pollutants that are spread through rivers and pollutants that enter the
water through groundwater. These pose a threat to marine environments and wildlife, however they
are of a substantial enough size to be removed from the water system. Air pollution, a complex
mixture of particles and gases. Waste water A few statistics illustrate the scale of the problem that
waste water chemicals washed down drains and discharged from factories can cause. People in
many parts of the world are forced to drink polluted water and get diseases such as cholera, diarrhea,
dysentery, etc. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Jing, L. “China Unveils
Tough Measures to Combat Air Pollution”. The researcher states that as an environmental science
student, he realized that most of the environmental issues affecting our ecosystem today are as a
result of people trying to find suitable solutions that are short term to improve their environment.
Water pollution is increasing the prevalence rate of various diseases such as cholera, typhoid,
diarrhea, and even cancer. There are controversies over the environmental impacts of these activities
alone. Deterioration of major water bodies occur as chemical wastes and organic pollutants
accumulate in the water bodies and they continue decaying and the nutrient levels in lakes rise thus
supporting a larger number and variety of vegetation. So unless urgent measures to reduce air
pollution are taken, big ecological catastrophe threatens Beijing. Therefore, the knowledge of ground-
wind circulation and potential long-range transports is fundamental not only to evaluate how local or
external sources may affect the air quality at a receptor site but also to quantify it. Zhu Tong, a
teacher with Peking University, proposed creating an experimental research information
accumulation data base to examine and track the air pollution level in Beijing and close-by urban
areas and territories. Humanity has reached in such a phase that pollution can not be stopped at one

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