BLTB Construction Camp & Housing Facilities

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Construction Camp and Housing Facilities

• Site preparation including clearing and land preparation.

Prior to start construction activities at site, site grading, drainage and all other
improvements of area for camping site will be carried out in consultation with
client and demarcation of buildings will be done.

• Provision of services (Power, water supply, sewerage system, road)

All the facilities will be established at the mutually agreed area near the site. All
arrangements will be carried out to maintain existing access routes, Roads and
other services until completion of the works. Block structure & prefabricated
structures accommodation for Staff and labor will be constructed near the
construction site.

• Storage Yards & Site Store

Open storage for Aggregates, Steel storage yards, Site Stores and Chemical
stores will be established at camp site for storage purposes.

• Labor & Staff Accommodations and messing

Accommodation facility for Staff and labor will be arranged in the nearby area. It
will be ensured that all residences fulfill the basic minimum requirements with
separate bathing and messing facilities. Provision of fresh drinking water and
electricity in the accommodation will be ensured.

Furnished accommodation for our staff will also be arranged at the mutually
agreed place near the Construction area.
Residential and office areas will be kept dry and free from dense vegetation,
any collection of water will be sprayed with oil or other anti-malaria liquid,
covered rubbish receptacles will be provided at suitable places in the camps
and cleaned daily, open spaces around the buildings will be swept daily and all
rubbish will be removed.

• Offices, Workshops, First aid, Recreation and shopping facilities

Offices, workshops & First aid facilities for Staff and labor will be established.
All buildings constructed for residential purposes, camps and warehouses will
be prefabricated structures.

All these facilities will be equipped with all the basic requirements of the office
like furniture, computers, photocopier, telephone/fax, stationary etc. All
arrangements will be carried out for provision of drinking water and electricity.

• Construction Equipment assembly preparation

We shall furnish all supervision, labor, materials, equipment and services,

except for work and services specified to be furnished by the Employer and will
perform all work required to install the plant ready for operation. Except for the
work and services and ancillaries specified to be furnished by the Employer,
everything required to complete and put the plant into operation, although not
expressly called for in the specifications, will be performed and furnished by us.
We will provide plant erectors to direct and be responsible for erection, skilled
and unskilled labor and technical / non-technical personnel required for
erection, testing, maintenance & operation.

We will provide equipment for transporting, lifting, handling, supporting, welding,

testing and all other operations necessary for complete installation.

We will make all necessary measures for the protection of plant, erection &
testing equipment and maintenance tools including construction of special
shelters, application of special coverings & coatings and any other means that
may be required.

• Site security plan

We will ensure the security of our site facilities & camp and necessary training
of our staff and labor will be arranged to avoid any mishap. Site will be
completely barricaded. Entry & exit from site will only be through designated
points only. All emergency exits will be kept closed during normal / routine
working. Client’s security procedures will also be followed.

Note: All the facilities will remain the property of Contractor after the completion
of works.

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