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Weeks 1

Trae Weeks


English 12

The Role of a Pastor: An Annotated Bibliography

Global Methodist Church. Global Methodist Church Candidacy Guidebook. First ed., Global

Methodist Church, 2023.

The Global Methodist Candidacy Guide is a tool for people who are interested in

ministry. It covers topics such as leadership, discipleship, and how to know that you have

been called by God. It says that overall everyone is called to ministry in some way but

sometimes God calls certain people to help lead the rest. This is beneficial to my research

on the roles and expectations of a pastor because it step by step describes the process of

becoming a minister. The Guide also describes what leadership is and how it should look

in the church as well as your community. It overall tells us that everything a pastor does

should honor God in some way. This source is credible because it is biblically based and

has a writing team of multiple pastors. All of the pastors involved in writing the book

have been in ministry for years.

The Holy Bible. New International Version ed., Biblica.

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The Holy Bible is the word of God and gives us all the information we need to be

servants to Christ on earth. The old testament talks about the time before Jesus and the

buildup for the reason we need a savior. The New Testament talks about the life of Christ

and how we should live our lives now that Christ has died for our sins. The bible is the

word of God and as such all of his leaders in his church need to base their entire life on it.

The two books in the bible that particularly stick out to the roles of the church leader

though are Titus and 1 Timothy. Paul wrote letters to both of these people because God

was using them in the church. Paul explains to them what their role should be and how

they should act as leaders of the church which is useful for my paper. This holy Bible is

reliable because it is the word of God and all christianity beliefs steem from it. From a

secular point of view it is reliable because the people who base their life on it tend to be

more joyful and successful.

Stillwater Church. “Contemporary Service - February 4, 2024.” Youtube, 4 February 2024, Accessed 8

February 2024.

Stillwater Church hosted a next gen sunday in which the younger followers of Christ

were given the opportunity to run the service. I (Trae Weeks) was able to preach that day

and show what I have learned from my Mentor Pastor Mike Hoppe. The Message goes

into idols and how God should be placed above everything we desire. This will be

beneficial for my research paper because it was hands-on one of the roles of a pastor.The

ability to be able to publicly speak and put your faith to test by doing something
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uncomfortable is shown. This is important for my paper because it shows trying

something new and being a little uncomfortable. As pastors ,and more importantly

christians, we are called to be uncomfortable sometimes in order to grow and follow

Christ better. This source is credible because it's from a trusted church and has been

approved by a pastor himself (Pastor Mike Hoppe). The church is trusted for their

ministries and the many things they do for the community such as their large food pantry.

Weeks, Trae. “Mentor Interview Stillwater Church.” YouTube, Trae Weeks, 27 October 2023, Accessed 8 February 2024.

This source was an interview between me and my mentor. We discussed things such as

the life of a pastor, the work/home balance of a pastor, and the personal faith of a pastor.

There were many questions that were all extremely summarized due to a time constraint

but all questions point to pastors and their ability to just trust God. This interview will be

important for my research paper because it answers all of the questions for my paper. The

questions were answered by a trustworthy source and gave explanations to expectations

of pastors. The source also once again refers to the most important part of being a pastor

which is a relationship between Man and God. This source is credible because it comes

from a pastor of multiple years. This pastor also has a doctorate degree.

Works Cited
Weeks 4

Global Methodist Church. Global Methodist Church Candidacy Guidebook. First ed., Global

Methodist Church, 2023.

The Holy Bible. New International Version ed., Biblica.

“Ministry Life: The Pastor’s Family.” The Set-Apart Walk, 4 February 2022, Accessed 26 February


“Obedience to the Holy Spirit – He Has You.” He Has You, 1 December 2019, Accessed 26 February


Snelgar, Robin J., et al. “Preventing Compassion Fatigue Among Pastors.” Psychology and

Theology, vol. 45, no. 4, 2017, pp. 247-260. Gale. Accessed 4 March 2024.

Stillwater Church. “Contemporary Service - February 4, 2024.” Youtube, 4 February 2024, Accessed 8

February 2024.

Weeks, Trae. “Mentor Interview Stillwater Church.” YouTube, Trae Weeks, 27 October 2023, Accessed 8 February 2024.

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