2 University time is the best time of our life": Thời đại đại học là thời kỳ tốt nhất trong cuộc đời chúng ta

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1 “Students shouldn’t work part-time”

I do not agree with the view that students should not work part-time. Working part-
time allows students to achieve financial independence by covering tuition and living
expenses. Part-time work can provide students with valuable life skills and experience.
Part-time work offers the opportunity to develop future career-related skills and time
management skills while balancing work and study.

2 University time is the best time of our life” Thời đại đại học là thời kỳ tốt nhất trong
cuộc đời chúng ta

I agree that college years are truly the best time of our lives. At university, you have the
opportunity to acquire knowledge and hone a variety of skills that are beneficial for both
your career and personal life. The college experience opens up avenues for connecting
with friends and building relationships that can be valuable in the future. University life
allows us to experience independence and personal growth, apply theoretical knowledge
into practice and develop life skills.

3 The Internet is harmful to students

I do not agree that the Internet is harmful to students.

The Internet provides students with access to vast amounts of information, facilitating
research and learning. The Internet has transformed education through online courses,
providing flexibility in learning and the ability to access educational materials from
anywhere. Using the internet can help students develop online learning skills. The
Internet is harmful to students depending on how it is used. When used responsibly and
purposefully, the Internet can be a powerful tool for education and personal development.

5 Students shouldn’t use a smartphone during class time

I agree Students shouldn’t use a smartphone during class time. Using a phone during
class can disrupt students' focus. Checking messages, accessing social media, or playing
games in class can have an impact on both teachers and students. Using phones in class
can reduce interaction with teachers and students. Students may miss important content
during class, affecting the quality of learning.

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