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Asynchronous Work Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Professor Joselyn Rodríguez

Módulo 4- Empléate Norte G1 y G2

NOTE: Remember to upload all your pieces of evidence in the drive’s file=
asynchronous activity on Tuesday, February 13
p=drive_link ). You will have time from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Read the Instructions for each activity:

Activity 1: Pre-listening vocabulary. Write the following vocabulary in your notebook,

look for the meaning or definition in the dictionary, and write them in your notebook.

Artificial - digital- streaming platform - recommend - researcher

Activity 2: Listening. Listen to the audio about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and fill in
the blanks in the following text.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is any type of __________ that can learn how to do tasks on its
own. Artificial intelligence is starting to become very __________ in everyday life. Phones
and tablets often come with ____________ digital assistants. Streaming platforms use AI to
recommend content to their users. The type of AI we have today is called narrow AI, which
means it can only perform very specific tasks. Researchers are trying to create something
called general AI, which would be able to think and learn like a human. But many scientists
are concerned about the __________ of AI. An extremely intelligent computer would be very
good at accomplishing its ____________, but it might not care very much about human life.

Activity 3: Comprehension questions about the last activity. Answer the following
questions based on the last activity.

1. What is AI?
2. What are some examples of AI?
3. What is narrow AI?
4. What are researchers trying to create?
5. What is called general artificial intelligence?

Activity 4. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text about Chat GPT. Then.
answer the questions below.
Activity 4. Reading Comprehension. Read the following text about Chat GPT. Then.
answer the questions below.

1. What can Chat GPT do?

2. What subjects is it capable of dealing with?

3. Where does it get the information from?

4. Do you think its information are always correct? Why? Why not?

5. Do you think that from now on, we will no longer need books to teach? Why? Why


6. How does it answer when asked if it is going to cut jobs?

7. How does it answer when asked if it is going to cut jobs?

8. Teachers are worried that students will now use this tool to do their homework.
What could teachers do to avoid this?

9. Have you ever used this tool for a job or homework? What did you ask?

10. Were you satisfied with the answer? Why? Why not?
Activity 5: Review modal for necessity HAVE TO


Have to = it is important or mandatory to do something

Don’t have to = it is your choice, you can do it or not.


I have to go to work now.

Today it is Saturday, so you don’t have to wake up early.

Complete the following sentences with have/has to or don’t doesn’t have to.

a) James is a smart guy, he_____________________ (study) a lot!

b) Lorenz and Susan live in a really old house, they _________________ (buy) a new

c) Do you really _________________ (speak) so fast? I _____________ (write down)

every single word!

d) No, you_____________________ (write down) every word I say, just the most
important ideas!

e) Oh, look at the time I_____________(run) or a I’ll loose the train!

f) You___________________(run), the train is going to be delayed.

g) She has a wonderful hair but she _______________________ (wash) it every day.

h) We can share a taxi if you want to. You _________________ (walk) home.

i) Do we ____________________(go) now or can we wait for my sister?

j) We ________________ (wait) for your sister she has the keys!

Activity 6: Imagine It’s Saturday. Write 5 things that you have to do and five things

that you don’t have to do on Saturday.

I have to… I don’t have to …
Activity 7: Reviewing conjunctions.

1. Let’s watch the following video

2. Open the following link or the PDF document that the teacher sent and
complete the activities about FANBOYS.

NOTE: Remember to upload all your pieces of evidence in the drive’s file=
asynchronous activity on Tuesday, February 13
p=drive_link ). You will have time from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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