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In my imagination, I have seen the resemblance of Ramna Park for a nature walk
with my friends. The environment around me made me feel lively, calm, and
peaceful. The greenery, open sky, lake view, and the natural sounds created a
soothing atmosphere. My eyes and ears were pleased to hear the chirping of birds
while walking along the pathways of Ramna. I enjoyed the walk with my buddies very
much. The nature walk also evoked a sense of nostalgia and reminded me of my visit
to Sajek Valley. The flowers, greenery, and birds of the gardens of Sajek come to my
mind whenever I go out for a morning walk at Ramna Park. There were moments
when I felt deeply connected and intertwined with nature, especially when observing
the restlessness of squirrels running, climbing trees, and eating fruits. These
moments evoke my old childhood memories. Spending time under the shade of
nature can greatly influence our well-being and perspective on life. The positive vibe
and energy that emanate from the green fields and trees have a profound impact on
our perspective on worldly matters, thoughts, and opinions. In a nutshell, spending
time close to nature and enjoying its beauty can help us build a positive attitude and
mindset towards any challenges in our life.
Here are the answers to the questions of Step 4:

1. In my imagination, I have seen the resemblance of Ramna Park for a nature walk
with my friends. The environment around me made me feel lively, calm and
peaceful. The greenery, open sky, lake view and the natural sounds created a
soothing atmosphere. My eyes and ears were pleased to hear the chirping of
birds and while walking by the pathways of Ramna. I enjoyed the walk with my
buddies very much.

2. Yes, the nature walk evoked a sense of nostalgia and reminded me of my visit to
Sajek Valley. The flowers, greenery and birds of the gardens of Sajek comes into
my mind whenever I go out for a morning walk at Ramna Park.

3. Absolutely, there were some moments when I feel myself deeply connected and
intricated with nature. Among these are when I get to see the restlessness of the
squirrels running here and there, climbing up the trees and eating fruits. These
moments make me recall my old childhood memories.

English 1
4. Spending time under the shade of nature can greatly influence our well-being
and perspective on life. The positive vibe and energy that derives from the green
fields and trees create a great impact on our perspective to the worldly matters,
thoughts and opinions. In a nutshell, spending time close to nature and enjoying
its beauty can help us to build a positive attitude and mindset towards any
challenges of our life.

English 2

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