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English Journal Of Education and Literature

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Analysis Off Reading Comprehension Difficulties In SMP N2 Pagelaran

Rika Oktaviani¹, Ratnawati2, Novitasari³
1University of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung
2University of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung
3 University of Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung

The problem of this study is students have difficulty reading comprehension. The main purpose
of this study is to explain and find out the difficulties of students reading texts in SMP N 2
Pagelaran. The researcher used descriptive research with quantitative approach to describe. The
population in this reserch at SMP N 2 Pagelaran. The sample of this research is class 9. A with 26
student. Researcher used random sampling technique. Based on the analysis above, the
researcher found three problems in reading comprehension, first the students had problems in
reading because of vocabulary knowledge. Students who do not have a lot of vocabulary have
difficulty reading. The second problem students have in reading texts is long texts, where
students have difficulty finding and reading long texts, this makes them not interested in reading
and not careful in finding the main ideas of reading texts. The last student problem in reading
texts is reading strategies, where students who read texts are students who have not read

Keywords: reading comprehension

Reading is one of the four language skills that should be mastered well by the students besides other skill such as
writing, speaking, and listening. Reading can improve students’ ability to add the knowledge. For example student
can reading a book, journal, newspaper, magazine or article make students know everything that they want to know.
For especially in reading comprehension, students should know about topic, main idea, and supporting
details . it can help them to get information because student have to identify the topic, main idea and supporting in

Beside on interview that was conducted to teacher in SMP N 2 Pagelaran, it was found that in teaching and learning
reading studenent feel difficult. Some factor that like student’s not understanding reading strategy, low vocabulary,
and not intresed when learning reading. The teacher also said the some students got the low score ranging 40 until
70. The teacher said that the students get low score in the daily test. In daily test, the students get wrong answer in
some items of question about reading test.

Furthermore, the students said that they feel difficult and also do not understand when the teacher gives them the
reading text. And the researcher asked about the material about the reading text had been taught or not, and the
students said yes. The students also said they are lazy to read the long text and the students also uttered that they do
not know some vocabularies in the text, that make them confused to understand the story.

According to Yusuf & Enesi, (2011) reading is a key skill for students. Without reading the text, students cannot get
function efficiently and successfully in the world. From reading, the students learn anything about what they should
know. In reading comprehension students need as a readers, beside o the goal in reading comprehension. And also
student expected should add their experience, as a good reader . It means that readers need process to constructing
meaning about a text. So, if reader will to get information also must to more read text that comprehend and
understand will be good.

Furthermore, Shehu (2015) state that problems on students’ reading comprehension; vocabulary, working memory,
absence of extensive reading, type of text. The problems make students difficult in finding the meaning of the words
and the sentences. They also faced difficulties to understanding the content of the texts. This is also supported by
statements (Supiah, 2021) the main problem of students’ difficulties reading comprehension such as vocabulary
knowledge, sentence length when they read, poor reading strategy. The effect of this problem make the students
cannot understand. It can be concluded, when the students read the text, the students get the problems in reading
comprehension. The researcher analyzed and found about the students’ problems in
reading comprehension.
The researcher used descriptive research with quantitative approach to describe. The population in this reserch at
SMP N 2 Pagelaran. The sample of this research is class 9. A with 26 student. Researcher used random sampling
technique. Researcher used the questionaire and interview.
The data collected from some procedures. First, the researcher gave the questionnaire to respondents, and then the
respondents answered the questionnaire. After the respondents answer the questionnaire, researcher
interview respondents. Then the researcher analyzed the data. After that the researcher analyzed the data.
Percentage in questionnaire will be measured by the formula above. The percentage have gotten from the (f) as
a frequency from the answers of students’ problems and (n) as a sum of frequency. From the percentage, the
researcher got the students’ difficulties in reading comprehension.

result and discussion

The main purpose of this study is to explain and find out the difficulties of students reading texts in SMP N 2
Pagelaran. Based on questionnaires and interviews, the researchers received information about
Students have difficulty reading comprehension.
The researchers identified the students' problems as they read the text. The study titled "Reading comprehension
difficulties in SMP 2 Pagelaran" was divided into three indicators: lexical knowledge, text length, and reading
strategies. There are 10 sub-indicators, which the researchers grouped into 3 indicators. There is knowledge of
vocabulary, text length, and reading strategies. This can be seen in the results of the questionnaire and interview
responses. According to journal explanation by Supiah (2021), students still face difficulties in reading comprehension
due to low vocabulary skills, reading sentence length, poor reading strategies.

The student's problem can be described as follows:

1. Vocabulary knowledge
Report 1 in this metric is
"If I don't know the meaning of a certain word in a certain part, I will look it up in the dictionary or ask the teacher the
meaning of the word." According to the survey results, 22 people "strongly agree" (84.6%), and 2 people "agree"
( 7.7%), "disagree" 1 person (3.8%), 1 person (3.8%) completely disagree. In addition, 22 (84.6%) of the students
strongly agreed with the results of the above calculations when they did not know the meaning of the words, such as
reading books, looking up the dictionary, or asking the teacher. Therefore, the results for the first question indicate
that the students have difficulty in reading comprehension because they are confused when interpreting the sentences.

Statement 2 of this sub-indicator of the questionnaire is "Lack of vocabulary makes it difficult for me to interpret the
text word for word", so I have difficulty finding the main ideas in the reading text "Outcome-based
In the questionnaire, 22 students (84.6%) voted "totally agree", 2 students (7.7%) voted "agree", 1 student (3.8%)
voted "disagree", and 1 student (3.8%) voted “Strongly disagree”. Additionally, 22 of the above calculations (84.6%)
mostly agreed when a lack of vocabulary knowledge made it difficult for students to interpret the text word for word.
According to the results of the second statement, it is explained that the students' difficulty in reading comprehension
is due to their lack of vocabulary, which makes it difficult for students to find the central idea of the text.

Statement 3 in this sub-indicator questionnaire is "It is difficult for me to understand a text if I do not understand the
meaning of a word or sentence". According to the results of the questionnaire, 20 people (76.9%) "strongly agree", 4
people (15.4%) "agree", 2 people (7.7%) "disagree", and 0 people (0%) completely disagree. As a result of the above
sub-indicators, 20 students indicated that they strongly agreed with the difficulties in understanding the text. Based on
the results of the third statement, it is explained that the students' difficulty in reading comprehension is due to their
lack of vocabulary.

2. Text length
Book Statement 1
The indicator questionnaire is "The text is too long for me to understand what I read". Among the above statements,
13 students (50%) said they "strongly agree", 12 students (46.2%) "agree", 1 student (3.8%) "disagree", 0 students
"disagree" (0% ). Disagree at all". The result for this sub-indicator is that 13 (50%) students felt that the length of the
text made it difficult for them to understand what they read.
Statement 2 in the sub-indicator questionnaire is "The length of the text makes me not interested in reading". Based on
this, there are 10
Students (38.5%) chose “totally agree”, 11 students (42.3%) chose “agree”, 4 students (15.4%) chose “disagree”, 1
student (3, 8%) chose “totally disagree ". The result of this sub-indicator is that 11 (42.3%) of the text did not arouse
their interest in reading.

Statement 3 of the sub-indicators of this questionnaire is "The length of the text makes it difficult for me to retell the
contents of what I have read". Based on the statement above, 10 students (38.5%) stated that they strongly agreed, 10
students (38.5%) agreed, 5 students (19.2%) stated that they did not agree and 1 student (3.8%) stated that they
strongly don't agree. As a result, 10 students each chose strongly agree and agree. There is a sell in this section of the
sub-indicator. 10 students strongly agreed that long sentences prevented them from repeating what they had read. In
contrast, 10 students agreed that long sentences prevented them from repeating what they had read. Statement 4 in
subadvertising indicator is "the length of the text challenges me to find the main idea in the reading". From the
statement above, there were 12 students (46.2%) chose to strongly agree, 9 students (34.6%) chose to agree, 5 students
(19.2%) chose to disagree, and 0 students (0%) chose to strongly disagree. The agreed results of this sub-indicator
were 12 (46.2%) that the length of the text made it difficult for them to find the main idea in the reading.

3. Reading strategy Statement 1 in the indicator sub-questionnaire is "When I read a text I underline or help important
information in the text so I can remember that information". From the statement above, there were 9 students (34.6%)
chose to strongly agree, 14 students (53.8%) chose to agree, 2 students (7.7%) chose to disagree, and 1 student (3.8%)
chose totally disagree. The results of this sub-indicator were 14 (53.8%) students underlined important information in
the text.

Statement 2 in this sub-indicator questionnaire is “I take notes while reading to help me understand what I read”. From
the statement above, there were 12 students (46.2%) chose to strongly agree, 12 students (46.2%) chose to agree, 0
students (0%) chose to disagree, and 2 students (7.7%) chose to strongly disagree. agree. The result is that there are 12
students who choose strongly agree and agree. There is a sell in this section of the sub-indicator. 12 students strongly
agreed. Instead, 10 students agreed to take notes to help them understand the meaning of the text.

Statement 3 in this sub-indicator questionnaire is “I looked through the text to find out what it was about before
publication”. Based on this statement, 12 students (46.2%) chose to strongly agree, 10 students (38.5%) chose to
agree, 3 students (11.5%) chose to disagree, and 1 student (3.8%) chose very don't agree. don't agree. result of thisthe
sub-indicator was 12 (46.2%) they saw the entire text before publication.

Based on the analysis above, the researcher found three problems in reading comprehension, first the students had
problems in reading because of vocabulary knowledge. Students who do not have a lot of vocabulary have difficulty
reading. The second problem students have in reading texts is long texts, where students have difficulty finding and
reading long texts, this makes them not interested in reading and not careful in finding the main ideas of reading texts.
The last student problem in reading texts is reading strategies, where students who read texts are students who have
not read strategies.

The design of this study is a design that aims to obtain analytical evidence of students' reading skills in class IX SMP
N2 Pagelaran for the population. The sample of this research is class 9A with 26 student. Research used random
sampling technique. Researcher used the questionaire and interview. The researcher used descriptive research with
quantitative approach to describe.

The analysis students'can be describe as vocabulary knowledge, text length, and reading strategi with the following
results, Statement 3 in this sub-indicator questionnaire is "It is difficult for me to understand a text if I do not
understand the meaning of a word or sentence". According to the results of the questionnaire, 20 people (76.9%)
"strongly agree", 4 people (15.4%) "agree", 2 people (7.7%) "disagree", and 0 people (0%) completely disagree. As a
result of the above sub-indicators, 20 students indicated that they strongly agreed with the difficulties in understanding
the text. Based on the results of the third statement, it is explained that the students' difficulty in reading
comprehension is due to their lack of vocabulary.
Statement 3 of the sub-indicators of this questionnaire is "The length of the text makes it difficult for me
to retell the contents of what I have read". Based on the statement above, 10 students (38.5%) stated that
they strongly agreed, 10 students (38.5%) agreed, 5 students (19.2%) stated that they did not agree and 1
student (3.8%) stated that they strongly don't agree. As a result, 10 students each chose strongly agree
and agree. There is a sell in this section of the sub-indicator. 10 students strongly agreed that long
sentences prevented them from repeating what they had read. In contrast, 10 students agreed that long
sentences prevented them from repeating what they had read. Statement 4 in subadvertising indicator is
"the length of the text challenges me to find the main idea in the reading". From the statement above,
there were 12 students (46.2%) chose to strongly agree, 9 students (34.6%) chose to agree, 5 students
(19.2%) chose to disagree, and 0 students (0%) chose to strongly disagree. The agreed results of this sub-
indicator were 12 (46.2%) that the length of the text made it difficult for them to find the main idea in the

Statement 3 in this sub-indicator questionnaire is “I looked through the text to find out what it was about
before publication”. Based on this statement, 12 students (46.2%) chose to strongly agree, 10 students
(38.5%) chose to agree, 3 students (11.5%) chose to disagree, and 1 student (3.8%) chose very don't
agree. don't agree. result of thisthe sub-indicator was 12 (46.2%) they saw the entire text before

Based on the analysis above, the researcher found three problems in reading comprehension, first the
students had problems in reading because of vocabulary knowledge. Students who do not have a lot of
vocabulary have difficulty reading. The second problem students have in reading texts is long texts, where
students have difficulty finding and reading long texts, this makes them not interested in reading and not
careful in finding the main ideas of reading texts. The last student problem in reading texts is reading
strategies, where students who read texts are students who have not read strategies.

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