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Name : Cantika Amelia

NIM : F1021211054

Class : A1+

Subject : Research on ELT

Major : English Educational Study Program

Faculty : Teacher training and Educational

Lecturer :


1. Identification of the problem

Problem: Students have a low interest in improving their speaking skills.
Solution: Using English movies
Topic: Utilizing English Movies to Foster Grade VIII Students’ Speaking skill

2. Development of research questions

- Participants: English teachers and one class of grade VIII
- Question of data collection:
 Teachers: The questions that were asked cover the teacher’s opinion about the
students‟ interest in English subject, the media that were used to support the
teaching and learning process, and the teacher’s opinion about the students‟
English skill competencies, especially in speaking skill competence.
 Students: observation towards the class situation and the student’s behaviors.

3. Determine the research approach

 Approach: Descriptive qualitative approach

4. Select data collection methods

Method: Classroom action research, qualitative and quantitative method
Data collection: Interview, observation, documentation, pre-test, and post-test

5. Determine data analysis techniques

The data analysis consists of four components:
(1) Data Collection. They were in the form of raw data taken from the research such as
questionnaires, documentation, interview, and test results.
(2) Data Reduction. After the data were all collected, it was needed to classify all the
data by making a summary.
(3) Data Display. After the researcher classified the data the next step was displaying the
data in the form of a description so that it can totally more understandable and also can
form the conclusion to do the next analysis.
(4) Conclusion: drawing/verification.

6. Implement the action plan

- Finding and discussion
- Result

7. Reflect on the process

- Conclusion
- References

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