Script Pembelajaran Analytical Exposition

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Good Morning, Students. How are you? Glad to see you guys again in this meeting. Then, before
we start our meeting, let’s pray together. Pray begin.


Let me check the attendant list.

Good job, students. There is no one absent today.

Okay, guys. I will give you an audio about what we have to learn in this meeting. I hope you all
listen it carefully. (


After you listen the audio, can someone tell me what general topics that we want to learn today?

(Nandhe) Hm.. Is it about drugs, miss?

Yes, true. What drugs are about?

(Nandhe) Drugs abuse, miss.

Great, nandha. You’are doing right.

Then, do you guys have known about Analytical Exposition?

(Semuanya) No, miss.

It’s okay. Thank you, students. because you don't know at all about Analytical Exposition, so we
are gonna learn about that topic together. Jadi setelah pembelajaran hari ini selesai, kalian
diharapkan dapat menangkap makna dalam teks eksposisi analitis tentang topik yang hangat
dibicarakan umum, and the hottest topic today is Drug Abuse.

I will show you guys a video about Analytical Exposition. Please listen and watch it carefully.
Okay everyone, you have listened and watched an explanation video about Analytical
Exposition. I will attach the video on our whatsapp group so you can see it again for about 5
minutes, to make sure you guys have understood.
Now, Prepare youself I want ask you questions.
Salsadilla, what is analytical exposition?
(Caca) Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about phenomenon
Good, salsadilla. Next, devi, What is the function of Analytical Exposition?
(Devi) The function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter, and to
analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to support it.
Great, Devi. How about iyas, what are generic structure of analytical exposition?
(Iyas) There are 3 parts, miss. Thesis, argument and reiteration.
Nice, Iyas. The last question is.. Mention 2 characterictic of Analytical Exposition! Thea?
(Thea) Using Relational Process and Using Internal Conjunction, miss.
Good job! Thank you Salsadila, Devi, Iyas And Thea. Now, we will do an assignment before we
have group discussion, I have attached the file task to the WhatsApp group. First, you listen to
the audio that I gave and then fill in the blanks on the worksheet according to what you heard in
the audio. Are you ready, students?
(Students) Ready, miss.
(Audio dinyalakan)
(Audio dimatikan )
Who wants to answer number 1?
(Lia) Me, miss.
Sure, Lia.
(Lia) In terms of health

Good job, Is it true students? Or anyone has another answer?

(All) True, miss.

Good, Who wants next?

(Thea) Me! The answer is Furthermore

Nice. Number three, Nandha?

(Nandha) Yes, miss. Number three is Nation expectation.
Great, nandha. Who wants to answer number 4?
(Caca) May I?
Of course.
(Caca) 32 percent of drugs users
Amazing! The last? Devi maybe?
We must pay attention of drugs
You are doing well, students. Thank you so much for your answers. Great, you can look for
others example about Analytical Exposition and the topic is Drug Abuse for improving your
knowledge. You can do it by yourself or discussing with your friends in whatsapp group. I will
give you 10 minutes to explore more about Analytical Exposition .
Time is finished. So guys, do you guys have questions?
(All) No, miss.
If no one ask, let me ask for a little. What have we learnt today?
(All) Analytical Exposition.
Good, What is Analytical Exposition?
(All) Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about phenomenon
What are generic structure of analytical exposition?
(All) There are 3 parts, miss. Thesis, argument and reiteration.
Oke, students. Alright, I think you all have understood about this topic. And.. also, this is the end
of our lesson. Thank you for joining this meeting, hope you all understand what we have learn
For your homeworks, I will share another audio and answer sheet about the same topics and you
should also fill in the blank. The deadline is in the next meeting.
(All) Yes, miss.
Okay, students. Stay safe and stay healthy.
Study hard, students. Good bye. See you on next meeting.

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