What Impact Do Global Linkages Have On Forms and C

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Tolentino, Jovan C.


1. What impact do global linkages have on forms and consumers?

 Global linkages significantly impact firms and consumers by expanding market access,
increasing competition, diversifying products and services, providing access to resources, and
facilitating technological advancements. Firms can access larger markets beyond their
domestic boundaries, increasing their customer base and revenue potential. This competition
forces firms to innovate and improve their products and services. Global linkages also
provide access to a wider range of resources, such as raw materials, labor, and capital, which
can reduce costs and improve efficiency. Technological advancements are also facilitated by
global linkages, allowing firms to adopt new technologies and improve processes. For
consumers, global linkages offer access to a wider range of products and services, lower
prices, improved quality, and increased innovation. Overall, global linkages shape the way
businesses operate and the choices available to consumers in the global marketplace.

2. Describe some opportunities and challenges in international marketing created by

new advances in information technology.
 Advancements in information technology offer opportunities in international marketing, such
as global reach, targeted marketing, cost efficiency, and improved communication. However,
challenges include cultural differences, legal and regulatory issues, increased competition,
and data security risks. Cultural differences, complex data protection laws, and increased
competition can be challenging for firms to adapt to. Despite these challenges, new
information technology provides significant opportunities for firms to expand their
international marketing efforts.

3. Using World Trade Organization data (http://www.wto.org), identify the following (a)
top ten exporting and importing countries in world merchandise trade and (b) top ten
exporting and importing countries of commercial services.
 The country with the highest value of imports in the world is the United States, followed by
China and Germany.Countries that are also on the list and whose import value does not
exceed the US $ 1,000B are Japan, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Hong
Kong, South Korea, and Italy. Second and third place went to the United States and
Germany.Countries that are also on the list and whose export value does not exceed US $
1,000B are the Netherlands, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, France, and Belgium.
The United States, China, and Germany are the world's leading powers in terms of
production, capital, and consumption.

4. Please compare the top 10 exporting countries to each other. Highlight similarities
and differences, considering factors such as geographic location, population, Gross
Domestic Product, and inflation.
 The top 10 exporting countries are ranked based on factors such as geographic location,
population, GDP, and inflation. China is the world's largest exporter, with a population of
over 1.4 billion people. The United States is the second-largest exporter globally, with a
population of around 331 million people. Germany is the third-largest exporter, with a
population of around 83 million people. Japan is the fourth-largest exporter, with a
population of around 126 million people. The Netherlands is the fifth-largest exporter, with a
population of around 17 million people. South Korea is the sixth-largest exporter, with a
population of around 52 million people. Hong Kong (China) is the seventh-largest exporter,
with a population of around 7.5 million people. France is the eighth-largest exporter, with a
population of around 67 million people. Italy is the ninth-largest exporter, with a population
of around 60 million people. The United Kingdom is the tenth-largest exporter, with a
population of around 67 million people.

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